加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动


加拿大全国性大报《环球邮报》在网站显着位置报道香港此次排坐坐,减肥活动。http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news...ge-in-canadas-immigration-law/article2449898/Applicants furious at change in Canada's immigration lawMARK MACKINNON AND GLORIA GALLOWAYBEIJING AND OTTAWA From Saturday's Globe and MailPublished Friday, Jun. 01, 2012 7:54PM EDTLast updated Friday, Jun. 01, 2012 7:59PM EDTSix years ago, Sun Mingliang thought he had discovered something wonderful. With his background managing a plastics company, he believed he qualified for immigration to Canada under the Federal Skilled Workers Program. A native of Shenzhen, China, he applied, along with his wife and young daughter, to immigrate and was so certain of success that he spent thousands of dollars on English classes for the three of them.But instead of the life in Canada that he dreamed of, Mr. Sun was set to spend the upcoming weekend sleeping on the pavement outside the Hong Kong skyscraper that houses the Canadian consulate. Furious at a change in immigration law that cancels applications filed before 2008 in an effort to reduce backlog, the 43-year-old says he will go without food until Monday in a desperate effort to get the attention of Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.Mr. Sun was among several dozen protesters who gathered outside Hong Kong’s Exchange Square on Friday, shouting slogans and delivering two letters of protest to diplomats who came down from their 14th-floor offices to meet them. A few of the demonstrators pitched tents on the sidewalk and said they planned to stay there all weekend.“The new policy is a heavy blow for us. So many years of waiting, so much time invested, so many years of hoping. If they told us earlier, we’d have made other plans,” he said, speaking by mobile phone as he prepared to bed down for the night outside the consulate, the same place where he filed for the visa in 2006. “This hunger strike is my way of communicating my helplessness and sadness. It’s resistance by physical means.”Anger at the changes is high in Hong Kong and southern China. Many people there have family ties to Canada, which accepted a flood of immigrants from Hong Kong before 1997, when the former British colony rejoined China. Of the 284,000 applicants worldwide who would be bumped out of line by the changes, about 12,000 are from mainland China or Hong Kong. The government has set aside $130-million to refund application fees and says applicants are free to try again under the new criteria.“We applied to immigrate to Canada because we believed that Canada is governed by the rule of law and treats everyone equally. Sadly, your conduct reveals an alternative, sinister side of Canada, one mirroring the same attitude toward the people [we] in autocracies are used to suffering,” read a letter that was addressed to Mr. Kenney and signed “Chinese victims of FSW” (the initials of the Federal Skilled Workers program).This program was previously altered in 2008, when 19 occupations were designated as priorities for immigration. Many of those left waiting have skills that are not on the new priority list. Stricter language requirements were also introduced in 2008.A spokeswoman for Mr. Kenney said Friday that the Conservatives had inherited an immigration system from the former Liberal government that was slow and “collapsing” due to the heavy backlog. That made it impossible to respond to Canada’s rapidly changing labour market needs, Ana Curic said.The elimination of the backlog “was a difficult but necessary decision,” Ms. Curic said. “We want an immigration system that is fast and flexible, in which applicants receive decisions in a few months, instead of eight long years. We invite everyone in the current backlog to apply to come to Canada under the new system. A new system that processes applications in a few short months and not a decade is good for Canada and good for immigrants.”The protesters appear to be quite familiar with the Canadian parliamentary system. The letter presented to diplomats complained that Mr. Kenney was pushing through the changes as part of a budget bill, meaning the proposal to throw out old immigration applications would not be debated on its own merits. “The message you are sending is: ‘Don’t wait patiently in the immigration queue. Charter a ship, sail to Canada, seek asylum and be supported by the government while you await our decision,’” the missive warns.“The new policy is very harsh,” said Emily Xiang, an organizer of the protests. “I’m 41 and my husband is 48. [Now they say] our occupations do not meet their requirements. But I’m an accountant and my husband is an engineer, which did meet their requirements six years ago. They kept delaying, and now they say, ‘You can apply again.’ Such shamelessness.”

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动首先感谢前方的勇士们。好消息是报道上了加拿大全国性主流媒体的首页。这一点很不容易。说明加拿大主流媒体的编辑认为这件事情跟加拿大社会具有相关性(relevant),并已开始引起他们的兴趣。坏消息是新闻出来的时候,已经是周末,很多人都已经去度假了。估计看到的人不多。希望下个礼拜一(国内就是周二),还会有后续报道。

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动感谢a4转载,感谢环球邮报。 其实无论什么时候刊登,关心的人始终关心,不关心的人也不会在意的。 我们的奋斗在继续!!

超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-06-02#4 回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动beifeng1995提前通知Globe and Mail了,抗议信和声明都发给了他们

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动好!

When nothing goes right...go left 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-06-02#6 回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动顶英文媒体的报道

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动前方斗士们辛苦了!去不了的在后方支持你们!

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动好消息!

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动最好纽约时报能报道。。。。。。。

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动Of the 284,000 applicants worldwide who would be bumped out of line by the changes, about 12,000 are from mainland China or Hong Kong. 28万人中受影响的中国人竟然只有1.2万,这么少啊。 香港馆积压接近2.5万,中国人只占一半还不到。 我相信Globe and Mail的这个数字是真实的。

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动很客观的说,这一篇报道非常出彩! Emily说的那一段话,被人在Facebook上单独开帖讨论了: Suman Singh “The new policy is very harsh,” said Emily Xiang, an organizer of the protests. “I’m 41 and my husband is 48. [Now they say] our occupations do not meet their requirements. But I’m an accountant and my husband is an engineer, which did meet their requirements six years ago. They kept delaying, and now they say, ‘You can apply again.’ Such shamelessness.” Rakesh Das Similar condition for me and many like Emily Xiang. Many of the occupations have abruptly been "capped" or removed from the list after filing of the application, but CHC never thought of retrurning these applications in these 5 years (for removal of occupations were done in 2008). So, there always remains a BIG QUESTION mark on the motive of CHC/CIC .

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动好,一定要顶!

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动支持火线的勇士们!肥康早死,天下太平!

当他们屠杀犹太人时,我没有作声,因为我不是犹太人;当他们屠杀基督徒时,我没有作声,因为我不是基督徒;当他们来抓.....时,我保持沉默,因为我不是...;后来他们要杀我,已经没有人能为我作声了------愤怒的大鸟! 超赞 赏 T tlx505 0$(VIP 0) 782012-06-03#16 回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动支持!支持!感谢前方的勇士们!

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动支持

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动支持

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动“环球邮报“可以说是加拿大最主流的报纸了。他们近期在热烈讨论移民问题。有兴趣的朋友不妨持续关注。

回复: 加拿大全国性报纸《环球邮报》报道香港此次活动顶!

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