加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民号外:被加国公民批为“有病”!内忧外患,痛顶肥康下台!签名支持的同学请进!


今天下午,收到加国一封信,原来肥康的劣政连加国公民都认为针对91一刀切政策是“有病”。91同学顶起来,利用一切有用资源,痛打肥康落水狗! Please visithttp://jimkarygiannis.net/petition_and_action_requests/immigration_backlogand sign the on-line Petition. Please get your friends and family in Canadato sign the petition as well. I would also ask them to circulate thepetition to their email lists. 附:原文如下: Dear Friend: Thank you for going on line and signing the petition against the unfairhandling of your immigration application. I have read very carefully your comments and as an immigrant to Canada Iagree with you fully. I am writing to ask that you please ask your friends and relatives in Canadato also sign the electronic petition that will help immensely. Also pleaseask other applicants around the world to also sign on. We will do what everwe can to stop this ill thought legislation. However we need your help to dothis. Please forward the message below to as many people as you know. Conservative government's announced that Citizenship and Immigration Canadawould close the files of Foreign Skilled Worker applicants who had appliedbefore February 27, 2008 and for whom an immigration officer has not made adecision by March 29, 2012. This decision was made so that the longstandingbacklog could be eliminated. This decision dashed the hopes and dreams of 300,000 applicants and theirfamilies. Many have applied to immigrate to Canada, followed all the proper steps andwaited your turn. Now they are being told that officials are refusing toeven look at your application. Now Stephen Harper and Jason Kenney are refusing to even look at yourapplication. It is time to tell Jason Kenney and Stephen Harper that thisdecision is unfair. Please visithttp://jimkarygiannis.net/petition_and_action_requests/immigration_backlogand sign the on-line Petition. Please get your friends and family in Canadato sign the petition as well. I would also ask them to circulate thepetition to their email lists. Sincerely, Hon. Jim Karygiannis P.C., M.P.Scarborough-AgincourtLiberal Critic for MulticulturalismConstituency Office3850 Finch Ave East Suite 206Scarborough OntarioM1T 3T6Tel: (416) 321 5454fax: (416) 321 [email protected] 肥康下台,恶政必终!

当他们屠杀犹太人时,我没有作声,因为我不是犹太人;当他们屠杀基督徒时,我没有作声,因为我不是基督徒;当他们来抓.....时,我保持沉默,因为我不是...;后来他们要杀我,已经没有人能为我作声了------愤怒的大鸟! 超赞 赏 frankpenn 0$(VIP 0) 6762012-06-19#2 回复: 号外:被加国公民批为“有病”!内忧外患,痛顶肥康下台!签名支持的同学请进!大家已经在这个议员发起的请愿上签过了.

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