加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民3月29日查询S2的邮件,今天完成证据链收集


3月29日曾经发邮件给香港领事馆确认补料信与官方指引中的Checklist [IMM 5612]不一致的地方,一直没有收到回复。4月16日催了一下,今天收到了一个回复。这个回复的内容在眼下已经没有任何意义,只是我要完成所需要的证据收集。现在齐活了。 这个做回复的人自我感觉良好,仍然要求我耐心等待,似乎他并不了解他们已经在网站上挂出了不再审理的通知。(大叔我就是不缺耐心,就是希望等上一段时间。有个这个东西,我就可以晚点准备材料了,就算是超期了我也安全了。哈哈。) 我觉得这个回复提供了两个信息,一是cic内部确实混乱,那个挂在香港领馆网站上的不再审理的通知出来的并不是很严谨。虽然一定是事出有因,有所依据的,但这个依据不是CIC正式的最终通知。 二者,这个回复的邮件使用的邮件结构与以前的不相同。有可能就是这帮人制作了漏洞百出的香港的S2的补料信,我针对补料信的询问,被转到他们这边处理,他们应该在等待cic给出的下一步指示。而这个指示因为国内立法程序没有完成,所以迟迟未到,所以他也没办法给出回复。 对91的同学来说,有了那个不再审理的通知,无论你是否收到S2的补料信,违约的证据链条已经完备,这个证据可以算一剑封喉了。要诉讼的,确实可以行动了。 甚至class的东西换换角度,也有可能在立法前提前做了。 这个帖子算是对前面给各位的承诺做个了结。原文如下:Quoted "Subject: GEN-005 Repeat messages Dear Sir, AS YOUR E- MAIL BELOW IS A REPEAT MESSAGE, NO ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN AND IT HAS BEEN DISCARDED.PLEASE WAIT PATIENTLY FOR A REPLY. For your future reference: Please be advised that only your most recent e-mail will be replied to. As a result, if you send repeat messages they will be put in queue and it will take longer for you to receive a reply. Please make sure that all information is within one e-mail message, and that you have provided the name, date of birth and file number (if applicable). Please wait patiently for a reply. Thank you. Immigration SectionConsulate General of Canada, Hong Kong12/F., Tower 1Exchange Square8 Connaught PlaceHong Kong Web Site: http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/hong_kong/email: [email protected] GEN-005From: ----------------------------- Sent: April 16, 2012 8:09 PMTo: HKONG (IMMIGRATION)Subject: B050538--- SAP > Re: File No. B050538---File No. B050538---Applicant Name: -------Date of Birth: --/--/----Enquiry Type: Skilled Worker ImmigrationDear Sirs, I sent enclosed message to you on March 29th, which asked you to clarify some confused information between your FSW-SAP Request Letter dated 21 March 2012 and Document Checklist [IMM 5612] available from CIC website. I have received nothing yet. I understand well that Mr. Jason Kenny is shaming Canada now, but it should not be a reason for you not to speak out clearly. Should my case not be commenced or continued as per your new announcements? Thanks in advance for your comments on time. B. rgds-------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxFrom: ----------------------------To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:34 PMSubject: File No. B050538---Dear Sirs,Thanks for the FSW-SAP Request Letter dated 21 March 2012 from your office. Unfortunately,I got confused after reading the information provided, on which I have to invite your clarification for the further preparation.1. Which document checklist should be followed, and to which visa office should I send my documents?The FSW-SAP Request letter received was formed in January 2012. Following the below link provided on page 2,http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/skilled.asp,the ‘Document Checklist [IMM 5612]’ could be found, which was updated in March 2012. There is a mailing requirements in the table No. 22, as per which the documents are supposed to be sent to CIO instead of your office in Hong Kong . Also the Document Checklist provided in your letter is mentioned as ‘not inclusive’.My understanding is Document Checklist [IMM 5612] should be the final official documents to be followed, but all documents should be sent to your visa office in Hong Kong .2. Which form is correct IMM008 or IMM0008, or are they the same one?The application form mentioned in the letter is IMM008, while the one on the website of CIC is IMM0008. I think the CIC are talking about the same form with you.3. Official transcript(s) for secondary and post secondary program of study.In the table No. 13 of Document Checklist [IMM 5612], only transcripts related to post secondary studies are required when available. While in the letter received from your office, I am required to provide official transcript(s) for secondary and post-secondary program of study.I got my master degree in ----- from a UK University, which is my highest post secondary degree. Before my master degree, I got my ------- from a Chinese University . To get the transcripts from the two universities should be missions possible. But to get the official transcripts for my secondary studies might be a mission of digging antiques to my age. Will the middle schools I attended be still there?Further more, I believe you could make your judgments with your perfect intelligence basing on my post-secondary transcripts and without the transcripts of my secondary studies. May I follow the same requirements in Document Checklist [IMM 5612] to reduce presenting you with more waste, and protect the environment?Unquoted"

回复: 3月29日查询S2的邮件,今天完成证据链收集什么意思?HK 那个网站不是说不需要补料了吗?这个回答怎么..........可恶的CIC,混乱,说了不算,毫无信誉。

回复: 3月29日查询S2的邮件,今天完成证据链收集楼主做的工作非常细致,是实干家,顶你!

-->IELTS L8 S6 R6.5 W6 self-assess:70 points -->2006.09.14 HK -->2007.02.16 FN:B050535***VO:unknown -->2009.01.20 Confirmation Letter -->2012.03.21 S2 -->2012.05.18 S2 submitted -->2012.06.06 S2 resubmmited -->2012.06.19 ME 超赞 赏 bobosong 0$(VIP 0) 2,5192012-04-23#4 回复: 3月29日查询S2的邮件,今天完成证据链收集太棒了! 不知道我们如法炮制,能不能也收到一样的回信啊? 请问lz给hk发的哪个邮箱?谢谢

超赞 赏 seady 0$(VIP 0) 4942012-04-23#5 回复: 3月29日查询S2的邮件,今天完成证据链收集我也发了询问信给香港CIC,等回复。到时起诉时就有依据了。

回复: 3月29日查询S2的邮件,今天完成证据链收集太棒了! 不知道我们如法炮制,能不能也收到一样的回信啊? 请问lz给hk发的哪个邮箱?谢谢点击展开...就是这个[email protected]目前看, 处理这个邮件的人,都香港领馆的不受理通知不知情, 甚至不理会(够官僚的). 原因是那个通知不是按照他们的标准工作渠道(CIC于立法后的正式通知)提出的。所以,应该有机会搞到一个。我会在5月底再重发一次,这样我可以准确地拿到另外的一个30天的延期。当然这个延期只有在有需要时才能有价值,有备无患吧。

回复: 3月29日查询S2的邮件,今天完成证据链收集顶

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