加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Defeating the Minister's Queue-Dumping Legislation _ TIM LEAHY


Defeating the Minister's Queue-Dumping Legislation Defeating the Minister's Queue-Dumping LegislationAt this point the only way to stop the legislation, which Mr. Kenney tucked into the budget implementation bill in order to ensure that it is passed without inspection, is to convince the Prime Minister to extract it from Bill C-38. (If the budget bill is defeated, the Government falls and elections must be called. Needless to say, the Tories will not, therefore, vote against Bill C-38 and, thus, not against s. 87.4 of IRPA which it includes.) Individuals and ethnic groups need to convince Tory MP's and Senators to remove IRPA's 87.4 from Bill C-38. The Tories made a major effort in recent elections to shift the ethnic votes from the Liberals to them and succeeded very well in doing so in the last election. However, if they were to lose that ethnic vote, many Tory MP's would lose their seats. If the Minister's Queue-Dumping legislation is passed, Liberal and NDP candidates will tar them with this vote. Thus, it is in many Tory MP's best interest to ensure that s. 87.4 never becomes law. Those who write can forward the attached article as an example of the type of immigrants Kenney wants barred from Canada. It should make them question the Minister's wisdom. In addition, they may point out to the MP that the Minister dare not allow his legislation to be examined and debated in Parliament because he knows that the claims he has been making in public about 100,000 applicants who have been waiting in his queue for four to eight years are false. First, the applicants the Minister is decapitating are not inferior to his favourites. Second, his favourites' occupations are not in greater demand than those whose he has excluded. Third, with 18 of the 29 requiring licensing before they may practice in Canada, they cannot address his claimed "urgent labour market demand". Fourth, CIC could finalize all the skilled worker applications in the inventory as of January 6th, in 17 months if it processed them at the same pace as in 2009; or in 34 months at the 2011 rate. From the following link, the Conservative MP's points of contact may be found: http://www.parl.gc.ca/parlinfo/Lists/Members.aspx?Parliament=1924d334-6bd0-4cb3-8793-cee640025ff6&Riding=&Name=&Party=0c0ef0db-d14a-4438-8818-784c924f06ae&Province=&Gender=&New=False&Current=True&First=False&Picture=False&Section=False&ElectionDate= A similar approach should be taken with the Tory senators who also are a majority. The link for their contacts is: http://www.parl.gc.ca/SenatorsMembers/Senate/SenatorsBiography/isenator.asp?sortord=A&Language=E4 days ago Close viewer

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 R ruth0924 0$(VIP 0) 1,5662012-05-28#2 回复: Defeating the Minister's Queue-Dumping Legislation _ TIM LEAHY这个律师太勤快了,老写嘎长的~

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