加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民91优势瓦解,三读通过,肯泥为何还要攻打法庭?为何联名?
三读通过,肯泥为何集中攻打法庭?心虚。 政府颁布前可修改任意条款,让别人不敢反对他。如果我们联名声援,律师说话也有胆量,国会天天有来讨债的。肯泥胡作非为的下场,就是赔偿我们。联名信坚持做下去很难,但我们需要坚持到最后。还有什么高招法庭外制服肯泥? (媒体他不理,法庭不让说话,联明信让他们天天不安、来要“债”。) 集体起诉必须,联名信也要,继续对国会施加压力,“一刀切”过失,全球请求赔偿无法弥补。联名信行动不停止。我们的几组律师,肯泥想尽办法不让他们说话,三读过了还继续攻打法庭,我们为何不联名天天要债?(下页绿党领袖鲜明态度,据说投票几天绿党是唯一个党全睡那里,不离开。) 仅靠一种方式(起诉),最后可能少数通过,99% 切后几乎没补偿,91同学优势,最后瓦解。 同学们必须联合起来,继续联名信“讨说法”,全球联名信经常敲击国会(切了有罪还债),才能打败肯泥。 现联名抗议信小组QQ群:236938206,请大家参加,献计献策。最新贴链接 http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?p=8252003#post8252003联明信讨论,三个月解决方案,无辜被切的赔偿? 联名信工作需组织,(请募捐支持是6月份一个建议,对支持捐款同学再此感谢。现停止募集。7月后小组全部志愿活动。)时间长不是两天三天完事(折磨人),内容更新,吸引议员常想“罪孽“,回复议员邮件,其他国家联系等。希望下届继续努力。有能力香港抗议,去不了的同学继续加入联名信。本届昨天已公布6月底结束。我来帮着收尾工作至少一周忙不完,给议员们满意的答复。
回复: 91优势土崩瓦解,肯泥愿望实现。联名信的作用。上次61行动还有余款 可以问问天蓝
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC上次61行动还有余款 可以问问天蓝点击展开... 谢谢支持。联名信小组需成立,以便继续各项工作,请大家自愿报名,尽快成立临时小组。有志者请报名[email protected]。 募捐者有意者, 我帮着收两天。小组进行有偿活动。请大家积极写稿子,小组决定后进行必要的付费。有高招斗过肯泥请继续。
回复: 91优势土崩瓦解,肯泥愿望将实现。联名信的作用。一位参议员对联名信的回复。 Hello, and thank you for your email about the omnibus budget bill. I just wanted to let you know that I voted against C-38, as a matter of principle, last Thursday night. A copy of my speech is attached for information. Sadly, the vote did not succeed in stopping the bill as the Conservatives overwhelmingly supported it. You can see the results of the standing vote (as well as other speeches against the bill) by clicking here and scrolling to the section titled Jobs, Growth and Prosperity Bill. Although you and I have not succeeded in persuading the government to follow a different course of action in this instance, I feel it is important we continue to speak out about issues of importance to Canada. I know I will. I hope you do too。 Warm regards, Elaine Alberta Senator
回复: 91优势土崩瓦解,肯泥愿望将实现。联名信的作用。支持!
当他们屠杀犹太人时,我没有作声,因为我不是犹太人;当他们屠杀基督徒时,我没有作声,因为我不是基督徒;当他们来抓.....时,我保持沉默,因为我不是...;后来他们要杀我,已经没有人能为我作声了------愤怒的大鸟!谢谢支持。联名信小组需成立,以便继续各项工作,请大家自愿报名,尽快成立临时小组。有志者请报名[email protected]。支持点击展开...
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC你怎么这样写?我说了我只是义务参与,募捐的事情还是组织干吧,钱别放我着点击展开...抱歉。枫叶原说帮着做点啥,我说帮着负责募捐管钱吧。是本人理解错。 在此郑重说明撤消此贴。 我终于明白管钱的难处。若有捐者放我这, 我帮着处理两天。对联名信递稿者,采纳后适当付费。或出力多者经组织同意补助一下。若大家孤军奋战好些,各干前程,照肯泥的办最省心。本人把剩余的事办完,也没时间做这。本人4个月的工程告急,顾东顾不了西。
回复: 91优势土崩瓦解,肯泥愿望实现。联名信的作用。抱歉。枫叶原说帮着做点啥,我说帮着负责募捐管钱吧。是本人理解错。 在此郑重说明撤消此贴。 我终于明白管钱的难处。若有捐者放我这, 我帮着处理两天。对联名信递稿者,采纳后适当付费。或出力多者经组织同意补助一下。若大家孤军奋战好些,各干前程,照肯泥的办最省心。本人把剩余的事办完,也没时间做这。本人4个月的工程告急,顾东顾不了西。点击展开...木有什么,呵呵,大家都是一条船上的,钱的事情还是得有个组织,谢谢
2007.4.20FN HK VO:MAC木有什么,呵呵,大家都是一条船上的,钱的事情还是得有个组织,谢谢点击展开...对。组织成立的晚,或不成立,不该花的钱全退回。
回复: 91优势土崩瓦解,肯泥愿望将实现。为何要联名?
回复: 91优势土崩瓦解,肯泥愿望将实现。为何要联名?绿党领袖对联名信回复如下: Thank you for writing about your concerns with regards to the government’s recent plan to eliminate the Federal Skilled Worker Program backlog. The announcement of 30 March 2012 of the government’s intention to close the files, return the application forms and refund the application fees of some 280,000 applicants who applied under ‘dated’ eligibility criteria before 27 February 2008 is unfair and arbitrary. With talk of creating a ‘nimble and responsive’ immigration system and responding to the ‘needs of the economy,’ the Government of Canada is trying to paper over the fact that it is creating an ad-hoc skimming process for skilled workers under new criteria at the expense of those who applied years before under a good faith belief that their claims would be taken seriously. The government seems willing to wreak havoc with families who have invested time and energy in conceiving a future in Canada and whose claims should take precedence. Policymaking of this kind ought to be designed to apply to present and future problems, not retroactively to the decisions of applicants who were responding to policies in effect at the time of their application. This is a completely wrongheaded approach and does not reflect the kind of Canada I want to promote on the world stage. 此措施是非常固执的错误,此举不能显现:在世界的舞台上,我想提升加拿大形象。 As a member of parliament, I am committed to holding the government to account for its actions and ensuring that our immigration system is fair, sustainable and committed to long-term success, not short-term changes subject to the whims of ‘rapidly changing market needs.’ I have taken your concerns into consideration and hope to pursue this matter further. Thanks again for your letter, Sincerely, Elizabeth May, O.C., M.P.Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf IslandsLeader of the Green Party of Canada
回复: 91优势土崩瓦解,肯泥愿望将实现。为何要联名?现肯泥集中攻打法庭,里里外外谁敢言。求高招法庭外制服肯泥? 集体起诉必须,联名信也要,继续对国会施加压力,让加国知“一刀切”过失,全球请求赔偿,无法弥补。全球联名信行动不停止。现议员收到传真或联名信了解真相,肯泥心虚。看下页绿党领袖鲜明态度。 仅靠一种方式(起诉),最后可能少数通过,99% 切后几乎没补偿,91同学优势,最后瓦解。 同学们必须联合起来,继续联名信“讨说法”,加快行动。 任务重,时间长(折磨人),需组织,募捐支持,让联名信经常敲击国会(切后罪孽还债),才能打败肯泥。 联名信工作繁琐,时间长,请募捐支持。希望下届继续努力。有能力香港抗议,去不了的同学继续加入联名信。本届昨天已公布6月底结束。我来帮着收尾工作至少一周忙不完,给议员们满意的答复。点击展开...
回复: 91优势土崩瓦解,肯泥愿望将实现。为何要联名?支持!
2007.10.1递北京;2009.10.16 S2邮件;2010.1.19日S2补料寄北京。(补充:之前状态5)2010.1.29变12;2010年12月CAIPS无果;2011年7月CAIPS查询74分.2011.11.7地址栏消失了几天。2012.3.10Litigation. 超赞 赏 北 北京的风很大 0$(VIP 0) 1,3412012-06-28#14 回复: 91优势瓦解,三读通过,肯泥为何还要攻打法庭?为何联名?支持
慢慢来,一切都会好的。 超赞 赏 K kphjc 0$(VIP 0) 612012-06-28#15 回复: 91优势瓦解,三读通过,肯泥为何还要攻打法庭?为何联名?
回复: 91优势瓦解,三读通过,肯泥为何还要攻打法庭?为何联名?........
回复: 91优势瓦解,三读通过,肯泥为何还要攻打法庭?为何联名?支持支持
回复: 91优势瓦解,三读通过,肯泥为何还要攻打法庭?为何联名?那些加拿大诸公的良心、承诺、责任,乃至法律民主什么的,在这次事件中都不知道被扔到哪里去了,几封“联名信”能够让他们“他们天天不安、记着“还债””?笑话吧。不要把他们惹烦了,再来一个C83法案,禁止你们写联名信!
回复: 91优势瓦解,三读通过,肯泥为何还要攻打法庭?为何联名?说笑了,冒犯莫怪。不过,提交申请-》等待-》补料-》等待 这样来获得移民资格,可能走不通了。
回复: 91优势瓦解,三读通过,肯泥为何还要攻打法庭?为何联名?6月29日议员Jinny Sims, MP 回复联名信,直接91积案问题政府发言,肯呢不听别人也多少听她的,肯尼选的反对派发言人,基本代表政府观点。 Dear Skilled Workers, Thank you for taking the time to write to me about the Conservative government’s decision to hit the delete button on the files of over 300,000 people in the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP). This is yet another wrong-headed decision that is buried in Harper’s Trojan horse budget bill. Like you, my New Democrat colleagues and I think this decision is outrageous. In fact I have been raising the issue at committee and on the floor of the House of Commons You can watch me take on the Conservatives for pressing the delete button on 300,000 people here: http://jinnysims.ndp.ca/post/immigration-minister-presses-delete-button[The backlog in Canada’s immigration system is an issue that greatly concerns my NDP colleagues and me. There are over one million applications currently in the queue. This represents an increase of 250,000 applications in the backlog since the Conservatives came to office in 2006. But we believe that we need a balanced and multi-faceted approach not this unilateral action we have seen by this government. Immigration Minister Jason Kenney likes to attack so-called “queue jumpers” in our immigration and refugee system but here he is punishing people who have been waiting in line and playing by the rules. I have heard of many tragic stories in my constituency office because of this decision. Frankly, many wonder how a country like Canada could be so unfair and cruel。 Only a few months ago, the Conservative-dominated Immigration Committee issued a report that made several recommendations on how to deal with the backlog that has grown under successive Liberal and Conservative governments. The report suggests more resources and creating a balance between processing old and new claims. What the report does not suggest is simply deleting the pre-2008 skilled worker applications as this government has decided to do. The report even states that: “most witnesses recognized the Government’s legal obligation to process all applications New Democrats want an immigration system that is fair, efficient, transparent and accountable. This decision to delete over 300,000 people from the skilled worker backlog simply does not achieve this goal. Thank you again for contacting me about this important issue. Warm regards,Jinny Sims, MPNDP Critic for Immigration, Citizenship, and Multiculturalism
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