加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - 卑诗省提名Settlement Plan 如何写?
本人91新政07年10月FN,上月底接到CIC信,邀请转BC省提名,6月30日前提交材料。但本人没有在BC省生活过,也没出过国,不知BC省情况,而提交文件中要求Settlement Plan ,是这样要求的The nominee applicant must have a reasonable plan for becoming economically established in BC. The plan must be described in a written statement (included in the Nominee Applicant Information Form) that may include but should not be limited to:an explanation of steps the nominee applicant has taken or intends to take to secure employment in the qualifying occupation if the qualifying occupation is regulated in BC, an explanation as to how the regulatory requirements will be metan outline of personal and/or professional connections within BCIn general, the applicant should use this statement to demonstrate the economic benefits that they will bring to the province and to provincial employers once they become a permanent resident. 哪位朋友能给个大纲什么的,或者哪里有这方面的模版可供参考?感谢!
20070622HK划款;20071003FN。FN:B05123****;VO:SKM。欢迎交流:[email protected]。 超赞 赏 P paulchen 0$(VIP 0) 1402012-04-15#2 回复: 卑诗省提名Settlement Plan 如何写?有朋友知道吗?
20070622HK划款;20071003FN。FN:B05123****;VO:SKM。欢迎交流:[email protected]。 超赞 赏 P paulchen 0$(VIP 0) 1402012-04-18#3 回复: 卑诗省提名Settlement Plan 如何写?自己再顶一下。
20070622HK划款;20071003FN。FN:B05123****;VO:SKM。欢迎交流:[email protected]。自己再顶一下。点击展开...我也不知道咋整。大哥您找到模板没有啊?
2013年9月16日登陆温哥华,长租于Richmond, BC本人91新政07年10月FN,上月底接到CIC信,邀请转BC省提名,6月30日前提交材料。但本人没有在BC省生活过,也没出过国,不知BC省情况,而提交文件中要求Settlement Plan ,是这样要求的The nominee applicant must have a reasonable plan for becoming economically established in BC. The plan must be described in a written statement (included in the Nominee Applicant Information Form) that may include but should not be limited to:an explanation of steps the nominee applicant has taken or intends to take to secure employment in the qualifying occupation if the qualifying occupation is regulated in BC, an explanation as to how the regulatory requirements will be metan outline of personal and/or professional connections within BCIn general, the applicant should use this statement to demonstrate the economic benefits that they will bring to the province and to provincial employers once they become a permanent resident. 哪位朋友能给个大纲什么的,或者哪里有这方面的模版可供参考?感谢!点击展开... 大哥,你现在直接申请BC,你不是需要有雇主OFFER吗?
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