加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用!我是jesuimajeur
如题。 我已经做了2 1在组织 3也在准备了 星岛日报:(CIC强撤旧案)法律上可能行不通 加移民留裁(如),邦政府通退申移民的,可能有邦法院判,或法在短期施行。表示,在康尼(Jason Kenney)之前的上一任加拿大邦移民及公民部范茵(Diane Finley),曾用退申的方式解移民申,但其遭到申人的集。邦法院申人有定是否希望等待移民果,最否了范茵的。康尼此次重提退款一事,有可能退款有邦法院此前的判,在法律上不可行,引新的;或者移民部已找到法律依行其退款。如果在法律上行不通,就不可能如康尼之前所的,在月施行。受此次退款影是2008年2月27日之前的所有技移民申人。,是由於日期之後,邦移民部次更改技移民的,致此前的技移民申人可能法到新。他笑更改移民的做法,「的好是俱,不好就是喜新」。 明报加西 退回移民申请或违法 申请人可向加国政府索赔 多多移民林敏邦政府於算案中提出退回2008年2月27日前30份邦技移民申除影加的形象之外也有可能法。申人有向法院提出集要求加政府作出。算案改移民政策 有航之嫌林敏指出政保守通政算案修改多移民政策有航之嫌。他其上述父母及祖父母的移民申2年的政策也是於去年政算案中提出可能是恐怕一推出不通。一推出的方案要於公民及移民常委首跟再包括司法部等三通才成法例。他表示其移民部每年都移民申及收取移民抵中不少例如往每名新移民交975元抵每年邦政府1元利但不是都用於移民部作。否移民部用加聘人手理移民申就不出的就不用退回申。另外移民部想修改分制多接年英或法流教育履易在加得工作的申人。他此未必有效地增加新移民的就率。高英好不保有工作他指曾遇自中持博士位英流利的移民到加後一也找不到工作。主要原因是名移民由於太高不接任何低的工作。林敏加政府大投及商移民因批移民除能造就之外也肯定自己有工做。
回复: 现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用帮顶
回复: 现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用!我是jesuimajeurUP
回复: 现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用!我是jesuimajeurLorne Waldman, a lawyer and immigration expert, said ministers have tried everything to get rid of backlogs over the years. In 2003, he led a class-action that forced the government to back down from using a regulatory change to eliminate the backlog. He said Mr. Kenney would have to pass new legislation to eliminate applications waiting in the queue.“He can delay, he can prioritize some over others, I’m not sure whether he has the power to refuse to process [applications],” Mr. Waldman said. “He could put it into the legislation.”
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal 超赞 赏 leewaye 0$(VIP 0) 6722012-03-30#5 回复: 现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用!我是jesuimajeurlorne Personal Information Full Name Lorne WaldmanE-mail [email protected] (Spoken / Written)English (Both)Spanish (Both)French ( read) Phone Extension (416-482-6501)251 Law Information Practicing Since (Year)09/20/1979Graduate Of (School and Year)Osgoode Hall Law School in 1977Summary (Short)Since 1979 he has been practicing exclusively in the area of immigration and refugee law. Biography (Detail)Lorne Waldman LL.B. (Osgoode), LL.M (Toronto) practices exclusively in the area of immigration and refugee law, and has done so since 1979. Mr. Waldman has appeared very frequently at all levels of the courts in Canada, including the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal where he has argued many of the leading cases in immigration and refugee law, such as: the successful appeal before the Supreme Court of Canada in Pushpanathan; Burns and Rafay , where he acted as counsel for the Senate of the Republic of Italy when it intervened before the Supreme Court of Canada; the two Charkaoui appeals where he acted for the Canadian Bar Association when it intervened before the Supreme Court of Canada; Amnesty International in its challenge to the Designation of the United States as a Safe Third Country Mr. Waldman successfully acted as co counsel for Maher Arar at the public inquiry into the circumstances behind his deportation from the United States to Syria where he was subjected to brutal torture. The Public Inquiry concluded that there was absolutely no evidence that Mr. Arar was involved in any illegal activities. He acted for the Canadian Bar Association at the recent Supreme Court hearings in the case of Charkaoui where the Supreme Court struck down the Security Certificates. He has also appeared for the CBA as one of the spokesperson on national security issues at hearings into the Review of the Anti Terrorism Legislation and assisted in the writing of the CBA briefs on the Anti Terrorism Legislation to the Parliamentary And Senate Committees. In August, 2007 he was awarded the Louis St Laurent award by the CBA for his contribution to the legal profession. He was one of four class counsel in the successful class action launched to challenge the retroactivity provisions of the regulations that were promulgated for skilled workers under IRPA, the Razolzadeh case. The success of the class action forced the government to rescind its policy on retroactivity a decision that benefited over 100,000 persons who were seeking to come to Canada. He has also appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada where he successfully argued the Pushpanathan appeal before that court in 1998. That precedent setting case dealt with the interpretation of the Exclusion Clauses of the United Nations Refugee Convention. The Court accepted the Appellants argument that the exclusion clauses should be given a narrow interpretation. He represented the Senate of the Republic of Italy as an intervener before the Supreme Court of Canada in the Burns and Rafay appeal where the Court concluded that extradition to the possibly face the death penalty violated the principles of fundamental justice. This is the only time that an entity representing a foreign government was granted intervener standing in a Charter case in Canada. Mr. Waldman was one of the organizers of a conference at the University of Ottawa in June of 2006 that produced the Ottawa Principles on Anti Terrorism and Human and Civil Rights.He also co-authored with Professor Craig Forcese a study on Special Advocates Entitled Seeking Justice in an Unfair Process He has been appointed as an adjunct professor of law at both Osgoode Hall Law Schools and at the University of Ottawa Law School. At Osgoode he taught immigration law and a seminar on National Security and Human Rights. At the University of Ottawa he has co taught a seminar on Anti Terrorism Law with Professor Craig Forcese. Mr. Waldman obtained his LL.M degree from the University of Toronto in 2000. His thesis was entitled International Human Rights Law and Limitations on a States Right to Expel Non-Citizens He has written extensively in the area of the Charter and its impact on the rights of immigrants and refugees. He has written many articles on human rights issues as op ed submissions to newspapers. Mr. Waldman has appeared as a witness before the House of Commons and Senate on issues of immigration and refugee law frequently and is a frequent commentator on immigration and refugee issues in the media. He is the author and editor of Immigration Law and Practice, a two volume, loose leaf service published by Butterworth's Canada in 1992.Immigration Law and Practice has often been cited as an authority by the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal and on also by the Supreme Court of Canada.In addition to authoring Immigration Law and Practice Mr. Waldman has authored two other works--The Definition of Convention Refugee published by Butterworths in 2001 and Canadian Immigration and Refugee Practice, a work that includes a Commentary and case digests on the New Immigration and Refugee Protection Act which was first published in October of 2005 by Butterworths together with the new Act and Regulations. It is published annually with updates to case digests and commentary.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal 超赞 赏 frankpenn 0$(VIP 0) 6762012-03-30#6 回复: 现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用!我是jesuimajeur感谢楼上的. 谁牵个头儿跟他联系一下?
91被切, 51幸运通过, 奋战在大温的新的老移民。感谢楼上的. 谁牵个头儿跟他联系一下?点击展开...耶稣骂街(jesuimajeur)就带着头吧. 我想办法和frank联系上,咱们仨先形成一个小团体,再往大里滚;FRANK, Contact me here:msn:[email protected]:1600074496
老赵传奇耶稣骂街(jesuimajeur)就带着头吧. 我想办法和frank联系上;点击展开... 现在抗议的事情正在紧锣密鼓的进行中啊,实在太忙。 但是我会集中精力为大伙想办法,能够做的马上去做!
回复: 现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用!我是jesuimajeur楼主兄弟带个头吧,年轻人精力丰富,呵呵
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal耶稣骂街(jesuimajeur)就带着头吧. 我想办法和frank联系上,咱们仨先形成一个小团体,再往大里滚;FRANK, Contact me here:msn:[email protected]:1600074496点击展开...哈哈,你这个名起的太好玩了,耶稣骂街
1111111现在抗议的事情正在紧锣密鼓的进行中啊,实在太忙。 但是我会集中精力为大伙想办法,能够做的马上去做!点击展开... 感觉抗议的事情没起诉这么有力;抗议的话,人家爱理不理的;
老赵传奇感觉抗议的事情没起诉这么有力;抗议的话,人家爱理不理的;点击展开... 好。我去联系Mr.Waldman
回复: 现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用!我是jesuimajeur支持,参加。
回复: 现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用!我是jesuimajeur好。我去联系Mr.Waldman点击展开...我上qq去呼唤frank
老赵传奇 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-03-30#15 回复: 现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用!我是jesuimajeur必须参加的人多才能把价格讲下来! 不过我精力实在有限。 脑残的人太多,说点事情要解释半天。 和他们解释来解释去的,要花不少时间。 弄不好又被找茬挑刺
回复: 现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用!我是jesuimajeur必须参加的人多才能把价格讲下来! 不过我精力实在有限。 脑残的人太多,说点事情要解释半天。 和他们解释来解释去的,要花不少时间。 弄不好又被找茬挑刺点击展开... 你先联系,说个大概齐。然后把信息给大家share一下,至于别人的意见和建议,听听无妨,咱们仨能商量妥,就干!
老赵传奇你先联系,说个大概齐。然后把信息给大家share一下,至于别人的意见和建议,听听无妨,咱们仨能商量妥,就干!点击展开... EMAIL不见得马上回复。回复了再来说。 也不是今天必须落实不可。只要在退费之前立案落实即可。 越慌越办不了事!
回复: 现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用!我是jesuimajeurEMAIL不见得马上回复。回复了再来说。 也不是今天必须落实不可。只要在退费之前立案落实即可。 越慌越办不了事!点击展开... 不慌。我这人办事犹豫不决,怕时间长了,没了主意。 留下你的QQ或msn。悄悄话就行
老赵传奇 超赞 赏 gogo2008 0$(VIP 0) 4302012-03-30#19 回复: 现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用!我是jesuimajeur起诉我会参加
回复: 现在只有三件事可做。1抗议 2起诉 3准备新政确立后递申请。干着急没用!我是jesuimajeur我是国军,丑话说在前面,案子要做成 NON-class-action lawsuit,不参加者不适用判决;制度上解决土★摘桃子心理。
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