加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策 请关注姚永安blogspot博客
(加拿大时间现在还是26日早晨) 这是姚永安Gabriel Yiu5月18号发表在环球华报的文章: http://www.gcpnews.com/articles/2012-05-18/C1025_81926.html 保守党不利亚裔社群的移民政策 自从保守党政府赢得大多数政府后,大权在握,推出连串改变。移民部长康尼以快刀斩乱麻的策略,把加拿大源用多年的系统作出重大修改,改变速度之快,令人不安。 保守党一波又一波的移民政策修改,无论是提高语文能力的要求、取消数十万份移民申请(这些申请主要都是来自中国和印度)、又或提高父母团聚移民的要求(每名收费4万,还要承担终身担保),都造成不利亚洲移民的不利后果。 保守党不单要减少未来来自亚洲的移民,就连数年前已经入纸申请的,亦遭到打击。但最令我不能接受的,是移民必须达到第四级英或法语考试,才能入籍的新政策。 加拿大是一个行使英、法两语的国家。移民能够拥有官方语文的沟通能力,有助他们在加国生活和发展,这是不能否定的。 加拿大也是个民主国家,选举投票权是人民参与国家事务最神圣和基本的权利。回顾本国历史,亚洲的移民都曾经历惨痛的歧视,经过社区长期的奋力争取,最终才能获得平等待遇和选举投票权。 在一个世纪前,华人受到社会和政府歧视,工作备受剥削,子女的教育和发展受到限制。莫说参加选举,华人连投票权都没有。历史证明,当年政府以种族、语言等因素歧视剥削华人,是违背加拿大价值和公义的错误政策。 一个世纪前歧视华人、印度人和日裔的政策,在今天已经被确定为错误和不公义,但今日的保守党却要借尸还魂。 联邦政府要修改入籍规则,要求成年移民必须考获第四级英或法语评核试(测试听、讲、写和读的能力),才能入籍成为公民。 保守党的语文入籍要求,将会剥夺无数遵照移民申请程序和要求,在抵?加国后落地生根,交税和作出贡献市民的投票权利。 我认同移民需要学好英语,但政府应该以?宏善导的态度来鼓励,而非采用严厉的手法对待奉公守法的移民。 过去百多年的历史清晰地显示,亚裔移民即使有语言障碍,但他们和他们的子孙都对加国都作出了重大贡献。 在今日亚洲主导世界经济的年代,亚裔移民的语言能力、文化和关系应被视作资产而非负担。 姚永安个人网站: http://gabrielyiu.bcndp.ca/
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策顶下,任何反对的声音哪怕再微小也是一种力量,合在一起就可以变成信仰。
网络暴力和现实中一样无处不在,远离不诚信的人,管它老乡,同胞,还是网络名人!!! 超赞 赏 ∮ ∮Melody 0$(VIP 0) 3582012-05-26#3 回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策希望加拿大能多些这样能站出来为华人说话的议员!
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策试想一下,如果康尼面对的是28万欧洲白人移民积案的话,他又会怎么操作?
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策姚永安的博客 http://gy2013.blogspot.com/ 需要翻墙才能打开
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策顶下,任何反对的声音哪怕再微小也是一种力量,合在一起就可以变成信仰。点击展开... 不仅要顶,还要和他取得个人联系 把C38拖到9月份通过,这个要靠NDP了,现在快到最紧急时刻了
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策 请关注姚永安blogspot博客这个还是要顶的 加拿大歧视亚裔后果未必会好啊!
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策 请关注姚永安blogspot博客UPUP
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策 请关注姚永安blogspot博客顶!
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策 请关注姚永安blogspot博客顶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策 请关注姚永安blogspot博客顶!
FN: 2007.6.8VO:ISKIELTS:7,7.5,5.5,5.5 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-05-27#12 回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策 请关注姚永安blogspot博客已和姚永安取得联系,兴奋中!
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策 请关注姚永安blogspot博客姚永安email我表示会继续发动加拿大本地社区组织行动起来反对这个极具争议的移民政策。
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策 请关注姚永安blogspot博客保守党通过提高英语语言标准来限制非英语国家移民,姚永安有以下真知灼见反击: Vancouver is praised for having the best Chinese food in the world, but have you thought about the real contributors to this fame, those who worked hard in the kitchen? How many could pass a language exam at level 4 in all four skills? I can tell you that most, if not all, will not be able to pass and I believe this phenomenon is not unique to Chinese restaurants. If the chefs were denied their citizenship, that would be a heavy blow to the Canadian culinary industry. In the US, the so-called “big melting pot” country, they don’t have this kind of language requirement for their new citizens. In Hong Kong, the place I was born and brought up in, the government doesn’t require their Caucasian or East Indian residents to speak and read Chinese before they can cast their vote.
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策 请关注姚永安blogspot博客关于保守党如何变相歧视中国人: A century ago, Chinese were discriminated against by the government and by society. They were exploited in work, their children’s education and development were retarded, and they did not have the right to vote, not to mention to run for public office. History has proven that governmental discrimination based on reasons like race and language is a mistake. It is unjust and it’s against Canadian values. Yet, today’s Conservative government is reviving that spirit in their new immigration policies.
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策 请关注姚永安blogspot博客关于保守党让一刀切法案蒙混过关: Once the Conservatives formed a majority government with all the power to wield, they have been bringing in a lot of changes. Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has been making so many changes and announcements that even the most attentive critics have difficulty in following them. The Conservatives are using this tactic of rapid changes because they don’t want the public to see what they’re up to. Whether it’s to raise the language requirement, to cancel 300,000 applications (most of which were from China and India), or to raise the requirement of sponsoring parent immigration ($40,000 per head plus life-time sponsorship), all the new measures have an adverse effect on Asian immigrants. The Conservatives not only want to hinder future immigration from Asia, they even block the immigration of those who applied years ago.
回复: NDP华人议员姚永安今天将召开圆桌会议谴责保守党一刀切政策 请关注姚永安blogspot博客刚致信姚永安很感激他所做的,从他那里获得灵感,即使最后失败了也应该坚持下去。温哥华是如此友善的城市,请不要让保守党改变!
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