加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民预算执行法案投票 料今晚始完成
预算执行法案投票 料今晚始完成 加拿大家园 iask.ca 2012-06-14 08:54 来源: 明报 作者: 本 文 来 自 加 拿 大 家 园 网 示威者周三在国会山,抗议C38号联邦政府预算执行法案。 (加新社) (渥太华13日加新社电)保守党政府的综合预算执行法案,被反对党谑称为「综合混乱」,国会议员深夜开始马拉松投票,逾800项修订案,料周四晚上始能完成投票。法案长达400多页,几乎影响加拿大人的每个生活层面。 保守党後来也使用这个语词,因为政府察觉,《就业、增长及长期繁荣法》(Jobs, Growth and Long Term Prosperity Act)或所谓的C-38法案,将面对意料之外政治干扰。 加拿大 家 园 网 反对党将利用逾800项修订的马拉松投票,阻止政府草草了事,预料投票起码要到周四晚上才结束。 到周三晚上9时30分,宣读动议的程序顺利进行,预料最少用两个小时。国会议员开始进入国会席位,他们携带的塑胶袋装满垃圾食物,IPads装载最新电视节目,在预期超过24时的投票期间有事可忙。 一连串自由党动议,将令情况雪上加霜,他们要确保一项私人法案获得处理,才开始预算修订案。 本 文 来 自 家园网 IASK.CA 此 外,众院议长希尔(Andrew Scheer)周三晚上裁决,政府不讨论预算案冲击,没有妨碍国会议员履行他们的国会职务。新民主党辩称,保守党拒绝提供削减公务职位与计划的详情,侵犯 国会议员特权。反对党国会议员说,那全是为了民主。政府坚称,每项法律改变是有需要的,落实创造职位与经济增长的承诺。 到周三晚上,所有政党只有一个目标,那就是完成马拉松投票。预定个别投票从最少67次到最多159次,国会议员必须留在他们的席位或附近,直到周四夜晚。 保守党已将议员团分为11组,规定是每个时刻要保持10组,约每5小时,每组可以休息30分钟。
回复: 预算执行法案投票 料今晚始完成41st Parliament, 1st SessionJune 2, 2011 - PresentJune 14, 2012House of CommonsThe House of Commons is not sitting today.Show Details Hide DetailsSenateGovernment BillsS-8An Act respecting the safety of drinking water on First Nation landsShort TitleSafe Drinking Water for First Nations ActProgress: Hide DetailsSponsor:Leader of the Government in the SenateLast Stage CompletedCommittee Report Presented in the Senate (2012-06-07)View Complete Bill DetailsS-10An Act to implement the Convention on Cluster MunitionsShort TitleProhibiting Cluster Munitions ActProgress: Hide DetailsSponsor:Leader of the Government in the SenateLast Stage CompletedIntroduction and First Reading in the Senate (2012-04-25)View Complete Bill DetailsS-11An Act respecting food commodities, including their inspection, their safety, their labelling and advertising, their import, export and interprovincial trade, the establishment of standards for them, the registration or licensing of persons who perform certain activities related to them, the establishment of standards governing establishments where those activities are performed and the registration of establishments where those activities are performedShort TitleSafe Food for Canadians ActProgress: Hide DetailsSponsor:Leader of the Government in the SenateLast Stage CompletedIntroduction and First Reading in the Senate (2012-06-07)View Complete Bill DetailsC-23An Act to implement the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Agreement on the Environment between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Agreement on Labour Cooperation between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of JordanShort TitleCanadaJordan Economic Growth and Prosperity ActProgress: Hide DetailsSponsor:Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific GatewayLast Stage CompletedFirst Reading in the Senate (2012-06-11)View Complete Bill DetailsC-25An Act relating to pooled registered pension plans and making related amendments to other ActsShort TitlePooled Registered Pension Plans ActProgress: Hide DetailsSponsor:Minister of FinanceLast Stage CompletedFirst Reading in the Senate (2012-06-12)View Complete Bill DetailsC-40An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the financial year ending March 31, 2013Short TitleAppropriation Act No. 2, 2012-13Progress: Hide DetailsSponsor:President of the Treasury BoardLast Stage CompletedSecond Reading in the Senate (2012-06-11)View Complete Bill DetailsC-41An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the financial year ending March 31, 2013Short TitleAppropriation Act No. 3, 2012-13Progress: Hide DetailsSponsor:President of the Treasury BoardLast Stage CompletedSecond Reading in the Senate (2012-06-11)View Complete Bill DetailsOther BillsS-210An Act to amend the Fisheries Act (commercial seal fishing)Progress: Hide DetailsSponsor:Sen. Mac HarbLast Stage CompletedIntroduction and First Reading in the Senate (2012-05-02)View Complete Bill DetailsS-211An Act to amend the Official Languages Act (communications with and services to the public)Progress: Hide DetailsSponsor:Sen. Maria ChaputLast Stage CompletedIntroduction and First Reading in the Senate (2012-05-16)View Complete Bill DetailsC-304An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (protecting freedom)Progress: Hide DetailsSponsor:Brian Storseth (WestlockSt. Paul)Last Stage CompletedFirst Reading in the Senate (2012-06-07)View Complete Bill DetailsC-313An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (non-corrective contact lenses)Progress: Hide DetailsSponsor:Patricia Davidson (SarniaLambton)Last Stage CompletedFirst Reading in the Senate (2012-05-31)View Complete Bill DetailsC-314An Act respecting the awareness of screening among women with dense breast tissueShort TitleBreast Density Awareness ActProgress: Hide DetailsSponsor:Patrick Brown (Barrie)Last Stage CompletedFirst Reading in the Senate (2012-05-10)View Complete Bill DetailsC-316An Act to amend the Employment Insurance Act (incarceration)Progress: Hide DetailsSponsor:Richard Harris (CaribooPrince George)Last Stage CompletedFirst Reading in the Senate (2012-05-17)View Complete Bill DetailsHouse of CommonsThe House of Commons is not sitting today.
回复: 预算执行法案投票 料今晚始完成肯泥很怕拖后,通夜不眠也要结束。
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