加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民催米模板,欢迎抄袭,本人已发BJ使馆
[FONT="]Dear Sir./ Madam,Name: LEEWAYEFile Number: B*****Birth date : *****I'm a Federal Skilled Worker Immigration applicant (preC50) who have waited patiently in accordance with your request for 5 years since I made my application.Recently, I've got a official judgement of Honorable Justice Donald J. Rennie stating that CIC's unlawfully warehoused pre-c50 applications for a irrational period of time and should finalize such applications in a reasonable period of time and manner. As for my case, there is a perfect similarity between mine and Mr. Liang's case in terms of processing time and passing mark.It's appropriate to inform you that I've joined Mr. Lorne Waldman's litigation challengingCIC's unjustified and unfounded manipulation of Pre-C50 applications and related INDIVIDUAL mandamus application have been submitted to federal court demanding CIC process my application as soon as possible.Therefore, it's reasonable to ask your office to promptly finalize my application in a reasonable time and manner. Otherwise, I preserve my right to demand subsequent legitimate economic compensation resulting from your default conducts.In addition, If there is no reply form your office,I'd like to presumptively regard your nonfeasance as legal test for my mandamus application that might be forwarded to my lawyer for futuring litigation.RegardsLeewaye[/FONT]
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal 超赞 赏 反馈:四有心人 四有心人佛度有心人 0$(VIP 0) 6,6892012-06-21#2 回复: 催米模板,欢迎抄袭,本人已发BJ使馆好同学!盗版中。。。
200711无语凝噎。。内牛满面。。蛋定依旧地等ME!有开的经过,花才更灿烂;有你有他有CANADA,我才更象活着。[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]好同学!盗版中。。。点击展开... 你俩还是一组的哈。
回复: 催米模板,欢迎抄袭,本人已发BJ使馆太好了。。
2008.2.1FN 2010.10.13 S2(收到Email) 2011.1.28 寄出 偶有一天发现变12,现在不知道情况了 超赞 赏 T tzhjqy 0$(VIP 0) 7392012-06-27#5 回复: 催米模板,欢迎抄袭,本人已发BJ使馆使馆有啥回复没有?
2007.05 FN使馆有啥回复没有?点击展开...目前使馆是龟缩战术。不过,邮件服务器上都有收发邮记录,不回复视同不作为。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal 超赞 赏 T tzhjqy 0$(VIP 0) 7392012-06-27#7 回复: 催米模板,欢迎抄袭,本人已发BJ使馆最近好像要出新政,看来91已经被打过分的很有可能要开始处理了。但是那28万的91估计凶多吉少了。
2007.05 FN 超赞 赏 生命的狂想烽火移民路 0$(VIP 0) 31,8492012-06-28#8 回复: 催米模板,欢迎抄袭,本人已发BJ使馆现试对文中出现的一些笔误做了修改,参见红色字体部分。如有谬误,可商榷。 Dear Sir./ Madam, Name: LEEWAYEFile Number: B*****Birth date : ***** I'm a Federal Skilled Worker Immigration applicant (preC50) who have waited patiently in accordance with your request for 5 years since I've made my application. Recently, I've got a official jedgement of (from) Honorable Justice Donald J. Rennie stating that CIC's unlawfully warehoused pre-c50 applications for a irrational period of time and should finalize such applications in a resonable period of time and manner. As for my case, there is a perfect similarity between mine and Mr. Liang's case in terms of processing time and passing mark. It's appropriate to inform you that I've joined Mr. Lorne Waldman's litigation challenging(against) CIC's unjustified and unfounded manipulation of Pre-C50 applications and related INDIVIDUAL mandamus application have been submitted to federal court demanding CIC process my application as soon as possible. Therefor, (Therefore) It's resonable to ask your office to promptly finalize my application in a resonalbe time and manner. Otherwise, I preserve my right to demand subsequent legitimate economic compesation resulting form (from)your default conducts. In addtion, If there is no replay (reply)form your office.(,) I'd like to presumptively regard your nonfeasance as legal test (testimony) for my mandamus application that might be forward (forwarded) to my lawyer for futuring litigation. RegardsLeewaye[/quote]
Frisch weht der Wind,Der Heimat zu,Mein Irish Kind,Wo weilest du? 超赞 赏 leewaye 0$(VIP 0) 6722012-06-28#9 回复: 催米模板,欢迎抄袭,本人已发BJ使馆谢谢,一字之师,已更正。下次先到WORD里过一遍,上次直接在网页上敲的。多有语法、拼写错误,误导大家了。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]他们欺瞒上帝偷偷拨回时间They fool God secretly timing of the reversal 超赞 赏 O oqlzal 0$(VIP 0) 2622012-06-28#10 回复: 催米模板,欢迎抄袭,本人已发BJ使馆都是些牛人呀! 一个牛在态度,一个牛在语言
回复: 催米模板,欢迎抄袭,本人已发BJ使馆to be humble.
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