加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?



回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?这个不好说啊!我是6月15日补料寄出,18日香港使馆签收。到现在还没ME呢?我现在已经基本放弃了。

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?楼主能否说的详细一些。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 Z zerial 0$(VIP 0) 662012-07-04#4 回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?HK91,6.25ME,要求交登录费,小孩的护照,体检。因小孩护照需要时间,所以体检安排下周。给了45天补料时间,不知道还能不能赶上末班车。算不算已经selection 完成的?

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?会不会在被切之列?盼回复啊点击展开...是还没补体检的料吧,抓紧时间补啊!万一有机会呢!你都已经ME了,我想应该还来得及的,我没ME的机会肯定是没有了。祝好运。

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?会不会在被切之列?盼回复啊点击展开...所有3月29日2012年之後看下文:(你已在被切之列)Processing InstructionsVisa offices are to cease processing of FSW applications made prior to February 27, 2008, in accordance with the following instructions:If the officer…andThen…has not established whether the applicant meets the selection criteria prior to March 29, 2012 the application is terminated; andfees paid to CIC are to be returned to the person who paid them.has established whether the applicant meets the selection criteria prior to March 29, 2012the application has not been finalized before June 29, 2012…processing of the application continues to a final decision; andfees paid to CIC will not be returned to the person who paid them.established whether the applicant meets the selection criteria on or after March 29, 2012the application has not been finalized before June 29, 2012…the application is terminated; andfees paid to CIC are to be returned to the person who paid them.established whether the applicant meets the selection criteria on or after March 29, 2012the application has been finalized before June 29, 2012…the final decision on the application stands;processing continues to visa issuance or refusal; andfees paid to CIC will not be returned to the person who paid them.Note: No further action is required at this time on the part of visa offices for those applications that are terminated in accordance with the above instructions.Establishing that a decision has been made as to whether the applicant meets selection criteriaA decision as to whether the applicant meets selection criteria was made if, prior to March 29, 2012, at least one of the following actions was taken:a selection decision was entered into the processing system (“SELDEC” in the Computer-Assisted Immigration Processing System (CAIPS) or “Eligibility ? Passed” / “Eligibility ? Failed” in the Global Case Management System (GCMS));the file notes clearly state that the selection criteria have or have not been met, but a selection decision has not yet been entered into the processing system;a negative decision had previously been made, but the file had been re-opened for a redetermination further to an order by a Superior Court (which includes the Federal Court) or a settlement agreement entered into by way of a Court order made prior to March 29, 2012.A decision as to whether the applicant met selection criteria was not made prior to March 29, 2012, if any of the following situations applied as of that date:a preliminary review of the documentation has taken place, but a selection decision has not been entered into the processing system or documented as described above;additional documentation had been requested from the applicant but has not been received, or a selection interview is pending;additional documents were received that could have served to make a selection decision, but the selection decision has not been entered in the processing system or documented as described above. For instance, receipt of an Arranged Employment Opinion (AEO) or a response to an officer’s request for additional information prior to March 29, 2012.Establishing that a final decision has been madeIn establishing that final decision has been made on an application, at least one of the following actions must have been taken:a final decision was entered into the processing system (“FINDEC” in the Computer-Assisted Immigration Processing System (CAIPS) or “Final ? Approved” / “Final ? Refused” in the Global Case Management System (GCMS));the file notes clearly state that a final decision has been rendered, but the decision has not yet been entered into the processing system.Returning fees paid to CICThe. process of returning fees paid to CIC in concert with the termination of affected applications will be centralized at NHQ ? Finance in consultation with visa offices as required. Fee returns and communications with affected applicants will be initiated by CIC in due course.The basis for the amounts to be refunded will be the POS+ data at missions. NHQ ? Finance will communicate with affected missions in due course to provide further instructions on the extraction of required data. The POS+ data will subsequently be matched with the eligible cases extracted from CAIPS/GCMS and will form the baseline data for the purpose of returning fees to the payee.NHQ ? Finance will communicate with eligible applicants in due course to confirm contact and payee information prior to initiating any return of fees paid to CIC, and will allow a reasonable period of time for applicants to respond. In cases where no response to any initial and any follow-up communications is received, applications are still terminated, but action may still be taken at a future date to return fees to the person who paid them.Fee returns will be issued in the appropriate currency for the country in which the person who paid them resides, using the daily exchange conversion rate in effect on the date of issuance.Unsuccessful applicants who had paid the Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF) will continue to be entitled to a return of that fee in accordance with existing procedures.

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?怎么才能知道是否已经final decision了,并且录入了系统?我在2.12S2的,后来被CIC的通知信耽误了补料时间的

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?不补肯定没机会。切不切是VO说了算的,VO也是人,不是楼上贴出来的那些OB442中的文字。

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?那我还是抓紧时间补了吧。谢谢楼上的兄弟

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?抓紧体检,me的同学应该争取机会,希望还是有的。不体检一点希望也没有。 http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=579488

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?请问社区朋友,3月26日通知我体检,4月10日前体检完毕,4月19日补料香港收到,我5月MER ,6月8日登陆费解付,我会被切吗?

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?请问社区朋友,3月26日通知我体检,4月10日前体检完毕,4月19日补料香港收到,我5月MER ,6月8日登陆费解付,我会被切吗?点击展开... 不会被切, 3-29前ME的, 永远不被切, 放心吧!

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?就是因为你不会被切, 反而DM慢一点, VO在抓紧处理我们这些边缘分子.

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?这个不好说,不过就是打官司也是有理由的。

慢慢来,一切都会好的。 超赞 赏 羽衣蓝格 0$(VIP 0) 1,0762012-07-04#15 回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?一定要努力快补,不补一定没机会,补了哪怕1%的希望,(你要是特别想去加拿大,)也要去争取,赶紧补!

疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏HK91,6.25ME,要求交登录费,小孩的护照,体检。因小孩护照需要时间,所以体检安排下周。给了45天补料时间,不知道还能不能赶上末班车。算不算已经selection 完成的?点击展开... 你哌selection criteria但体检6月29日未收到?告就被切,我都是一?情况!要打官司或等改例放行有ME的,我帐?前者蒉有?算!

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?me了就没问题了,年底之前me的都没啥问题

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?me了就没问题了,年底之前me的都没啥问题点击展开...这说法新颖,难道有hk cic内幕?

Brian抓紧体检,me的同学应该争取机会,希望还是有的。不体检一点希望也没有。 http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=579488点击展开...

回复: HK91, Me了,还没补料,还来得及吗?根据昨天的贴子分析来看,凡是没有ME的昨天都差不多收到拒签信了,而ME的到目前为止没有DM的也没有收到拒签信,因此个人分析认为,可能ME的是安全的。

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