加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过
http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/...jority-to-limit-debate-on-omnibus-budget-bill Federal Budget 2012: Tories criticized for using majority to limit debate on omnibus budget bill OTTAWA―The Conservatives prompted a wave of criticism by using their majority to limit debate on their budget legislation in the face of opposition demands that the sweeping bill be divided up for additional debate.The government passed a motion by a vote of 145 to 122, in the Commons Thursday to hold second reading debate on Bill C-38 to seven days in order to have the budget plan passed before MPs leave Ottawa in June for the summer.The bill is one of the longest omnibus legislation brought in by the Conservatives. At more than 400 pages touching on dozens of laws, it contains major changes across the spectrum of federal responsibility, including environmental protection, Employment Insurance, border security, immigration, pensions, the operation of national parks, foreign aid and other initiatives.Greenpeace Canada spokesperson Keith Stewart said there is no reason to bundle massive changes to environmental laws in a budget bill “unless they have something to hide.”“It is an abuse of democratic process designed to disguise the gutting of environmental protections that were put in place over decades,” Stewart said.Green Party Leader Elizabeth May said, “I’m sure Canadians never dreamed the Harper Conservatives would stoop to this level as they push their anti-jobs, anti-environment, pro-oil legislation through the House of Commons, allowing seven days of second reading debate, before Canadians have had a chance to digest what is in the bill and their representatives have had time to truly debate it.”NDP House Leader Nathan Cullen described the move an “an abuse of their power.”“If they had confidence in each of these measures, they would break them apart” in different pieces of legislation, he said. “The fact that they’ve lumped into an omnibus bill, it’s hiding their true agenda.”He said the NDP will look at all available options to hold up passage of Bill C-38. At a first step, Cullen said, his party appealed to the Conservatives to separate the legislation into different bills to allow more debate. But he said the Harper government has so far expressed no interest in doing so.With the Conservatives holding a majority of Commons seats, there is little the opposition can do to hold up passage of the legislation. A vote on the bill is expected May 14, after which it will be sent to the Commons finance committee. The government has said a subcommittee will look at the extensive environmental measures in the bill.The Conservatives would like to have the legislation passed before the Commons summer break. And a second budget implementation bill will come forward in the fall.The Conservatives say they need to move quickly to bring in legislation to enhance economic growth and jobs. And they argue that far-ranging bills of its kind have been handled this way before and expressed surprise at the sudden cries of outrage from opposition MPs.“It’s important that we get the bill passed before the end of June,” Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said. “It’s all in the budget (and) the budget is a month old.”With files from Canadian Press
回复: NDP将采取一些措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过1. C38提案在加拿大本土激起了很高的批评声浪。 2. Greenpeace Canada说保守党违反民主程序,400多页的BILL是在搞暗箱操作 3. 绿党批评C38 反就业,反环境保护, 而且只给7天时间让议员熟悉它 4. NDP认为保守党滥用职权。如果保守党对C38这么有信心,怎么要急不可耐让它通过,而不给时间公众辩论? 5. NDP将采取一切可行的措施阻止C38 6. 保守党坚持要在6月底通过C38
回复: NDP将采取一些措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过如果NDP阻止成功,C38没能通过,保守党就要下台了!!!加拿大将大选!
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过目前保守党是否有能力在国会独立安全通过此法案?独立,是说不需要任何其他党派和独立派人士帮忙投票。安全通过是说,就算本党内部有少数人反对,仍然有足够票数通过,此为安全通过。不清楚目前国会党派席位分配。
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过可NDP让分开C38,哈珀不同意,NDP也没说别的措施。五月14日要在什么地方通过的,看样子是会通过。以后还有机会否定C38法吗?现在觉得坏的势力比好的势力要强大
回复: NDP将采取一些措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过如果NDP阻止成功,C38没能通过,保守党就要下台了!!!加拿大将大选!点击展开...这种在民主国家滥用职权实行不民主的就该下台!!!加拿大大选!写文章去,估计这次ndp党会借此发挥,说不定真会倒阁。
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过现在加拿大政府内部的情况就是,保守党认为的一切都会被通过!!!
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过加拿大前几年发生过一年一次大选的奇观,所以一切皆有可能
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过我们作为非加拿大公民,能够做的就是揭露加拿大排华排亚洲搞种族歧视!,加拿大现在的价值观完全和传统背道而驰,保守党想颠覆加拿大百年的左派价值观,也许不会得逞。
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过加拿大前几年发生过一年一次大选的奇观,所以一切皆有可能点击展开...当时和现在的境况可是千差万别啊。虽然我巴不得哈珀下台,但是再次提前大选没可能的
All because of love!加拿大前几年发生过一年一次大选的奇观,所以一切皆有可能点击展开...对C38的最好预计是:1)保守党迫于公众压力,分拆或者修改或者放弃其中的一些法律和条款。但法案整体通不过不太可能。2)NDP等拖延成功(比如派它的108个议员每人说10分钟,就能拖延大把的时间),如果6月底通不过。国会休会放暑假,就得9月见了。
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过现在加拿大政府内部的情况就是,保守党认为的一切都会被通过!!!点击展开... 对。保守党获得多数席位冲昏了头脑,想搞独裁刹不住车了。
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过保守党自2011年5月2其是多数党政府,在其任期内(最多5年)是不会下台的。除非哈珀总理自己提前解散国会(这种情况一般只有对保守党民望有利的情况下,才会发生) 从2004年以来,加拿大7年4次大选,只是因为原来过去7年,选出来的都是少数党政府。少数党政府,如果执政党如果不能获得一个反对党的信任投票,立即自动垮台,重新大选。每年的预算案投票就自动是一次信任投票,这是为什么7年选了4次的根本原因。 对C38的最好预计是: 1)保守党迫于公众压力,分拆或者修改或者放弃其中的一些法律和条款。但法案整体通不过不太可能。2)NDP等拖延成功(比如派它的108个议员每人说10分钟,就能拖延大把的时间),如果6月底通不过。国会休会放暑假,就得9月见了。点击展开... 原来如此啊 对民主国家的决策程序又多了一层了解
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过难怪Tim说C38有可能9月份通过,这只是最好的预计而已
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过Tim本人也表示6月5号法庭过后,他要去游说lobby保守党议员
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过每人说10分种这个方法真有意思,好搞笑,不过这是最有效的方法了。希望NDP成功!我就觉得对付保守党不能用绅士的行为
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过目前保守党是否有能力在国会独立安全通过此法案?独立,是说不需要任何其他党派和独立派人士帮忙投票。安全通过是说,就算本党内部有少数人反对,仍然有足够票数通过,此为安全通过。不清楚目前国会党派席位分配。点击展开...加拿大据说跟美国不一样,不像美国共和党的人也可以投民主党的议案。加拿大一个政党只能投一样的票
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过目前保守党是否有能力在国会独立安全通过此法案?独立,是说不需要任何其他党派和独立派人士帮忙投票。安全通过是说,就算本党内部有少数人反对,仍然有足够票数通过,此为安全通过。不清楚目前国会党派席位分配。点击展开...http://www.parl.gc.ca/MembersOfParliament/MainMPsCompleteList.aspxFrom wikiParty Seats Conservative Party 165 New Democratic Party 101 Liberal Party 35 Bloc Québécois 4 Green Party 1 Independents 2 Vacant 0 Total 308
回复: NDP将采取一些措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过如果NDP阻止成功,C38没能通过,保守党就要下台了!!!加拿大将大选!点击展开...Wrong, 保守党 will still be there.
回复: C38被各界痛批,NDP将采取一切措施阻止C38。保守党想要C38在6月底之前通过加拿大据说跟美国不一样,不像美国共和党的人也可以投民主党的议案。加拿大一个政党只能投一样的票点击展开...如果是这样的话,还投那劳什子的票干嘛,直接数人头不就完了,或者一个政党派一个代表参加就行了。
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