加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民《环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)》关于加拿大移民问题的专题(二)报道


今天《环球邮报》上有一篇评论文章,就康尼的新政提出了一些观点。这段话我觉得写的很好:“The (latest immigration policies) changes are coming at a furious pace on an almost daily basis. By seeking to eliminate the backlog by expunging those waiting in the queue, we choose efficiency over fairness. By moving to “super visas” and away from permanent residence for our immigrants’ parents and grandparents, we choose transience over inclusion. When employers select workers who will become future citizens with little guidance, we choose head-hunting over nation-building. When we raise the bar on language, we choose homogeneity over diversity. By streamlining the refugee adjudication process, we may well be choosing efficiency over human rights. Finally, when we say to employers, “Pay temporary foreign workers less than you might pay Canadians,” we choose exploitation over fairness.这样身为加拿大公民,站在本国立场写出的问题,不但用词言简意赅,而且比我们这些外国人更有说服力。

回复: 《环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)》关于加拿大移民问题的专题(二)报道http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...-all-aspects-of-canadian-life/article2426703/Changes to immigration policy will affect nearly all aspects of Canadian lifeRATNA OMIDVARFrom Wednesday's Globe and MailPublished Tuesday, May. 08, 2012 10:34PM EDTLast updated Wednesday, May. 09, 2012 7:49AM EDTThis is part of The Immigrant Answer The Globe's series on the future of immigration in Canada. Read the original story here.The Canadian immigration landscape is shifting beneath our feet. When the dust settles, where will Canada be?Some of the proposed changes, such as dealing with the backlog, are long overdue. Other changes may also be necessary. They will nevertheless have a series of unintended consequences for the makeup of Canada’s immigrant population and its ethnic diversity. It is these consequences that we should be concerned about.Recently, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration has spoken highly of the Australian immigration model with its strict language requirements. High levels of language proficiency are a requirement in our labour market. But raising the bar on language competency may trigger an increase in immigration from English-speaking countries Britain, the United States, Australia and New Zealand at the cost of immigrants from emerging economic superpowers such as China, India, Russia and Brazil.Add to this administrative changes such as the closing of visa offices in Bangladesh, Iran and elsewhere and we will begin to see a shift in source countries. Recent media reports show that the numbers of immigrants applying for permanent residence from China, India, the Philippines and Pakistan fell drastically in 2011 perhaps in response to changes made to our immigrant selection system in the last year.What implications will these changes have for Canada’s future? One unintended consequence relates to the success of second-generation immigrants. Research shows that the children of immigrants have higher rates of postsecondary education than those of non-immigrant Canadians. What’s more, those born to parents from Africa, China and other Asian countries attend university and college at far higher rates than both non-immigrant Canadians and those born to immigrants from anglosphere countries.The changes are coming at a furious pace on an almost daily basis. By seeking to eliminate the backlog by expunging those waiting in the queue, we choose efficiency over fairness. By moving to “super visas” and away from permanent residence for our immigrants’ parents and grandparents, we choose transience over inclusion. When employers select workers who will become future citizens with little guidance, we choose head-hunting over nation-building. When we raise the bar on language, we choose homogeneity over diversity. By streamlining the refugee adjudication process, we may well be choosing efficiency over human rights. Finally, when we say to employers, “Pay temporary foreign workers less than you might pay Canadians,” we choose exploitation over fairness.And yet, no one has asked us what we think about these changes.Immigration policy touches almost every aspect of Canadian life and is too important to be made in a piecemeal manner. It determines who our neighbours are, who we sit with on the bus and who our children go to school with. It goes to the very heart of our imagination of ourselves as a people.To simply maintain our population and keep our standard of living, we will need to welcome hundreds of thousands of immigrants each year. To compete with global cities such as New York, London and Hong Kong, our cities must grow substantially and sustainably. Immigration can never be the only solution, but we ignore immigration and its accompanying diversity, including their knock-on effects on issues such as international relations, trade and innovation, at our peril. We need to bear in mind that Canada’s success as a multicultural society is an essential and defining part of our international brand.It’s important that The Globe and Mail brings focus, debate and discussion to these issues, but this debate cannot take place only through the news media. We need to include all Canadians in this discussion in Parliament, in committee rooms, at the chambers of commerce and industry associations, labour unions, resident associations, local and provincial governments, not-for-profits and civil society organizations, faith groups, think tanks, academics and in our communities. Together we must answer the questions: Why do we have immigration? How should we do it? How do we achieve our short- and long-term goals?Let’s have this discussion. Our future prosperity depends on it.Ratna Omidvar is president of the Maytree Foundation.

回复: 《环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)》关于加拿大移民问题的专题(二)报道写得真好,用词很到位

回复: 《环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)》关于加拿大移民问题的专题(二)报道up

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 B Bruce_2006 0$(VIP 0) 5142012-05-09#5 回复: 《环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)》关于加拿大移民问题的专题(二)报道写得太棒了, 我要下载下来, 当英文课文学习, 谢谢作者.

回复: 《环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)》关于加拿大移民问题的专题(二)报道and readers' comments:http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...cts-of-canadian-life/article2426703/comments/

Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-05-09#7 回复: 《环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)》关于加拿大移民问题的专题(二)报道顶

回复: 《环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)》关于加拿大移民问题的专题(二)报道今天《环球邮报》上有一篇评论文章,就康尼的新政提出了一些观点。 这段话我觉得写的很好:“The (latest immigration policies) changes are coming at a furious pace on an almost daily basis. By seeking to eliminate the backlog by expunging those waiting in the queue, we choose efficiency over fairness. By moving to “super visas” and away from permanent residence for our immigrants’ parents and grandparents, we choose transience over inclusion. When employers select workers who will become future citizens with little guidance, we choose head-hunting over nation-building. When we raise the bar on language, we choose homogeneity over diversity. By streamlining the refugee adjudication process, we may well be choosing efficiency over human rights. Finally, when we say to employers, “Pay temporary foreign workers less than you might pay Canadians,” we choose exploitation over fairness. 这样身为加拿大公民,站在本国立场写出的问题,不但用词言简意赅,而且比我们这些外国人更有说服力。点击展开... 写得好!!

FN(BJ) 16/01/2008变5 24/02/2010s2妥投 10/06/2010变12 18/06/2010 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-05-09#9 回复: 《环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)》关于加拿大移民问题的专题(二)报道a4xiaoxiami 你这个ID我琢磨了几年 是不是a4小虾米啊

回复: 《环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)》关于加拿大移民问题的专题(二)报道paradiseunderthesun真是精力过旺呀。不仅每天晚上不睡觉,而且还琢磨别人的ID。 呵呵,而且一琢磨就是几年。

回复: 《环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)》关于加拿大移民问题的专题(二)报道paradiseunderthesun真是精力过旺呀。不仅每天晚上不睡觉,而且还琢磨别人的ID。 呵呵,而且一琢磨就是几年。点击展开... 你的ID也耐人寻味,爱尔兰的什么? 还有你和anxioustogetmoving之间的争吵也很好奇

回复: 《环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)》关于加拿大移民问题的专题(二)报道哈哈,这楼歪的...惭愧,我的ID好没里子啊。。。。

回复: 《环球邮报(The Globe and Mail)》关于加拿大移民问题的专题(二)报道What implications will these changes have for Canada’s future? One unintended consequence relates to the success of second-generation immigrants. Research shows that the children of immigrants have higher rates of postsecondary education than those of non-immigrant Canadians. What’s more, those born to parents from Africa, China and other Asian countries attend university and college at far higher rates than both non-immigrant Canadians and those born to immigrants from anglosphere countries. And yet, no one has asked us what we think about these changes. Immigration policy touches almost every aspect of Canadian life and is too important to be made in a piecemeal manner. It determines who our neighbours are, who we sit with on the bus and who our children go to school with. It goes to the very heart of our imagination of ourselves as a people. 看这几段,真是要哭了。如果在中国发生同样的事,不知有人站的出来么。。民主不是一个政府的素质,更不是一个政党或部门的素质,它就是人。。。

网络暴力和现实中一样无处不在,远离不诚信的人,管它老乡,同胞,还是网络名人!!!and readers' comments:http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...cts-of-canadian-life/article2426703/comments/点击展开...

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