加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民CIC不利于中国人的移民新政,将对加拿大经济造成打击


How does Chinese community respond to new immigrant screening criteria? 加拿大移民政策正在酝酿新的改革措施,包括修改新移民的选择标准,使其更专注于未来申请人的语言技能、工作证明和学历评估。The Canadian immigration system is preparing to change the immigrants’ selection criteria to focus on candidates’ language skills, job offers and credential assessments. 这一改革会导致新移民的来源国出现变化。新的选择标准将更有利于来自西欧的申请者,而对英语语言技能较差的中国申请者不利。专家指出, 受改革影响最大将为来自中国的移民申请者。中国曾是2000年加拿大最大的移民来源国,2010年加拿大的第三大移民来源国。The changes mean a shift in source countries of new immigrants, favoring candidates from Western Europe against those from China, who are seen as having weaker English language skills. According to experts, the country most affected by the changes would be China, Canada’s largest immigrant source country in 2000, and the third largest source in 2010. 的确,语言障碍会妨碍移民发挥他们的潜能,并直接影响到他们在加拿大的经济状况。据报道,包括中国移民在内的新移民的薪资水平低于加国平均收入,而欧洲和美国移民的薪资则超过加国的平均水平。Indeed, the language barriers would prevent immigrants from reaching their full potential, threatening their financial wellbeing in Canada. Recent immigrants, including Chinese reportedly receive a lower than average income, while European and American immigrants earn more than the Canadian average. 新的调整政策在加拿大以及华裔社区激起了热烈讨论。在加拿大改变移民招募政策时,华裔社区将有何反应?政策变化会对华裔社区的生意及商机造成什么影响?The changes have now stirred up a debate in Canada as well as in the Chinese community. How will the Chinese community respond to the new policy, as Canada shifts its immigrant-recruiting strategies? How will the policy change affect the business infrastructure in the Chinese community? 华社商机遭受冲击Community business suffers 不具备较强的语言技能的移民很难找到高质量的工作机会,使他们的才华无法得到发挥,从而给他们的家庭带来压力。虽说这一点在华社中达到共识,但社区成员就新政策是否会有利于加拿大整体经济的看法意见不一,出现分歧。While the consensus is that immigrants lacking strong language skills are unable to obtain meaningful employment, causing their talent to be wasted, and bringing stress to their families, the community members seem divided over whether the new policy will benefit the Canadian economy in general. 加拿大平权会(CCNC)会长黄煜文表示,筛除中国移民的政策可能会对包括社区安置机构、餐馆、房地产公司和技能培训学校等靠新移民构成客户群等商业机构的生意造成影响,进而也会对加拿大的经济发展造成不良影响。Screening out immigrants from China may impact the community business infrastructure, including settlement agencies, restaurants, real estate agencies, skill training schools and other organizations that require newcomers to form their client base, which in turn could negatively affect the Canadian economy, according to Victor Wong, president of the Chinese Canadian National Council (CCNC). 黄煜文表示:“我在登打士街和士巴丹拿街附近的社区散步时,会看到许多店铺目前处于空置状态,表明那些满足社区需求的生意状况不佳,因消费者数量减少而遭到影响……这对加拿大经济不利。”“When I walk around in the neighborhood around Dundas and Spadina, I’ve seen more stores being vacant now, which is an indicator that some merchants catering to the community’s needs are slowing down, suffering from shrinking consumer numbers… It is not good to the Canadian economy,” says Wong. 黄表示,移民是经济发展的动力,但新移民政策仅仅迎合那些能说一口流利的英语,拥有一定的财富实力,且拥有较强的专业技能的新移民,这一政策很难满足经济发展的需要。Wong says immigration is a stimulus to the economy, but the new policy, which caters to a class of elite immigrants who speak fluent English, who are reasonable wealthy and have strong professional skills, is on the wrong track. 黄煜文称:“我对这类移民持有偏见,以他们所拥有的技能和资产,他们可选择前往世界其他各个国家。他们会选择加拿大定居吗?这些精英移民数量有限,他们根本不足以满足加拿大对移民人口的需求。加国每年需要40万移民,但是目前我们只招募了25万。”“I have a bias towards that type of immigrants, because with their skills and assets, they can go to any countries in the world. Would they choose Canada? As the super class immigrants are limited in number, they are not enough to meet Canada’s demand,” says Wong. “The country needs 400,000 immigrants annually, but currently we are recruiting only 250,000.” 但是一些政策支持者指出,从另一角度而言,较强的语言技能的确与移民在加拿大的成功密切相关,并能使他们为社会作出更大的贡献。But on the other hand, strong language skills are linked to the immigrants’ success in Canada, and help them to make greater contributions to society, according to some policy supporters in the community. 华裔社区的政治评论员丹青表示:“这是一个很好的移民政策,将会有利于加拿大的整体经济发展。因移民资源减少而受到影响的公司应该调整他们的商业和营销策略,提高他们的职业可转换技能,以满足新的市场需求。”“It’s a good policy and it will benefit the Canadian economy in general,” said Dan Qing, a political commentator in the community. “The companies that are affected by the reduced immigration inflow should adjust their business and marketing strategies, and enhance their transferable skills to meet the new market demand.” 不依种族选择移民?Selection without regard to race? 历史记载了中国人曾公然受到西方人士歧视的年代。 早在清朝时代,中国人踏上加国土地要经过繁复的手续,受到严格控制,而加国对白人移民来说则近乎一片“自由”土壤。There were times in history when Chinese were overtly discriminated against by Westerners. Back in the Qing Dynasty, Chinese people to Canada were subject to strict restrictions, while Caucasian migrants enjoyed almost “free access” to the land. 作为致力于为人头税幸存者寻求联邦政府赔偿的加拿大平权会会长黄煜文表示,在加拿大征收人头税的年代,中国陷入衰退和滞后,其经济远远落后于欧洲国家,而当时的中国人被视为劣等种族。Wong, president of an organization that sought redress for head tax survivors from the federal government, says the Chinese were seen as an inferior race when the Head Tax became effective in Canada, at the time when China fell into decline and lagged far behind the European countries. 黄煜文称:“当时,中国人出国都受到种种限制……当清朝衙门允许劳工前往加拿大时,白人对此非常反感,他们不希望看到中国人到来……加拿大人看不起中国劳工、美国人和澳大利亚人也一样。”“At that time, the Chinese people going abroad were under restraints… When the Qing Court allowed hard laborers to come to Canada, it caused a bad feeling among Caucasians who didn’t want to see the Chinese coming… The Chinese were looked down upon by Canadians, Americans and Australians alike,” says Wong. 自从加拿大在1967年实施不考虑种族和国籍的计分制度选择移民后,中国人就获得了更多平等机会,他们能和西方人一样的移民加拿大,而来自中国的加国新移民也一直呈现增加的趋势。70年代,中国是加拿大的第九大移民来源国,80年代其上升到第八位,到了2000年,中国已经成为加拿大最大的移民来源国。Since the point system, which selects immigrants without regarding to race and nationality, was first adopted in Canada in 1967, Chinese people have been given more equal opportunity to immigrate to Canada, and the number of newcomers from China has been on the rise. In the 1970s, China was the 9th largest source country of immigrants to Canada; in the 1980s it rose to the 8th; and in 2000, it became the largest source country. 但回顾历史,耻辱的过去是不应忘却的。在联邦政府改革招募移民的选择标准时,加国是否应仅批准那些来自同样管理体制或具相同文化背景的人士的移民申请?这一会将来自中国的移民申请者拒之门外的新移民政策是否有背加国长期以来一贯主张的,在制定新移民的选择标准时,应不考虑其来自哪一国家,属于哪一种族的因素的这一价值观?But history offers a glimpse into the shameful past that should never be forgotten. As the federal government establishes the qualifications of recruited immigrants, should Canada allow only those from a similar system or culture to come? Do the new changes, which may screen out applicants from China, reflect Canada’s long-standing value of recruiting immigrants without regard to their race and nationality? “加拿大这一国家并不是由精英人士打造的,而是由那些有着强烈的成功欲望的人建设的。” 黄煜文表示:“中国移民和来自世界其他许多国家的移民一样,具有企业精神,勤勉自强,且从不放弃任何可能的商业机会。”“Canada has not been built by the super class of people, instead it has been built by those who have a strong desire to succeed in their adopted land,” says Wong. “Chinese immigrants, who like immigrants from many other countries in the world, possess an entrepreneur spirit, work hard to establish themselves, and are always willing to give new business opportunities a try.”

回复: CIC不利于中国人的移民新政,将对加拿大经济造成打击华人并不都支持康尼的新政, 虽然那些反移民的在这里比较集中。

回复: CIC不利于中国人的移民新政,将对加拿大经济造成打击这是你翻译的吗?,翻译很辛苦的。谢谢PARADISE.我前几天好像在环球什么报上见过这篇文章。

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