加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Ottawa loses legal battle over immigration backlog
icholas Keung Immigration Reporter Ottawa has suffered a major setback in eliminating its immigration backlog after the federal court ruled the government is obliged to process all applications it accepted into the system.About 900 applicants under the federal skilled workers’ program sued Immigration Minister Jason Kenney for violating the pledge to assess and finalize decisions in a timely fashion.They asked the court to order the immigration department to process their applications within a reasonable time frame.In a decision released Thursday, Justice Donald Rennie rejected the minister’s argument that the delay is justified because he has the authority to make policies.“The minister can set instructions that permit him to return some applications without processing them at all, and thus obviously there is no further duty in respect of those applications,” the judge wrote in a 24-page decision.“However, for those that are determined eligible for processing, the duty to do so in a reasonably timely manner remains.”In February 2008, the law was changed to give Kenney authority to issue ministerial instructions regarding which applications would be eligible for processing and to remove the obligation to process each application received.As a result, the litigants argued, their applications were “warehoused” in a lengthy backlog from five to nine years.Despite the new measure, the court said Ottawa still failed to finalize a file within the six and 12 months Kenney promised ― the first ministerial applications have been outstanding between 24 and 52 months.Immigration has until Oct. 14 to finalize the application of the case’s lead litigant, an IT project manager in China.Although the court falls short on making an order for all 900 applicants, Thursday’s decision sets the stage for the prompt processing of the other litigants.“So long as the applicants are not to blame for the delay, a fair application of Justice Rennie’s ruling would require Ottawa to finalize their applications by October 14,” said their lawyer, Tim Leahy.The decision is final because the court refused the minister’s request for appeal, added Leahy. The next step is for opposing counsels to determine how to proceed with the remaining cases.
06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 反馈:加拿大老熊, ruth0924, kevintiger 和另外1个人 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-06-15#2 回复: Ottawa loses legal battle over immigration backlog顶北风!!! 顶Toronto Star!!!!
回复: Ottawa loses legal battle over immigration backlog顶!痛快!出气!
When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6. 超赞 赏 T tguozq 0$(VIP 0) 1,0932012-06-15#4 回复: Ottawa loses legal battle over immigration backlog算今天北美重大新闻了
回复: Ottawa loses legal battle over immigration backlog我彻底被弄糊涂了。 一会儿的消息说Good news:tim won! jason kenney in trouble ! 这30万人要处理了。一会儿又说 “阻挡或拖延一刀切的最后一道程序失败了”。 这30万人的申请到底还处不处理阿?
回复: Ottawa loses legal battle over immigration backlogtim won! jason kenney in trouble ,并不代表30万人要处理了。 Tim的官司,只代表参加了他的诉讼的人,没参加的人不受益的。
回复: Ottawa loses legal battle over immigration backlog那就是说参加官司的人可以不被切,没有参加官司的人都要被切?都是91的,但两种待遇!
回复: Ottawa loses legal battle over immigration backlog加拿大目前这种情况一切皆有可能的,不按常理出牌了。
回复: Ottawa loses legal battle over immigration backlog那就是说参加官司的人可以不被切,没有参加官司的人都要被切?都是91的,但两种待遇!点击展开...这个还没定论,兄弟不必着急上火.
2007.05 FN不一定,估计C38中关于基案的部分会被否决掉。点击展开...不是说国会已经表决通过了所有c38的法案么?都已经是过去式了
07年12月10号Fn, 10年1月S2, 10年3月底变12,一直至今,继续等待ME 超赞 赏 M michael_s 0$(VIP 0) 2212012-06-15#12 回复: Ottawa loses legal battle over immigration backlog91同学大节日!!顶!!!!
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