加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民刚收到CIC的邮件,好象又提醒我可以补料。
我一直拖着没补料。 我是旧政的,之前说3月19日给我发过补料信,我一直没收到。后来又补发了个电子版给我。我正准备补料时,又收到说不要补料啦,说是要切掉了。今天又收到说是我可以按3月19日的补料信继续在一个月内把料补上。 我同期的基本都结案了,我是因为材料的问题才拖下来。我自己也在拖。所以决定还是先补上去再说。 一天三变的,估计也是大家斗争的结果。感谢那些91的童鞋。 信原文如下:Dear Ms. S This message is further to our recent email regarding your pre C-50 Skilled Worker application. Our email below informed you of the decision of the Minister to terminate processing of pre-C50 applications which had not received a selection decision as of March 29, 2012, and instructed you not to perfect your application. Since then, this office has received changed instructions from CIC National Headquarters. Budget 2012 (Economic Action Plan 2012) proposes to eliminate the backlog in the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) Program by terminating certain applications made prior to February 27, 2008. Applicants whose application would be terminated as a result will have the fees paid to CIC returned to them. The FSW proposal to terminate certain FSW applications announced as part of the March 2012 Budget may be enacted by amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) through the Budget Implementation Act (BIA) bill. The FSW proposal will be of no legal effect until the BIA bill is enacted and comes into force. The BIA has now been introduced. However, the coming into force date, if the bill becomes law, is not yet known. As a result, until such time as the FSW proposal becomes law, this office will continue to make selection decisions on pre C-50 applications. Your application has been put into process. But a selection decision has not been made. Please submit to this office all required documents per our request letter dated 19March2012 within 30 days from the date of this email. Yours truly,Immigration Section Canadian Consulate General, Hong Kong
慢慢来,一切都会好的。 超赞 赏 S shirley2011 0$(VIP 0) 3022012-05-17#2 回复: 刚收到CIC的邮件,好象又提醒我可以补料。快,抓紧吧,除非你不想去了
回复: 刚收到CIC的邮件,好象又提醒我可以补料。一个月?时间缩短了嘛。
超赞 快,抓紧吧,除非你不想去了点击展开...谢谢,下周就补上去,不再拖啦。
慢慢来,一切都会好的。 超赞 赏 R rebecca.lu 0$(VIP 0) 9842012-05-17#6 回复: 刚收到CIC的邮件,好象又提醒我可以补料。赶紧补料吧。
超赞 是啊,时间越缩越短,以前说45天,现在只给一个月时间了。点击展开...我觉得香港vo希望能赶在2012预算案正式通过前给你发me
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 栀子花开3699 0$(VIP 0) 7982012-05-17#8 回复: 刚收到CIC的邮件,好象又提醒我可以补料。刚快补料啊
2006.5.29雅思成绩7 L7 R7.5 W6 S7;8.23签收,2006.9.14,扣款12.22收到FN VO:TCW 自评70;2008.7.25DHL快递宝宝资料7.28签收8.13扣款;2012.2.9me2.13体检3.7补料4.17PL4.19登陆费收据4.20贴签4。25收到大信封。10月短登温哥华 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-05-17#9 回复: 刚收到CIC的邮件,好象又提醒我可以补料。所以91的4月30的活动,4月30前后持续至今的媒体曝光,当然还有包括Lorne Waldman在内的很多律师的努力,才能促成旧政的补料和91的ME。 如果薛定谔的猫不被封掉,我们就没有去轻松做上面的事情的动力
回复: 刚收到CIC的邮件,好象又提醒我可以补料。所以91的4月30的活动,4月30前后持续至今的媒体曝光,当然还有包括Lorne Waldman在内的很多律师的努力,才能促成旧政的补料和91的ME。 如果薛定谔的猫不被封掉,我们就没有去轻松做上面的事情的动力点击展开...有道理,因为大家的抗议,所以他们意识到了违法,所以没理由在新法律出台前不审理。所以感谢大家的努力。尽管我没去。
慢慢来,一切都会好的。 超赞 赏 北 北京的风很大 0$(VIP 0) 1,3412012-05-17#11 回复: 刚收到CIC的邮件,好象又提醒我可以补料。不过我的补料是3月19日就发出的啦。只是我一直没收到信。信寄丢了。但是曾收到过不要补料的信,这封信是针对不要补料的信所发出的更正信。
慢慢来,一切都会好的。 超赞 赏 B beifeng1995 0$(VIP 0) 1,2382012-05-17#12 回复: 刚收到CIC的邮件,好象又提醒我可以补料。收到信了上次回信有同学说我太平和,所以不客气地质问CIC啦
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 R rus 0$(VIP 0) 2,2472012-05-17#13 回复: 刚收到CIC的邮件,好象又提醒我可以补料。北京的风很大,惊喜
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 X xiaomianren 0$(VIP 0) 3772012-05-17#16 回复: 刚收到CIC的邮件,好象又提醒我可以补料。恭喜,赶快补料。
227;BJ;2010-04-22,投妥;2010-07-19,RN;2010-11月中旬,补料投妥;2012-1-26,IP;2012-2-6,ME;2012-10-9,DM;2012-11-16,visa+LP!我一直拖着没补料。 我是旧政的,之前说3月19日给我发过补料信,我一直没收到。后来又补发了个电子版给我。我正准备补料时,又收到说不要补料啦,说是要切掉了。今天又收到说是我可以按3月19日的补料信继续在一个月内把料补上。 我同期的基本都结案了,我是因为材料的问题才拖下来。我自己也在拖。所以决定还是先补上去再说。 一天三变的,估计也是大家斗争的结果。感谢那些91的童鞋。 信原文如下:Dear Ms. S This message is further to our recent email regarding your pre C-50 Skilled Worker application. Our email below informed you of the decision of the Minister to terminate processing of pre-C50 applications which had not received a selection decision as of March 29, 2012, and instructed you not to perfect your application. Since then, this office has received changed instructions from CIC National Headquarters. Budget 2012 (Economic Action Plan 2012) proposes to eliminate the backlog in the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) Program by terminating certain applications made prior to February 27, 2008. Applicants whose application would be terminated as a result will have the fees paid to CIC returned to them. The FSW proposal to terminate certain FSW applications announced as part of the March 2012 Budget may be enacted by amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) through the Budget Implementation Act (BIA) bill. The FSW proposal will be of no legal effect until the BIA bill is enacted and comes into force. The BIA has now been introduced. However, the coming into force date, if the bill becomes law, is not yet known. As a result, until such time as the FSW proposal becomes law, this office will continue to make selection decisions on pre C-50 applications. Your application has been put into process. But a selection decision has not been made. Please submit to this office all required documents per our request letter dated 19March2012 within 30 days from the date of this email. Yours truly,Immigration Section Canadian Consulate General, Hong Kong 点击展开...你还没有ME吧
回复: 刚收到CIC的邮件,好象又提醒我可以补料。抓紧补料,还是很有希望的。做最大的努力,不后悔。
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