加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于5612E第12项 work experience


工作经历比较简单,毕业四年只在一家公司工作过。自己写了Letter of Reference准备找老板签字。大家能否帮忙看看是否需要修改?PS,我的职业是0211 Engineering managers 。求大家拍砖 [FONT=微软雅黑]Ming Xiao[FONT=微软雅黑] is employed by Sony (China) Digital Company Ltd. from 1st January,2009 to now ,positioning in Project manager.[/FONT][/FONT]As project manager, he is managing, coordinating, driving and motivating the project team members including engineering design department and production department locating in China, Japan and U.S. to realize a newly designed radio access network product’s industrialization and finally release new product in manufacturing site on plan, on time, on budget and on quality. On R&D side, he is responsible for overall control of the newly designed radio access network’s producibility and also responsible for the improvement of engineering design project management process to shorten design period and reduce budgetary cost. His job also includes discussing and negotiating with product manager representing customer about newly design product’s specification and manufacturing cost. On production side, he is responsible for leading the production line set up, production process set up, ensures all production related documentation be well written and prepared, ensures new product yield is on track and continuously support yield improvement, also continuously to coordinates and supports the quick resolution of the new production issues related to test, yield, quality, material, capacity.Last but not least, he also participated and contributed in the new staff recruitment of his own department and gives guidance to the newcomer. Mingxiao employment in [FONT=微软雅黑]Sony (China) Digital Company Ltd. is 40 hours per week, and the annual salary plus benefits is 131,988RMB. [/FONT]

回复: 关于5612E第12项 work experience我想说,日本人好抠门 还有1st January,2009 to now 是不是可以改成since 1st January,2009

回复: 关于5612E第12项 work experience提升空间比较大,找个专业翻译好好修改一下比较好.

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