加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民保守党急不可耐想要C38通过,以避免夜长梦多。NDP正在就此施加压力


http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/...nt-budget-bill-split-up#.T6gRzs3ww3I.facebook OTTAWA―Calling the Conservatives’ sweeping budget legislation a “Trojan horse” that will change laws for a generation, the New Democrats are formally asking the federal government to break up the 400-page bill.NDP House Leader Nathan Cullen said his party is putting forward a motion in Parliament to have the government split up the legislation into sections that can be examined by Commons committees and voted on separately.“It is inappropriate to put so many sweeping changes to so many different areas in the budget bill,” Cullen told the media Monday. “A bad budget lasts a year. These implementations will last perhaps a generation.”The bill to implement the March 29 budget is one of the longest pieces of omnibus legislation brought in by the Conservatives. It contains changes to dozens of federal statutes, including laws on environmental protection, Employment Insurance, border security, immigration, pensions, national parks, foreign aid, fisheries and other initiatives.The NDP would like the legislation broken up into at least five sections. Despite being a budget bill, a significant portion of Bill C-38 touches on environmental rules, Cullen noted.The Harper government has so far brushed aside calls to split up the legislation into smaller pieces. And last week, the Conservatives used their majority in the Commons to pass a motion limiting second reading debate on Bill C-38 in order to have the budget plan passed before MPs leave Ottawa in June for the summer.Conservative House Leader Peter Van Loan said the NDP is just stalling. The “proposal by the NDP is just another attempt to delay this important job-creating bill. The NDP’s opposition is simply an ideological response to the budget which they opposed from the moment it was introduced,” Van Loan said in a statement.The NDP motion to break up Bill C-38 is unlikely to pass, given the Conservative majority in the Commons. Cullen wouldn’t say what the NDP will do if the current move fails. In the past, the NDP has used filibusters to slow passage of legislation by the Harper government.Details on how the budget changes would affect Canadians have not been provided on some measures in the legislation. For example, the government intends to bring in regulations that will toughen Employment Insurance rules that may compel EI recipients to take jobs they might previously have considered unacceptable. However, Human Resources Minister Diane Finley has yet to explain how EI will be altered once the budget bill passes.NDP finance critic Peggy Nash compared Bill C-38 to a Trojan horse. “We keep discovering things in this bill,” she told reporters. It “concentrates power in the hands of (cabinet) ministers in an unprecedented way and takes away oversight in a number of areas,” she added.“The consequences of this bill have not been made fully clear, that’s why we want to examine it further,” Nash said. “Canadians don’t want us to be voting blind.”

回复: 保守党急不可耐想要C38通过,以避免夜长梦多。NDP正在就此施加压力NDP把C38法案称为木马病毒,C38把几十个不相干内容捆绑在一起,是想让其中不可告人的阴险法律蒙混过关。 NDP向国会提议把C38分成至少5部分,每一部分都详细解读,好让民众明白这些法律是怎么回事,可是保守党利用多数党的优势,强制推行此恶法,而且不给时间让议员和民众了解详情。 由于保守党的多数席位,NDP此项提议最终通过的机会渺茫。

回复: 保守党急不可耐想要C38通过,以避免夜长梦多。NDP正在就此施加压力87.3 (1) An instruction may, if it so provides, apply in respect of pending applications or requests that are made before the day on which the instruction takes effect.(2) For greater certainty, an instruction given under paragraph (3)(c) may provide that the number of applications or requests, by category or otherwise, to be processed in any year be set at zero.87.4 (1) An application by a foreign national for a permanent resident visa as a member of the prescribed class of federal skilled workers that was made before February 27, 2008 is terminated if, before March 29, 2012, it has not been established by an officer, in accordance with the regulations, whether the applicant meets the selection criteria and other requirements appli-cable to that class.(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an application in respect of which a superior court has made a final determination unless the determination is made on or after March 29, 2012.(3) The fact that an application is terminated under subsection (1) does not constitute a decision not to issue a permanent resident visa.(4) Any fees paid to the Minister in respect of the application referred to in subsection (1) including for the acquisition of permanent resident status must be returned, without interest, to the person who paid them. The amounts payable may be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.(5) No person has a right of recourse or indemnity against Her Majesty in connection with an application that is terminated under subsection (1).

回复: 保守党急不可耐想要C38通过,以避免夜长梦多。NDP正在就此施加压力以上是C38关于移民的部分,部长可以随时用新标准审理旧案,可以把移民案件随时清零,被随时作废掉的案子无权要求赔偿。随便看两眼,就觉得这是史上最无耻最黑暗的移民法。

回复: 保守党急不可耐想要C38通过,以避免夜长梦多。NDP正在就此施加压力至少NDP提的还是比较合理的要求。的确400多页的议案,就那么1个多月,1、2个委员会来审议,是不怎么合理。况且预算案里附加的内容的确太多,不光是预算本身的事情。不过保守党在议会里占有多数席位,NDP的动议会不会被议会接受,并不乐观。现在加拿大的民主体制是比较黑暗。

回复: 保守党急不可耐想要C38通过,以避免夜长梦多。NDP正在就此施加压力在议会拥有多数席位是万恶之源

回复: 保守党急不可耐想要C38通过,以避免夜长梦多。NDP正在就此施加压力这是加拿大的政治问题,听天由命。希望他们能给91的同学好的交代。点击展开... 其实他们更需要给他们现在的公民一个交代! 给加拿大的子孙后代一个交代! 给历史一个交代! 这部恶法通过,保守党将永远被钉在民主的耻辱柱上!

超赞 其实他们更需要给他们现在的公民一个交代! 给加拿大的子孙后代一个交代! 给历史一个交代! 这部恶法通过,保守党将永远被钉在民主的耻辱柱上!点击展开...如果真的通过,91就是一群冤死鬼

When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6. 超赞 赏 军 军情观察室 0$(VIP 0) 2682012-05-08#10 回复: 保守党急不可耐想要C38通过,以避免夜长梦多。NDP正在就此施加压力过几年新民党上台,又重新开放移民,91真冤啊,投北京早就登陆了,早半年也不被切

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