加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民保守党已经正式拒绝NDP提出将预算案分部讨论的提议
Tories refuse to split up budget bill in face of NDP sabre rattlingNew Democrats are promising a strong reaction to the Conservative government’s refusal to split an omnibus budget bill into a number of parts to allow for more thorough debate.“This is not a good day for democracy,” Opposition House Leader Nathan Cullen told reporters after his Conservative counterpart publicly rejected a proposal to divide the 420-page bill ? much of which involves major changes to environmental law ? into at least five pieces...NDP誓言要采取强硬措施,抵制保守党强行通过预算案。如果成功,那至少要拖到9月份了。
回复: 保守党已经正式拒绝NDP提出将预算案分部讨论的提议有反对才有进步,。。
网络暴力和现实中一样无处不在,远离不诚信的人,管它老乡,同胞,还是网络名人!!! 超赞 赏 F fairyzhang 0$(VIP 0) 1,6812012-05-09#3 回复: 保守党已经正式拒绝NDP提出将预算案分部讨论的提议那就每个人发言4个小时!让他明年再通过!
回复: 保守党已经正式拒绝NDP提出将预算案分部讨论的提议Tories refuse to split up budget bill in face of NDP sabre rattlingNew Democrats are promising a strong reaction to the Conservative government’s refusal to split an omnibus budget bill into a number of parts to allow for more thorough debate.“This is not a good day for democracy,” Opposition House Leader Nathan Cullen told reporters after his Conservative counterpart publicly rejected a proposal to divide the 420-page bill ? much of which involves major changes to environmental law ? into at least five pieces...NDP誓言要采取强硬措施,抵制保守党强行通过预算案。如果成功,那至少要拖到9月份了。点击展开...面对这种多数党政府,NDP恐怕只能采取拉布战术了
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