加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【6.1香港再行动】《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》


6月1-3日活动中,将有几十位勇士战斗在第一线。 同时,我们也考虑通过更猛烈的宣传攻势,将CIC的恶行传播出去,扩大影响范围,赢得更多支持。 北风和我牵头,共同起草了两封公开信,过程中曾得到很多朋友的帮助和修改,不一一致谢了。现公布如下。 第一封是《致康尼部长的公开抗议信》: - 将在6月1日上午作为正式文件递交给领事馆,表明决不妥协的立场- 将通过各种渠道公开传播,让更多人知道事情的来龙去脉,认识到CIC的卑劣手段和险恶用心- 已做好简繁英三个版本​第二封是《致各界人士的公开声明》-将通过各种渠道公开传播,让更多人知道本次6.1香港行动,争取他们的到场支持-已做好简繁两个版本,英文版本即将完工​WORD文档已上传,请随意下载,版权滴木有。欢迎利用你手中的所有信息渠道,尽量传播给更多人!

回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》《致肯尼部长的公开抗议信简体版》​ 致尊敬的移民部长,杰森肯尼先生: 我们是向加拿大驻北京和香港签证处提出技术移民申请的中国专业人士,然而,我们的申请案子正在因为一个隐藏在C-38预算执行法案中的邪恶政策,而即将被全体埋葬。我们相信加拿大是尊重法治精神,并平等对待每一个人的美好国度,因此而向往成为她的国民。不幸的是,移民部长的行为却展示了相反一面,一个行事邪恶,以类似独裁国家常用的手段来对付民众的加拿大。请你向我们证实,这令人梦醒神伤的一切,并非实情。 大约在一年前,我们在这里聚集,要求香港领事馆遵守长期以来的承诺,开始审理我们的申请。我们希望看到加拿大移民部及其派出机构拿出切实的行动,来证明他们言出必践。8月份,我们得到了回复:领事馆重申其承诺,一定会审理这些积案。我们接受了这个回答,相信加拿大人的真诚态度,期待着你能早日实践诺言。 但是,在今年3月30日,移民部长大人宣称,从这一天起,将废除我们的申请档案。我们感到震惊而困惑。毕竟,在今年的2月,你还言之凿凿地声称: “为了维护加拿大人对我国慷慨宏大的移民及难民体系的支持,我们必须表明:加拿大拥有一个公平的,管理良好的体系,绝不容忍任何插队行为。”,你这样总结道。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-02-16.asp 事与愿违,移民部长先生的真实意图是把我们这些老老实实排队等候了4至6年的申请者,全部清除掉。你释放出来的信息是:“不要耐心地呆在移民申请队列里,当你们还在等待我们做出审理决定的时候,租一艘船,偷渡到加拿大,寻找庇护所并获取政府的援助。”我们并不为窃取福利而来,我们也不打算违反你们的法律。那么请问,为什么你要告诉我们这样去做?难道加拿大精神,对移民部长先生不值一文吗?难道民主对移民部长先生不值一文吗?你并不打算把计划交给国会议员讨论、研读和投票表决,而是狡猾地将其隐藏在一个400多页的C-38法案中,因为该法案是预算执行案,必须通过,否则政府就将垮台并提前进行大选。很明显,C-38法案非常有可能会通过,因为本届政府利用多数党控制了国会,并显示了高超的滥用国会程序的手段:只给出28.5小时来辩论。鉴于该法案的重要性,能有多少时间分配来讨论移民事务?中国申请人6年的等待,与加拿大的本土事务相比,在你眼中价值几何? 如果部长先生坚信S.87(4)条款(即你打算把我们扫地出门的条款)是正当的,你理当将其按常规来开放讨论、分析和投票,而不是藏在一个巨大的预算案中。因此,我们知道了,而且你自己也清楚这一点,即如果将条款草案直接提交国会,国会将立即将其驳回。这不仅是因为这条款是如此“非加拿大化”,会对加拿大的声誉造成巨大的伤害,而且任何一个人只要稍微分析一下你所宣称的理由,就会立即发现这都是不堪一击的虚假陈词。 第一,完全不用8年来处理我们的案子。只要4年就够了,因为在2008年,部长大人决定让新的申请人插队,人为地将我们的处理时间延长了4年。按照当时的处理速度,目前的积案只要17个月就可以全部审完! 第二,如果CIC(移民部)能在2010年和2011年,像他们在2009年一样积极地处理同样多的申请案,所有的申请现在早就审完了。相反的是,CIC降低了它的处理效率,以至于在2011年仅仅才审理了相当于2009年一半的案子。下面是来自于CIC的统计数据: 联邦技术移民的每年审结案数量2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 201179,447 70,900 72,326 114,549 93,242 57,253 http://www.data.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=5175A6F0-1&xsl=datacataloguerecord&metaxsl=datacataloguerecord&formid=FD6F93ED-6249-42A4-AC30-5A1A7AA48389 截至2012年1月6日,联邦技术移民的积案数量2004至2008.2.26 2008.02.27至2010.06.25 2010.06.26至2011.06.30 2011.07.01至2012.01.06合计 105,491 43,994 9,371 5,495 164,351​ 第三,部长先生宣布,与职业列表上的职业不同,我们的职业技能并不是加拿大需要的。但是,你并不能给出任何的证据,而我们查阅了加拿大的劳动力市场情况,却发现实际的岗位需求,远远比你所指的职业列表中的那些职业比如医学博士要多得多。​ 我们所有人在2006-2008年间,提交了申请,支付了申请费,为了让自己的申请开始审查并顺利通过。你给我们一个估计的时间,然后对于绝大多数案子,你要求我们花费无数的时间、金钱和精力去在120天内准备好整套的文件资料。那时,你说在120天会审结我们的案子,事实上根本没有。 当你试图采取让后来的申请者任意插在我们队伍前头的方式时,你安抚我们说,我们的案子仍然会被审理。CIC的官方网站在2008年3月宣布:“所有在2008年2月27日前提出申请的申请人,都会得到最终审理。但是这需要一些时间来处理。鉴于积案的数量,不可能隔一夜就全部消化掉。” 我们相信了CIC。我们定期发去询问,组织抗议,而得到的回答和正式回复,总是在强调我们的案子没有被遗忘,会被审理直到关闭。我们被建议耐心地等待。 正是因为这些保证,我们以前所未有的耐心坚持了下来,并放弃了尝试其他国家的移民机会,或者转由其它途径移民到加拿大,比如:在2008年新政出台后重新提交申请。我们以移民后的情形,来规划现实生活。个人发展、职业和家庭规划,统统重新被审视和加以调整,以迎合即将到来的变化。 如果我们的申请被撤销,我们不但将马上面临在申请和准备工作中造成的物质损失,而且还有对未来的负面影响。这些损失,这些负面的影响,以及之前4到6年的徒劳等待,绝对没有办法用一个简单的退还申请费的办法就能够搪塞过去!事实上,加拿大政府不允许公民在债务利息没有评估前完税,而你却不支付所欠这些申请者的债务利息,这分明示范了什么是双重标准! 移民部长你很清楚你的行为会引发对政府要求的损害赔偿金,因为S.87(5)条款中还试图剥夺我们寻求索赔的权利。甚至连当前的德国政府,都会为上届政府对受害人造成的损失而赔偿,而尊敬的部长先生却千方百计禁止我们得到应有的补偿。但是,我们要的不是补偿金,我们要求加拿大严格遵守其再三重复的承诺,审理及结束我们的案子。我们更愿意相信加拿大是诚实的和民主的。将S.87(4)从C-38预算案中删除!重建我们对加拿大的信心! 联邦技术移民中国受害者2012-05​

回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》《A public letter to Mr. Jason Kenny, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration》​ To the honorable Minister of Immigration, Mr. Jason Kenny, We are Chinese professionals who applied as skilled workers (FSW’s) at the visa posts in Beijing and Hong Kong and are in danger of being wiped out by virtue of a provision buried in Bill C-38, the budget implementation bill. We applied to immigrate to Canada because we believed that Canada is governed by the rule of law and treats everyone equally. Sadly, the conduct of the Minister of Immigration reveals an alternative, sinister side of Canada, one mirroring the same attitude toward the people as people in autarchy is used to seeing. Please prove that this disillusioning parallel is not accurate. About a year ago, we gathered here to ask that our files be assessed as the Consulate long promised to do. We were hoping to see some evidence of truthfulness from Immigration Canada and its officials. In August, we received a response: The Consulate reaffirmed its commitment to assess our files. We were relieved and, trusting in the veracity of Canadians, hopeful that you would keep your word. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-02-16.asp However, on March 30th, the Minister announced that, effective the day before, you were abolishing our files. We were shocked and perplexed. After all, in February, you have declared: “To maintain the support of Canadians for our generous immigration and refugee systems, we must demonstrate that Canada has a fair, well-managed system that does not tolerate queue jumping,” concluded Minister Kenney. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-02-16.asp And yet, the Minister intends to wipe out the queue in which we have been standing four to six years. The message you are sending is: “Don’t wait patiently in the immigration queue. Charter a ship, sail to Canada, seek asylum and be supported by the government while you await our decision”. We do not want welfare; we do not want to break your laws. So, why are you telling us to do so? Does the word of Canada mean so little to the Minister? Does democracy mean so little to the Minister? Instead of allowing MP’s to discuss your plan, to study and vote on it, the Minister buried it in the 400+ page Bill C-38, which, because it is the Budge bill, must be passed or the Government will fall and new elections called. Clearly, Bill C-38 will, therefore, pass because the Government, just like in China, controls Parliament and, showing total distain for parliamentary procedures, allowed only 28.5 hours of feigned debate. Given the importance of the legislation to Canada, how many seconds will the Government allocate to our issue? How many Canadian seconds are the six year we Chinese have been waiting worth in your eyes? If the Minister believed in the correctness of s. 87(4), the provision you will use to wipe us out, you would have allowed it to be debated, analyzed and voted on its own merits, as opposed to hiding it in the budget bill. So we know that, you know that, if had allowed Parliament to do so, it would have reject this provision, not only because it is so very, very un-Canadian, so damaging to the image of Canada but also, because if anyone analyzed your professed justifications, they would immediately know that they are false. 1. It would not take eight years to process our files. It has only taken four years because, in 2008, you decided to leapfrog ahead of us newer files, adding four years to the processing. Applying that rate, the current inventory would be finalized within 17 months! 2. If CIC had processed as many FSW applications in 2010 and 2011 as it did in 2009, all the files would have been assessed. Instead, CIC reduced production each year to the point that in 2011, it processed only half as many as in 2009. Here are CIC’s figures: Number of FSW Files Finalized 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 201179,447 70,900 72,326 114,549 93,242 57,253 http://www.data.gc.ca/default.asp?l...d&formid=FD6F93ED-6249-42A4-AC30-5A1A7AA48389 Federal Skilled Worker Inventory, 6 January 20122004 to 26Feb 2008 27Feb08 to25 Jun10 26Jun10 to 30Jun11 1July11 to 6Jan12 Total 105,491 43,994 9,371 5,495 164,351 3. The Minister says that, unlike the occupations on the Occupation List, our job skills are not needed in Canada. However, you have never shown any proof of this claim, and we have checked Canada’s Job Bank and found more openings for occupations not on the list than those such as medical doctors on your list. All of us applied in the 2006-2008 time-frame and paid the fee for having our files assessed and finalized. You gave us an estimated time to do so and, in many cases, you ordered us to expend enormous time, money and effort to prepare the full package of documents within 120 days of being so ordered. At that time, you said that a decision would be made within that 120-day period, but it was not. When you introduced the current queue-jumping processing policy, you assured us that our files would still be processed. CIC website stated in March 2008: "All those who applied before February 27, 2008, will be processed to a final decision. But it will take some time to process them all. Given the backlog, it cannot be reduced overnight. …" We believed CIC. The feedback for our periodic inquiries as well as the formal response to our protest always demonstrated that our cases were not forgotten and will be processed till closure. We were advised to wait patiently for our cases to be reviewed. Because of those assurances, we waited with great patience and did not actively investigate other countries’ immigration opportunities or alternate avenues to immigrate to Canada, including, for example, re-applying under the 2008 changes. We organized our lives in anticipation of immigrating to Canada. Personal development, career and family plan were reviewed and adjusted in order to align with the upcoming changes. If our cases will be wiped out, we will be suffering not only the material loss resulting directly from the application and preparation, but also negative impact to the future. Those losses, those negative impacts and that precious four to six years’ waiting in vain, by no means, can be compensated by a simple refunding of application fee. Indeed, your Government does not allow its citizens tohold backtax payments without assessing interest on their indebtedness, but you have shown yet again the double standard by which you operate by not even paying interest on the money you owe. The Minister knows that your action warrants damage awards being made against the Government because s.87(5) deprives us of the right to seek the damages you knows you has caused us. Even the current German government paid damages to those whom the previous government had harmed, but Minister you bar us from the compensation he knows is our due. But, we do not want damages: we want Canada to keep its oft-repeated promise to assess and finalize our files. We prefer to believe that Canada is honest and democratic. Please allow us to believe that of Canada. Delete s.87(4) from Bill C-38! Restore our faith in Canada. CHINESE VICTIMS OF FSW APPLICATIONS2012-05

回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》支持!

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 S skybluerainman 0$(VIP 0) 1842012-05-16#5 回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》《致各界人士的公开声明简体版》​ 您好: 我们是2008年2月27日前递交加拿大技术移民申请(SAP)的中国申请人。 从一开始申请,我们就严格按加拿大移民局(CIC)的要求,积极准备材料,充实自己的技能,耐心排队。但是,我们得到的回报,却是案子不断被CIC陆续推出的各种新政推迟,从最开始承诺24-30个月审完,到现在最长的拖至超过5年。更令人震惊的是,2012年3月29日,以杰森肯尼先生为代表的加拿大移民局宣布,准备将所有因他们的无能和低效造成的大量积案,采取极其不负责的一刀切办法全部清除,并试图将其并入2013年国会预算案(C38法案)中强行通过(见注二),更试图封杀申请人的起诉权和追偿权,实在为文明社会罕见的野蛮之举。 如该法案生效,全球被影响的申请者达28万人,递交北京和香港的中国申请者超过2万。C38是个庞大的法案有400页之多,却只给出28.5个小时去讨论通过。而针对28万SAP申请人的上述条文只是其中的短短一部分,很难得到认真讨论,在我们看来这绝对是一个针对SAP申请人的阴谋,是针对亚裔特别是华人的歧视! 我们反对C38法案,反对一刀切,反对肯尼先生, 反对岐视华人! 我们不接受简单的退费,我们将主张过去数年中的全部损失,那将是无可估量的! 我们将联合全球所有被害者,通过一切合法手段(包括发起多个诉讼、请愿、抗议、甚至绝食),向加拿大政府讨回公道! 6月1-3日,我们将再次在香港发起大规模的抗议行动反对C38法案,地点在加拿大驻港总领事馆前。活动由几部分组成:第一,静坐示威三天。第二,绝食抗议至少24小时。第三,烛光抗议。6月1日晚上我们将在总领馆前点亮烛光,祈祷希望和正义。​移民论坛家园网http://findjiayuan.com/,是我们本次活动组织和发布的平台,欢迎关注和垂询。在家园网的帮助下,我们还将建立专门反对C38法案的签名网站。我们需要您的帮助,欢迎任何形式的回复! 媒体垂询请联系:北风 [email protected] 0086 1394318×××× 天蓝 [email protected] 0086 1314881××××​公众关注和参与请留意家园网:http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=562497报名参加6.1香港行动请入QQ群:23821018 注一:本公开宣言将发给加拿大、香港及全球各大媒体,并通过各种社交媒体向公众传播。 注二: C38法案中关于作废2008年2月27日之前申请人的部分: 87.3 (1) An instruction may, if it so provides, apply in respect of pending applications or requests that are made before the day on which the instruction takes effect.移民部长可以发布指令,回溯所有的未决旧案。 (2) For greater certainty, an instruction given under paragraph (3)(c) may provide that the number of applications or requests, by category or otherwise, to be processed in any year be set at zero.移民部每年都可以将申请的案子数清为零。 87.4 (1) An application by a foreign national for a permanent resident visa as a member of the prescribed class of federal skilled workers that was made before February 27, 2008 is terminated if, before March 29, 2012, it has not been established by an officer, in accordance with the regulations, whether the applicant meets the selection criteria and other requirements applicable to that class.废除所有在2008年2月26日之前递交、且在2012年3月29日之前尚未进入“分数评估”的联邦技术移民申请。 (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to an application in respect of which a superior court has made a final determination unless the determination is made on or after March 29, 2012.2012年3月29日以后,最高法院的判决对一刀切的案子也没有约束力。 (3) The fact that an application is terminated under subsection (1) does not constitute a decision not to issue a permanent resident visa.第一款中案子已被切并不意味着移民部就不可以给予申请人永久居民签证的决定。 (4) Any fees paid to the Minister in respect of the application referred to in subsection (1) including for the acquisition of permanent resident status must be returned, without interest, to the person who paid them. The amounts payable may be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.退回申请费,没有利息。 (5) No person has a right of recourse or indemnity against Her Majesty in connection with an application that is terminated under subsection (1).被废的申请人没有向政府追溯或求偿的权利。

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回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》写得太好了!!顶

When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6. 超赞 赏 Tracy621 0$(VIP 0) 6422012-05-16#8 回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》支持!顶!

回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》感动感动感动.

91被切, 51幸运通过, 奋战在大温的新的老移民。 超赞 赏 E eric2008 0$(VIP 0) 5322012-05-16#10 回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》强烈支持,写的非常好。谢谢北风和skybluerainman,谢谢你们的辛苦工作

When nothing goes right...go left 超赞 赏 F fswzhx 0$(VIP 0) 822012-05-16#11 回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》写的好'顶

回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》6月1-3日活动中,将有几十位勇士战斗在第一线。 同时,我们也考虑通过更猛烈的宣传攻势,将CIC的恶行传播出去,扩大影响范围,赢得更多支持。 北风和我牵头,共同起草了两封公开信,过程中曾得到很多朋友的帮助和修改,不一一致谢了。现公布如下。 第一封是《致康尼部长的公开抗议信》: - 将在6月1日上午作为正式文件递交给领事馆,表明决不妥协的立场- 将通过各种渠道公开传播,让更多人知道事情的来龙去脉,认识到CIC的卑劣手段和险恶用心- 已做好简繁英三个版本​第二封是《致各界人士的公开声明》-将通过各种渠道公开传播,让更多人知道本次6.1香港行动,争取他们的到场支持-已做好简繁两个版本,英文版本即将完工​WORD文档已上传,请随意下载,版权滴木有。欢迎利用你手中的所有信息渠道,尽量传播给更多人!点击展开...支持

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 雨 雨遥遥 0$(VIP 0) 2482012-05-16#13 回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》抗议信很好!如果能这一段后面“正是因为这些保证,我们以前所未有的耐心坚持了下来,并放弃了尝试其他国家的移民机会,或者转由其它途径移民到加拿大,比如:在2008年新政出台后重新提交申请。我们以移民后的情形,来规划现实生活。个人发展、职业和家庭规划,统统重新被审视和加以调整,以迎合即将到来的变化。”再几笔添上申请者5年等待被造成的伤害就更好了。个人意见我可以接受这样的抗议信来代表自己

回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》先顶再看。。。。

靠家里,你可能会当上公主。靠男人,你可能当上王妃。但靠自己,才能当上女王。 超赞 赏 晚秋枫叶 0$(VIP 0) 5,5822012-05-16#15 回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》up good

2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC 超赞 赏 Y yannie 0$(VIP 0) 2212012-05-16#16 回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》顶!写出了91TX的心声!感动!

。。。。。。 超赞 赏 F fylzj 0$(VIP 0) 152012-05-16#17 回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》支持!顶起来!

回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》支持!

回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》建议word版本放到第一楼,方便下载

信息收集贴 超赞 赏 bobosong 0$(VIP 0) 2,5192012-05-16#20 回复: 6.1香港再行动《致康尼的公开抗议信》和《致各界人士的公开声明》给部长的信,下面的人称是不是应该是“你”啊? 康妮你好: 你如何如何

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