加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道
http://www.scmp.com/portal/site/SCM...0VgnVCM100000360a0a0aRCRD&ss=Hong+Kong&s=News Migrants on hunger strike at Canadian consulate Shenzhen resident Jack Sun Mingliang quit his business management job to work as a driver five years ago when he applied to migrate to Canada as a skilled worker, so he could make time to learn English. But Sun found his efforts, not to mention years of waiting, had gone down the drain when the Canadian government proposed in March to axe a backlog of pre-2008 immigration applications of skilled workers. The change provoked him to start a four-day hunger strike outside the Canadian consulate on Friday. Sun, 43, who is married and has a 14-year-old daughter, is among more than 20 Chinese mainlanders and a few Hongkongers who are staging a rally outside Tower One of Exchange Square in Central until Monday. Most of the mainlanders live in Guangdong province but have come to Hong Kong to protest because they had been required to lodge their immigration applications here. A representative of the protesters said they would also send a letter to the Canadian embassy in Beijing. The proposed change, announced in March, is undergoing review by the Canadian Parliament as part of a bill that would amend 60 acts. The broad revamp seeks to make way for a faster and more flexible immigration system that aims to take in workers relevant to Canada’s needs. Among the 280,000 affected applicants, 11,380 are from the mainland and 383 are from Hong Kong. The Sun family had been looking to emigrate primarily so their daughter could have a brighter future. They had spent up to 50,000 yuan (HK$61,000) to learn English and take the IELTS English-language test, which was a qualification for immigration. “Migrating to Canada has been my life’s goal and is the start of a new life,” Sun said. “My wife and I both believe that even if we cannot make it, we will sacrifice anything for our daughter to go.” He said his family’s qualifications were up to par. “My wife took the IELTS four times and finally reached the requirement.” Shenzhen management consultant He Xiaolin, 35, married with a nine-month-old child, filed his application in 2006. He joined the hunger strike for 24 hours on Friday. “I once lived in Vancouver for two months and cycled all the way round Victoria Island and could feel the locals’ hospitality,” He said. “But right now, the Canadian government is anything but friendly.”
回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道Among the 280,000 affected applicants, 11,380 are from the mainland and 383 are from Hong Kong. 受一刀切影响的中国人包括香港居民有超过2万,怎么报道了这么少
回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道more than 20 Chinese mainlanders and a few Hongkongers who are staging a rally outside Tower One of Exchange Square in Central until Monday 这个数字也报道少了吧
回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道南华早报的网站需要付费注册才能阅读全文 第一次注册,可免费14天
回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道这个竟然没人顶。都说要英文媒体报道,英文的报道了又不说话了
回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道支持,国际上法语同学都一起加入了。
回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道再次向英雄们致敬!
回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道支持paradiseunderthesun。
回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道来顶!!
回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道顶!!
2011年3月24日PL 2011年4月18日收到VISA毕业2011年4月19日,一个伟大的日子诞生了MER+DM 道不行,乘桴浮于海。 超赞 赏 反馈:1人 红豆儿 0$(VIP 0) 8552012-06-02#11 回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道up
回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道打倒肥康,阻止恶政!加国政治小人下台!
当他们屠杀犹太人时,我没有作声,因为我不是犹太人;当他们屠杀基督徒时,我没有作声,因为我不是基督徒;当他们来抓.....时,我保持沉默,因为我不是...;后来他们要杀我,已经没有人能为我作声了------愤怒的大鸟! 超赞 赏 岁 岁月无声 0$(VIP 0) 2492012-06-02#13 回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道无耻肥康
FN(BJ) 16/01/2008变5 24/02/2010s2妥投 10/06/2010变12 18/06/2010 超赞 赏 Y YYMA 0$(VIP 0) 4952012-06-03#14 回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道顶!向前线的英雄们致敬!!!
回复: South China Morning Post 南华早报对61的报道这家媒体是现场报道,可能不知道我们的人是陆陆续续来现场他们自己数的
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