加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2
We witnessed your elegant endeavor to speed up the ME schedule, which made over 30 lucky applicants escaping from been terminated by C38 Act one month later. Since it is about one month pending to the final decision of C38 Act, if you pay any sympathy to the victims of the inhumane Act, you should choose to continue to process all the applications。Send us the document checklist letters please, as we are well-prepared we can collect the documents you required more quickly and efficiently.
FN: 2007.6.8VO:ISKIELTS:7,7.5,5.5,5.5 超赞 赏 反馈:阿施猫, xzh6339 和 Bye D David20070608 0$(VIP 0) 2202012-05-28#2 回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2It is the time we are together!Believe in you and believe in me!
FN: 2007.6.8VO:ISKIELTS:7,7.5,5.5,5.5 超赞 赏 popiston 2$(VIP 0,#298) 8,5062012-05-28#3 回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2这个邮件地址不是专门回复的吗, 应该给那个公布的地址发吧
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 D David20070608 0$(VIP 0) 2202012-05-28#4 回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2media那个也发了
FN: 2007.6.8VO:ISKIELTS:7,7.5,5.5,5.5 超赞 赏 D David20070608 0$(VIP 0) 2202012-05-28#5 回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2不过今天连 ME的消息都没了,更别说S2了。
FN: 2007.6.8VO:ISKIELTS:7,7.5,5.5,5.5 超赞 赏 E eric2008 0$(VIP 0) 5322012-05-28#6 回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2写得好,我写封信也发一下,一起吼S2,给VO们压力
When nothing goes right...go left 超赞 赏 E eric2008 0$(VIP 0) 5322012-05-28#7 回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2EMail地址是啥?
When nothing goes right...go leftWe witnessed your elegant endeavor to speed up the ME schdule, which made over 30 lucky applicants escaping from been terminated one month later.Since it is about one month pending to the final decision of C38 Act, if you pay any sympathy to the victims of the inhumane Act, you should choose to continue to process all the applicants, send us the S2 letters please, because if we are well-prepared we can collect the documents you required more quickly and effciently.点击展开...香港VO们知道S2是什么意思吗?
When nothing goes right...go left 超赞 赏 橘 橘子111 0$(VIP 0) 552012-05-28#9 回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2我想说的是,S2 letter, 你们觉得VO看得懂S2是什么意思吗?已经两个礼拜没有me了,所以...
回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2香港VO们知道S2是什么意思吗?点击展开...当然不懂,这是中国移民群的用语,VO怎么看得懂啊
回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2呵呵,我信里原文写的document checklist ,这里改了一下,表直接copy哦!
FN: 2007.6.8VO:ISKIELTS:7,7.5,5.5,5.5EMail地址是啥?点击展开... [email protected]
FN: 2007.6.8VO:ISKIELTS:7,7.5,5.5,5.5 超赞 赏 S shirley2011 0$(VIP 0) 3022012-05-28#13 回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2哈哈,vo们看了你的信会开心的,说不定一高兴就把所有的S2都发了
回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2哈哈,vo们看了你的信会开心的,说不定一高兴就把所有的S2都发了点击展开... VO那封信里说到了,他们现在要捡最紧要的处理,这可能是只发 ME不发S2的原因。this office will continue to make selection decisions on pre C-50 applications, subject to existing priorities established under ministerial instructions.
FN: 2007.6.8VO:ISKIELTS:7,7.5,5.5,[email protected]点击展开...
David20070608 说:[email protected]点击展开... 你好,请教一下催S2的香港移民局的收信人?你的催问信是否收到他们的回信。 谢谢。 写信催S2时,收信人写什么?是不是下列。Consulate General of CanadaImmigration SectionG.P.O. Box 11142Hong KongChina (PRC)
回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2哈哈,写的挺好
-->IELTS L8 S6 R6.5 W6 self-assess:70 points -->2006.09.14 HK -->2007.02.16 FN:B050535***VO:unknown -->2009.01.20 Confirmation Letter -->2012.03.21 S2 -->2012.05.18 S2 submitted -->2012.06.06 S2 resubmmited -->2012.06.19 ME 超赞 赏 O oqlzal 0$(VIP 0) 2622012-05-28#18 回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2英文很棒
回复: 又给re-canadaimmig.hkong写了封信,催催我的S2It is the time we are together! Believe in you and believe in me!点击展开...
When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6.哈哈,vo们看了你的信会开心的,说不定一高兴就把所有的S2都发了点击展开...是啊,其实对他们来说就是举手之劳,剩下的就看我们谁补料快了。除非是他们替我们着想怕我们再花冤枉钱,替我们省了
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