加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响
前几天有新闻: 千人状告加国移民部一刀切 官司太多 法庭拟合并 http://www.canadameet.cc/news/canada/immigration/2012/0526/137011.html 前几天,法官要求所有正在起诉CIC的律师一起开个会,这个视频会议今天举行了。 收到Tim来信: 今天的会议不影响我们的起诉,我们如期在6月5号开庭。 这个会议主要是关于C38通过之后的集体诉讼 Lorne Waldman said that, once Bill C-38 is passed he will be seeking an injunction, barring CIC from closing any pre-27 February 2008 files; i.e., his forty litigants and everyone else. LW将在C38通过之后向法庭申请禁制令,禁止法庭作废所有人的案子。 王律师 Lawrence Wong asked that processing of his 106 cases be suspended pending (a) the outcome of our litigation and (b) passage of Bill C-38 and proceed as did ours. His DoJ counsel appears to agree with this approach. Tim为我们增加了一项诉求: 要求CIC要么在一年之内处理完我们的案子要么每个人赔偿1百万。(以前没有赔偿的诉求) 参加Tim诉讼的底线: 1.在C38通过之前得到官司结果 2.如果此次官司失败,将获得C38之后集体诉讼挑战C38违宪的第二次机会 就是说,如果6月5号的开庭,最后法庭宣判我们失败,我们将再接再厉,重新打class-action的官司
第一封信(是公开内容,已发给所有起诉人和记者)Thursday's video conference had no impact on our litigation. Instead, it was about how to organize the post-BIll C-38 litigation. They will have another meeting on Wednesday afternoon with the idea that DoJ will give its position on suspending processing of those cases until after Bill C-38 has been passed. DoJ counsel involved in our case said that they did not see any reason for attending, and the judge agreed. So, we go forward on Tuesday without regard to the other litigation. Lorne Waldman said that, once Bill C-38 is passed he will be seeking an injunction, barring CIC from closing any pre-27 February 2008 files; i.e., his forty litigants and everyone else. Both he and Matthew Jeffrey, who has a dozen files, would be seeking approval for class action. Lawrence Wong asked that processing of his 106 cases be suspended pending (a) the outcome of our litigation and (b) passage of Bill C-38 and proceed as did ours. His DoJ counsel appears to agree with this approach. Therefore, the DoJ counsel will seek instruction from their handlers to see if they will proceed by representative case after Bill C-38 is passed. Two other counsel have expressed to Lorne Waldman their intention of filing cases in this litigation: Cecil Rotenberg and Mario Bellissimo, but neither has yet filed a case. So, the conference had no impact on our litigation. It will proceed as scheduled on Tuesday, June 6th. The other litigants' cases will proceed after Bill C-38 is passed. The same justice who managed our cases appears likely to be managing those cases. Whether it will be converted to a class-action or merely all the litigants moving together remains to be determined.
第二封信(回复我的,他同意公开)I don't think that further news in the Chinese media will matter one way or the other. It would probably make more sense to wait until Tuesday's hearing. We might have a better idea then if the judge expresses himself during the hearing. I've come up with an alternative solution: an order to assess the file within one year or pay the victim $1.0 million. That way, Parliament can close the file but, if so, CIC will have to pay you $1.0 million. If those choices, CIC might just decide to process the file. But, at least you have two chances of success. If we lose the first round, you'll be included in the second, whereas the others will only be in the class-action lawsuit. (I will be making my final filing of new cases on Monday.)
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响Tim几天前在接到法官邮件要求所有律师集合开会时,感到有点不安,担心所有其他律师的案子会合并进来,担心我们的开庭因此流产,现在这些担心被证明是多余的,大家都可以暂时松口气了。。。。。。
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响6月5号是加拿大时间
第三封信(公开信,在加拿大的可以去法庭旁听,有详细地址)The two-hour hearing is scheduled to occur at 9:30am on Tuesday, June 5th in Courtroom 4D on the 4th floor of 180 Queen East (northwest corner of Queen and Simcoe, one block west of University Avenue) . The subway stop is Osgoode Hall.There will be two hearing will be for two cases: Class I, those who applied before 27 February 2008, and Class II, those who applied beetween 27 February 2008 and 25 June 2010. The names are Liang and Gurung, respectively.Before entering the courtroom area, your bags will be checked. Mobiles should be turned off in the courtroom.The judge hearing the case is Justice Donald J. Rennie. Immigration Canada is represented by DoJ counsel, Angela Marinos, Alison Engel-Yan and Jane Stewart.
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响I will be making my final filing of new cases on Monday 参加Tim起诉的截止时间是下周一 还有一天
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响DoJ是 Department of Justice 的缩写
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响感谢MOI提供消息和解释。
老赵传奇I will be making my final filing of new cases on Monday 参加Tim起诉的截止时间是下周一 还有一天点击展开...还能加入吗?如何加入?
2007.10材料递香港2008.4 FN........S2?........ME? 超赞 赏 L lelema 0$(VIP 0) 442012-06-01#11 回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响请教一下,fn时间是指什么时间?另外vo的名字从哪里能看到?
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响还能加入吗?如何加入?点击展开... 你自己给Tim发邮件问问 [email protected]
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响请教一下,fn时间是指什么时间?另外vo的名字从哪里能看到?点击展开... FN信中的时间就是FN日期, VO在FN的左侧处有几个字母,但没写VO。
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响我看这事有机会成毕竟是法治国家慢慢耗
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响处理案子和赔偿一百万,只能选一个,该选哪个?
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响处理案子和赔偿一百万,只能选一个,该选哪个?点击展开...我以前就认为可以兼得的赔偿要拿 案子也要处理
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响Tim为我们增加了一项诉求:要求CIC要么在一年之内处理完我们的案子要么每个人赔偿1百万。TIM提出这个要求,我觉得似乎说明我们会进入集体诉讼的环节了。
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响Tim为我们增加了一项诉求:要求CIC要么在一年之内处理完我们的案子要么每个人赔偿1百万。TIM提出这个要求,我觉得似乎说明我们会进入集体诉讼的环节了。点击展开... 如果这次失败了就进入集体诉讼。 要求赔偿100万的诉求,只能在C38没通过之前提出。 C38一旦通过,索赔权就被彻底堵死了,因为C38的87.4明文规定,被一刀切的申请人,无权索赔。 无论6月5的开庭是输是赢,我们有两次机会。只有TIM的诉讼有两次机会。其他所有律师只有集体诉讼一个选择。
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响毫无疑问,Tim的官司输赢,对以后的官司有示范效应,所以王仁铎暂时把官司悬置,等我们的结果出来再继续。6月5号法官在法庭上说的,将是联邦法院对此事的态度。 还是要攒一下王仁铎,他收那么少的律师费,完全是象征性的收费,他根本赚不到钱,他说这个官司主要是自己掏钱打,这一点我不怀疑。 王仁铎是为正义而战的好律师,不为钱,不为出名!
回复: Tim Leahy起诉进展更新:6月5号如期开庭,今天的律师视频开会没有影响以后只要有机会在媒体上就起诉CIC接受采访,我会抓住机会表达对王仁铎的赞赏!
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