加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民C38通过,参议院一般是走过场!
You Won't Recognize The Place JUNE 22, 2012 Bill C-38 has now passed parliament. With an anything-but Elected, Equal and Effective Senate, it now seems abundantly clear that-despite the almost continuous misrepresentations, the defiance of accountability, and a voter suppression campaign to put a smile on Machiavelli's scornful face-the one promise that the Conservatives are dedicated to keeping is Stephen Harper promise to an American right wing think tank that when he finishes with Canada, we won't recognize the place..............................................Farce! Farce! Farce!闹剧!闹剧!闹剧!http://www.canada.com/Recognize+Place/6822935/story.htmlBill C-38 is a massive misdirection of Canadian values that puts the money of mega corporations before the interests of just about everything else。.................................It certainly isn't the Canada that I recognize, love to be part of, and would present to others as an example of a just, sustaining and sustainable society. This vision doesn't even leave decent or safe in the equation.http://www.piquenewsmagazine.com/whistler/parliaments-bad-act/Content?oid=2307238
回复: C38通过,参议院一般是走过场!沙发坐下
回复: C38通过,参议院一般是走过场!二读通过, 似乎还没有完成.
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