加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民康尼加拿大时间周四下午接受《环球邮报》现场网络采访,大家可以现在上网提交问题
回复: 康尼加拿大时间周四下午接受《环球邮报》现场网络采访,大家可以现在上网提交问题英语好的同学 可以好好表现一下 我们可以把好的问题集中到这里
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC 超赞 赏 Tracy621 0$(VIP 0) 6422012-05-15#3 回复: 康尼加拿大时间周四下午接受《环球邮报》现场网络采访,大家可以现在上网提交问题不错不错,顶。
回复: 康尼加拿大时间周四下午接受《环球邮报》现场网络采访,大家可以现在上网提交问题英文好的同学上网问问康胖知不知道什么是“契约精神”?什么是“信守承诺”?什么人“人权”?什么是“法西斯”?
回复: 康尼加拿大时间周四下午接受《环球邮报》现场网络采访,大家可以现在上网提交问题问问肥康什么叫欺诈?为何晚交表几天的同一批申请者就被一刀切?
回复: 康尼加拿大时间周四下午接受《环球邮报》现场网络采访,大家可以现在上网提交问题已经发了问题报了名。存照一下。1) I have submitted my FSW immigration application in 2007 to Manila VO, and my case was transferred to Tokyo VO later 2008, and this May, my case was again transferred back to Manila. Mr. Kenney, do you have any comment on my 5-years-waiting and transferring story? 2) TOKYO visa office send me a mail in 2nd. May and informed me that according to operation bulletin 404, my case was asked not to be processed by CIC. Yes, in 2nd. May, after OB404 has been replaced by OB413 for 5 days. And they never response to me after I pointed out their problem.Do you have any comments against what happened to me, Mr. Kenney?康尼加拿大时间周四下午(北京时间周五凌晨1点到2点)接受《环球邮报》现场网络视频采访,大家可以上网提交问题。还有可能受邀以网络视频或电话方式直接向康尼提问。报名的网址在:http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...gration-minister-jason-kenney/article2433574/点击展开...
回复: 康尼加拿大时间周四下午接受《环球邮报》现场网络采访,大家可以现在上网提交问题大家不要顾忌。Kenney敢用公器打压申请人的话,那就不是违约下台的问题了,就是进号子上耻辱柱的问题了。
回复: 康尼加拿大时间周四下午接受《环球邮报》现场网络采访,大家可以现在上网提交问题我想通过视频给他脸上吐痰,尽管我平时从不吐。
When nothing goes right...go left 超赞 赏 tss 0$(VIP 0) 2472012-05-16#9 回复: 康尼加拿大时间周四下午接受《环球邮报》现场网络采访,大家可以现在上网提交问题这个机会是我们维护加拿大国际形象的一部分。不能沉了.
回复: 康尼加拿大时间周四下午接受《环球邮报》现场网络采访,大家可以现在上网提交问题问问肥康交朋友要不要讲诚信?国家要不要讲诚信?问问新西兰取消申请都有提前通知,等候也只有1-2年,为何加拿大没有提前告诉申请者有可能被取消?
回复: 康尼加拿大时间周四下午接受《环球邮报》现场网络采访,大家可以现在上网提交问题对那些被CIC的承诺欺骗,导致浪费五六年时间而不再符合新的申请条件的人,CIC该如何交待?
2007年2月8日HK签收;7月17日FN发出,VO:KTA;------------------------------------得之,我幸;不得,我命;如此而已!康尼加拿大时间周四下午(北京时间周五凌晨1点到2点)接受《环球邮报》现场网络视频采访,大家可以上网提交问题。 还有可能受邀以网络视频或电话方式直接向康尼提问。 报名的网址在: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...gration-minister-jason-kenney/article2433574/点击展开... 今晚标题: What would you ask Immigration Minister Jason Kenney? , 我的提问在P4, P5.http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...inister-jason-kenney/article2433574/comments/ Mr.Kenney 1. Canada welcomes more FSW immigrants,or not [FONT=宋体]?FSW is the majority in skilled immigration. Last year, CIC issued more 195,000 temporary work visa (TWV) and only 59,366 FSW for decision. As per the latest criteria, with TWV, temporary foreign workers can easily shift FSW to immigrate by a one-year full-time job. Federal skilled workers outside Canada have more difficult to immigrate by newer stricken criteria and more risk to eliminate their applications because queue jumper. The reason is that Mr. Kenney eliminates longstanding FSW applicants, is not it? 2. It's possible that CIC can issue some Temporary Work Visa for FSW and delay time to eliminate the backlog after studying New Zealand backlog positive solution. Much less new FSW applicants awaiting a decision, current total 440,000 FSW is not enough for labour shortages in the ten years. why do you eliminate FSW backlog immediately and not take positive measures to solve it? 3. "Canada ready to open its doors to more immigrants, Kenney says" published on 14th May 2012. if Kenney says true , Why do you not take positive measures to solve the FSW backlog by issuing TWV ( more 195,000 TWV in 2011), current annual 130,000 FSW level (reduced to 70,000) ,or increasing immigration resource to one per cent of population recent recommended by by the Conference Board of Canada? It’s unreasonable to eliminate FSW backlog immediately. [/FONT]
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