加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。联名信小组紧急成立。
[FONT=宋体]“一刀切”[/FONT][FONT=宋体]措施是对还是错,本周参议院讨论和辩论,由于各位参议员可以对C38提出修改意见。本人建议向参议院继续发起联名信。如果你反对C38中“一刀切”,愿意地请给出ID[FONT=宋体],姓名,档案号[/FONT][FONT=宋体],档案号日期,在[/FONT][FONT=宋体]联名信小组成立前,暂发至[/FONT] [email protected] ,[/FONT][FONT=宋体]谢谢各位的支持。[/FONT] http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?p=8233109#post8233109 [FONT=宋体]时间紧,任务重(详见网址),建议成立联名信小组,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]6月25日补充,按联名信要求,[/FONT][FONT=宋体]署名者提供真实姓名和档案号码。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]联名信的内容暂以下文,若有其他稿子,请提交。谢谢![/FONT] RE: Against “Section 707 of C-38”[FONT=宋体](反对[/FONT][FONT=宋体]“[/FONT][FONT=宋体]一刀切”条款) urgent!![/FONT] [FONT=宋体]尊敬的参议院各位你好,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]现我们联名写信给你有关[/FONT]““[FONT=宋体]一刀切[/FONT]”[FONT=宋体],加国突然废除[/FONT]28[FONT=宋体]万技术移民,他们遵守加国移民法,追求梦想,等待了多年。同时,加拿大政府[/FONT][FONT=宋体]一直强调[/FONT][FONT=宋体]需要更多的技术移民。我们强烈地反对这一条款,这是毁灭加国荣誉,侵犯人权。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]从2008行动方案起,移民局CIC首先2年成功的减少[/FONT][FONT=宋体]37.5%[/FONT][FONT=宋体]积案(2008和2009年),同样2年却不能完成预期33%,只完成了[/FONT][FONT=宋体]15.26%[/FONT][FONT=宋体](2010和2011年),另外,插队法,加国处理系统比正常排队还慢,排队6年可结案。这些失败不是我们这些技术移民的过错,“一刀切”没有情理、不公平。 [/FONT] [FONT=宋体]移民局多年承诺处理,在结案之际, 突然终止处理。 “一刀切” 是2012年最差处理方法。建议立法刚提出一个月,全球抗议活动和游行聚会在4月30日爆发。接着,6.1~4号全球抗议、游行、绝食活动再次发生。律师们成立了专门小组,集体诉讼。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]依据每年[/FONT]11[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]1[FONT=宋体]号递交国会的移民报告[/FONT]([FONT=宋体]部长肯泥递交[/FONT]), 政府[/FONT][FONT=宋体]声明需要更多联邦移民。实际上也有很多可行的、有效的、积极的方法可以解决PRE-2008积案。最近由[/FONT][FONT=宋体]加国议员委员会[/FONT][FONT=宋体](政府决策机构[/FONT][FONT=宋体])发表声明[/FONT][FONT=宋体]:向国会、政府推荐新移民数从24万增至36万,“重建移民” 应做出有利于加国移民政策的新旧整合和巩固。NDP也极力建议增加配额,人手或资金,技术移民的安置分配。专家研究报告表明有1百万多工作岗位。卑诗省府移民任务组经多月各方调研,2012.5.22日发表最终<<报告>>确定BC省立即[/FONT][FONT=宋体]需要[/FONT][FONT=宋体]更多的技术移民,否则业主关门或前移他处.[/FONT] [FONT=宋体][FONT=宋体]简而言之,加国政府有责任[/FONT][FONT=宋体]信守最初的承诺,先来先出原则处理案。[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=宋体]加国政府应该立即采取积极措施尽快解决280,000技术移民问题. 此举有益于加拿大国际名誉, 经济的长期繁荣及人口的老龄化. 我们期盼移民部长和他的团队能够采取积极的方式解决积案。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]联名信的名字和File No。。。, [/FONT][FONT=宋体]新联名者不断增加。。。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]联系方式:。。。[/FONT]
回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。up
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC 超赞 赏 B Bruce_2006 0$(VIP 0) 5142012-06-24#3 回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。已发, 谢谢楼主的努力, 战斗到最后!
回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。bye同学辛苦了!战斗到最后一刻,感动!
When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6. 超赞 赏 coolwangd 0$(VIP 0) 1832012-06-24#5 回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。加入
2007 02 06 FN;2012 02 13 S2;2012 05 16 香港签收;2012 06 14 曼谷体检;2012 06 19 寄出汇票;2012 06 21 香港签收;2012 06 22 汇票解付/收据;2012 06 29 恶法通过,遂与其搏斗。。。 超赞 赏 G glumezh 0$(VIP 0) 1632012-06-24#6 回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。怎么发?把这个中文信发出去吗?他们能看懂吗?
回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。暂拟如下,有其他稿子,请提交。谢谢。 TO : Senators ,Canada Date: June 25, 2012 RE: Against “Section 707 of C-38” Urgent !Dear Sir or Madam,We send our joint letter to you regarding eliminating the backlog. Canada suddenly cuts off 280,000 skilled immigrants who respect Canada immigration laws, aspire for dream and wait patiently for up to 8 years. Meanwhile, the Government of Canadaemphasizes more skilled immigrants needs. We are strongly against “Section 707 of C-38" in June 2012, because it spoils Canada reputation and violates human rights. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) firstly succeeded to reduce 37.5% backlog by two years in 2008 and 2009, secondly failed to reduce forecast 33% backlog (actual 15.26%) by two years in 2010 and 2011 since 2008 Action Plan. In addition, by ‘queue jumper’, Canada’s processing system is slower than by normal queue that can finish pre-2008 backlog within six years. The failures are not our applicants fault. It is unreasonable and unfair to cut off 280,000 skilled immigrants. CIC promises to process FSW applications for years, and suddenly terminates the applications when the processing time is for a decision. Eliminating the backlog is the worst way in 2012. One month after the proposal legislation was announced, global protest and rallies have taken place on April 30, 2012, continuously, global protest march, sit-down protest and hunger strike on June 1 to 4, 2012. Lawyers launch a class action litigation. According to the 2011 Annual Report to Parliament on Immigrationon November 1, 2011, News Release -More Federal Skilled Workers for Canada in 2012. In addition, there are some practical, effective and positive ways to address the pre-2008 backlog. ‘‘recommending that Canada increase the annual number of new Permanent Residents admitted from 250,000 to 360,000.’’ , titled Renewing Immigration: Towards a Convergence and Consolidation of Canada's Immigration Policies, was recently released by the Conference Board of Canada. The NDP also strongly proposes to increase quota, staffing or fund with efficiency processing and distribution resource of skilled immigrants needs. The research report shows more than 1,000,000 job offers in the ten years. BC NEEDS MORE SKILLED IMMIGRANTS NOW, May 22, 2012, the Immigration Task Force (ITF) released their final report. In short, Canada government has a duty to keep its original promise of processing applicants on a first-in,first-out basis. The government should take positive measures immediately to deal with 280,000 FSW immigrants as soon as possible, rather than directly eliminate the backlog and lazy solution. It is beneficial for Canada’s international reputation, economy prosperity and population. We look forward to positive approach from Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and his team. Sincerely, Our names are ... Our names and file No. will continue to come after our confirmation.(给大家留机会, 继续加入联名信)没有FN,写在 our name are。。。 Our Contact Email ... Contact Tel No...
回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。顶!
回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。sent. thanks
老赵传奇 超赞 赏 Tracy621 0$(VIP 0) 6422012-06-24#10 回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。顶
回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。参加,支持!!
2006年11月签收2006年12月5日划款2007年4月27日FN(HK) 档案号:B050734*** (VO:WCY) 2009年3月雅思,有亲属加分 超赞 赏 pcai 0$(VIP 0) 3022012-06-24#12 回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。参加,支持!
人生如梦,一樽还酹江月Homelife New World Realty安省地产经纪+开发咨询[email protected] 超赞 赏 春 春意来得早 0$(VIP 0) 712012-06-24#13 回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。加入
回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。已发,谢谢!
回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。我已发了,谢谢BYE
回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。已发,谢谢!
回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。支持一刀切的怎么参加?
回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。已发! 谢谢! 强烈支持!
回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。联名信小组紧急成立。参院已经通过, 联名信发给参院是否还有用? 还是应该准备集体诉讼?
回复: 本周向参议院发起联名信,请加入。联名信小组紧急成立。参院已经通过, 联名信发给参院是否还有用? 还是应该准备集体诉讼?点击展开... 集体起诉必须,联名信也要,继续对国会施加压力,让加国知“一刀切”的过失,全球请求赔偿,无法弥补。全球联名信行动,不停止。 仅靠一种方式(起诉),最后可能少数通过,99% 切后几乎没补偿,91同学优势,最后瓦解。现肯泥集中攻打法庭,有谁敢言。必须联合起来“讨说法”,加快行动。 任务重,时间长,需组织,募捐支持,让联名信天天直击国会心脏,不堪重负,才能打败肯泥。
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