加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者
http://www.mingpaovan.com/htm/News/20120612/vap1h.htm [FONT=宋体]收体检通知仍会「一刀切」[/FONT][FONT=宋体]移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]明报记者张伶铢报道加拿大驻香港签证办事处在4月底恢复审查技术移民旧案,并在最近发出申请人体检通知,让一些已等待5、6年的申请人喜出望外,以为收到被视为最后一关的体检通知,将会获批移民资格。本报昨日特别向移民部求证,移民部发言人尼贾田(Kasra Nejatian)坚决指出,日后修订的「一刀切」法案通过后,这些现在才做体检的人,并不会获得移民身分,只有那些在3月29日之前已审批获准的申请人,才会获得移民资格。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]他解释,国会正在审查C-38法案即《预算实施议案》(Budget Implementation Act) ,有关清除技术移民积压申请的立法也包括其中,而根据法案,只有在3月29日及以前审批获准的申请人,才不会被「一刀切」。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]本报在一周前访问人在上海的申请人洪楠,她在3月底获得雅思(IELTS)的通知,分别在听说读写取得高分,本以为可在技术移民计分的英文一项,取得移民资格的67分及格分数。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]洪楠在过去一个月,心情跌宕多次,先是英语分数取得高分,但后来又听说申请会被「一刀切」,令她5年等待成为泡影,但在几天前,她又收到移民部驻香港办事处寄来的体检通知,令她对申请又重燃希望。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]像洪楠这样在最近才收到体检通知的申请个案,在网上互相告知「喜讯」的申请人不少,他们虽然对移民部执行「一刀切」的决定有所理解,但由于总算盼到体检通知,认为只要移民官仍在审查,他们即有一线希望。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]移民律师王仁铎指出,移民部[/FONT][FONT='MingLiU_HKSCS','serif']?[/font][FONT=宋体]令香港签证办事处恢复审查申请,只是为了担心若在法案未通过前,即停审申请,将让他们在未来遇到集体诉讼时站不住脚,引来对移民部不尊重立法程序,或「先斩后奏」的批评,而不是真心的想帮助申请人,协助他们处理申请。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]王仁铎?集体诉讼唯一方法[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]王仁铎说,如果C-38法案获通过,申请人唯一的办法只有向联邦法院提出诉讼,挑战移民部的修法权限,如此才能阻止「一刀切」的发生。王仁铎现时总共代表100多名申请人,准备向联邦法院提出诉讼。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]温哥华菲沙围区省选华裔候选人姚永安,在6月12日北京时间,与一些受「一刀切」影响的申请人,一同前往加拿大驻北京大使馆递交抗议信。姚永安说,移民部的「一刀切」违反了加拿大一向信奉的人道、公平及正义等价值。他认为,与其花13亿元办理申请退款,以及可能吃官司而面临赔偿,倒不如以这些经费聘请足够移民官,加速对申请案的审查。[/FONT]
回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者天啊,ME了还要被切绝对天理难容,肥康必死!
When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6. 超赞 赏 annieshenuk 0$(VIP 0) 9402012-06-12#3 回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者真不敢相信移民部竞敢做这么混蛋的事情。那当初为什么还要发ME呀,混蛋!法理不容,天理不容。
被切后于2014年1月2号递交萨省技术移民申请2014年2月6号AR,至今无IP继续等待中 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-06-12#4 回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者[FONT=宋体]王仁铎集体诉讼唯一方法[/FONT][FONT=宋体]王仁铎说,如果C-38法案获通过,申请人唯一的办法只有向联邦法院提出诉讼,挑战移民部的修法权限,如此才能阻止「一刀切」的发生。[/FONT]
回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者太无人性可言,跟肥康尼斗争到底。
回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者这是最后的斗争,全体91联合起来!
When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6. 超赞 赏 L li_waiting 0$(VIP 0) 1442012-06-12#7 回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者这也太不合常理了吧!
2006.09递香港 2007.02.09 FN VO:CWS2012.03.21 S2补料信 04.03收到补料信2012.05.25 DHL S2补料 28日签收2012.06.07 电子ME vo:LSW 06.08体检 06.15补料签收 6.20主动寄护照 6.21签收 7.2大信封到,其间无PL。7.3查CAS DM了 超赞 赏 东门西雨 0$(VIP 0) 1942012-06-12#8 回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Politics/20110308/tory-staffers-blamed-110308/he Canadian PressDate: Tuesday Mar. 8, 2011 6:26 PM ETOTTAWA Conservative staffers with minds of their own or speed-bumps under the wheels of Tory re-election buses?The resignation of Immigration Minister Jason Kenney's director of multicultural affairs added another name to the lengthy list of Conservative aides who have quit over stumbles, blunders or scandals.Kasra Nejatian resigned last week after his name appeared on a party fundraising letter sent on Kenney's parliamentary letterhead. Kenney said Nejatian disobeyed his explicit instructions not to do partisan work at the ministerial office.Nejatian is not alone. Since the Tories took power in 2006, at least a half-dozen staff have taken the blame for controversial actions they say were completely their own.Half of those resignations occurred since the Conservatives announced that ministers would be accountable for the actions of their staff."There is a clear case to be made that the accountability of political staff ought to be satisfied through ministers," former House Leader Jay Hill told the Commons last May."Ministers ran for office and accepted the role and responsibility of being a minister. Staff did not."Russell Ullyatt, an assistant to Conservative MP Kelly Block, said his boss was completely unaware that he had leaked a pre-budget report to five lobbyists. Ullyatt said he was trying to boost his employment prospects with lobbying firms by giving them a heads-up on the report.Sebastien Togneri, a senior aide to Natural Resources Minister Christian Paradis, resigned last fall after it was revealed he had meddled in at least four Access to Information requests rather than just the single one he had acknowledged to a parliamentary committee. Two other staffers in Paradis' office had also been gatekeeping access requests, but they did not lose their jobs.The resignations are a contradiction to the popular narrative that has developed around the Conservative government.Prime Minister Stephen Harper's administration is often described as highly centralized and controlled, but disgraced staffers almost uniformly insist they were acting on their own when they broke the rules.Government House Leader John Baird chalked it up to human beings making mistakes from time to time.When asked about where the line is drawn on whether a minister should resign over a mistake, Baird referred solely to the case involving Kenney's aide."I don't think every time someone in a minister's office uses the wrong type of letterhead it calls for a resignation," Baird told reporters Tuesday. "I'm just saying that if a ministerial staffer uses the wrong piece of letterhead, it should not constitute a resignation."Not surprisingly, opposition parties see things quite differently."If there was no error, why is the minister apologizing?" Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe asked of Kenney during question period. "What is he apologizing for? If he's apologizing for a mistake then he's responsible, otherwise he wouldn't apologize.""If he's responsible, as minister, he doesn't have a choice but to resign. That's essentially ministerial responsibility."So where exactly does one draw the line on ministerial responsibility?Christian Rouillard, a political studies professor at the University of Ottawa, said if that line leads directly to a minister's action, then that minister should go. He points to the example of a younger Jean Charest, who resigned from Brian Mulroney's federal cabinet in 1990 after an ill-advised telephone call to a judge.Rouillard said a minister can also be directly involved in an act simply by fostering a certain culture or expectation in his office."If you have a number of people within a relatively small group who say they acted individually, but there seems to be a repetition of the same behaviour, then it becomes a reasonable assumption that is expected by the minister to act that way, and that would qualify to me as a ministerial involvement," said Rouillard.That can be much trickier to prove.Said Rouillard: "As long as individuals are willing to take the blame, to avoid ministerial accountability... then it's very difficult to truly blame the minister in these circumstances."Read more: http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Politics/20110308/tory-staffers-blamed-110308/#ixzz1xb9zoYpr移民部发言人尼贾田(Kasra Nejatian)是kenney的铁党,kenney出来谈c38如何如何,很出乎大家的意料吗?
回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者楼上再详细说一下吧,为什么Kasra Nejatian很出乎大家的意料呢
回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者楼上再详细说一下吧,为什么Kasra Nejatian很出乎大家的意料呢点击展开...一鸣兄,我的意思是不应出乎大家的意料。哈哈。
回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者一鸣兄,我的意思是不应出乎大家的意料。哈哈。点击展开... 叫小肥狼好好准备一下他的故事。我后天回到家后即联系记者采访他。他的经历很有价值。在C38之前必须集中力量发出反对的声音。
回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者这啃泥的好同学忒可爱了,竟出来证明本来我们就说是阴谋的阴谋,尽管某些同学表示不相信阴谋论。。。不过,ME的快的,PL到了的,还是好运的。所以,ME的同学应该积极主动地护照送上。。。
网络暴力和现实中一样无处不在,远离不诚信的人,管它老乡,同胞,还是网络名人!!! 超赞 赏 L li_waiting 0$(VIP 0) 1442012-06-12#13 回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者大家都主动寄护照了吗?
2006.09递香港 2007.02.09 FN VO:CWS2012.03.21 S2补料信 04.03收到补料信2012.05.25 DHL S2补料 28日签收2012.06.07 电子ME vo:LSW 06.08体检 06.15补料签收 6.20主动寄护照 6.21签收 7.2大信封到,其间无PL。7.3查CAS DM了 超赞 赏 Sophie.Jin 0$(VIP 0) 2292012-06-12#14 回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者这不是浪费申请人的精力吗
10年-05/22:妥投悉尼S.LAHEY签收*10/28:RN*12/23:补料妥投*11年-02/07:FN*12年-02/21:ME*由于怀孕申请延期*09/17补宝宝料*10/18再次收到ME*10/24全家体检*10/31寄出护照和体检确认信*13年-05/28: DM*5/30:大信封到!! 超赞 赏 F fairyzhang 0$(VIP 0) 1,6812012-06-12#15 回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者MOI,我们的TIM律师的判决怎么样了啊!什么时候有结果啊?我就指望这个了呢。
回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者
回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者我们还要求7月19号面试呢,机票都订好了,这个啥世道?
2006年8月30递HK8月31签收9月27划款10月6日签发FN等。。。。。。 超赞 赏 godream 2$(VIP 0,#281) 9182012-06-12#18 回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者底线啊,CIC尼玛。无比震惊中!
... 超赞 赏 D douglas1984 0$(VIP 0) 3012012-06-12#19 回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者话说我一直以为王仁铎是地产律师的。。。
回复: 明报加西再访YOYO和王仁铎 收体检通知仍会「一刀切」移民部?法案仅容3月29日前批出者按照他们的逻辑,3月底以后的91新政拿到移民纸的也应该被切,因为也是3月底以后做出的决定, 前后矛盾,这是他们的又一罪证
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