加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Toronto Star多伦多星报:Would-be immigrants poised to hear about application backlog
Would-be immigrants poised to hear about application backlog Dong Wang has waited almost six years for his immigration dream to be fulfilled. This week, he and 900 other applicants will find out from a Canadian court if their long wait has been in vain.The 33-year-old native of the Chinese city of Dalian applied to immigrate to Canada in 2006. He has been put through an emotional rollercoaster since he joined a lawsuit last November against Ottawa for warehousing backlogged immigration applications and failing to process them in a timely fashion.In February, Wang got a letter from Immigration saying his application had been assessed and he and his wife should prepare the necessary documents, take the English language test and get a medical exam.“We were all excited and full of hope after waiting for so long and so much effort we had made,” said Wang, an executive with an international hotel management group.The bomb dropped in March when Immigration Minister Jason Kenney announced a new law to clear the immigration backlog of 280,000 applicants. Bill C-38 would come into effect June 29. In April, the couple got a “stop-submit” letter from Immigration. “Please ignore our recent request to submit full application forms and supporting documentation,” it read. “This office will not put your application into process. We will contact you . . . regarding refund of the processing fees.”Last month, just before Bill C-38 became law, the Federal Court ruled on the case of the 900-plus applicants, saying the government must expedite the processing of the backlogged applications. But on June 29, Citizenship and Immigration Canada stated that all applications filed before February 2008, when new selection criteria were introduced by Kenney, would be terminated.“We’re really disappointed and sad,” Wang told the Star from China.Tim Leahy, lawyer for the 900 litigants, is taking one last shot, asking the court to direct Immigration to assess their cases under humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Justice Robert Barnes is expected to deliver his decision this week.Litigant Justin Pang, 30, who filed his application from Beijing six years ago, hopes the court will make a fair and sensible decision to get them justice, given the backlog isn’t the making of the applicants but the Canadian government.“I have done everything I could that they asked me to, but finally they only gave me one letter to deny all the efforts I’ve made,” said the Tsinghua University graduate, an IT manager for a Fortune 500 company in Beijing. http://www.thestar.com/news/investi...ants-poised-to-hear-about-application-backlog
回复: Toronto Star多伦多星报:Would-be immigrants poised to hear about application backlog受访人均来自Tim组已ME的诉讼人。
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[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 S shaohaiyue 0$(VIP 0) 1342012-07-31#4 回复: Toronto Star多伦多星报:Would-be immigrants poised to hear about application backlog好文章!最好近几天有媒体的曝光,因为法官也会看到英文报纸,所以, 近期是关键,大家再努把力,争取得到法官的正面裁决, 这样我想CIC就会顺服执行这批起诉人的案子。人生中碰到这样的事情也是不容易呀, 那么多的人顺利的过关,91这批人被康尼折腾得够呛,真是太无道理了,大家还是争取吧,坚持就会胜利。
回复: Toronto Star多伦多星报:Would-be immigrants poised to hear about application backlog法案中不是明确规定,3月29日之前has established whether the applicant meets the selection criteria prior to March 29,2012 就是要继续审理的啊。那文章中提到的王工程师,被要求提供材料,有没有同时要求体检啊?
回复: Toronto Star多伦多星报:Would-be immigrants poised to hear about application backlog顶!
回复: Toronto Star多伦多星报:Would-be immigrants poised to hear about application backlog移民集体诉讼案 加国法院本周听证加拿大家园 iask.ca 2012-07-30 09:40 来源: 世界日报 作者:被一刀切的1家中国移民(Maurice Xuanjin Zhu),网上资料图片申请人王冬(Dong Wang,音译)在过去六年一直为移民加拿大而努力,王冬与其他900名申请人即将在加拿大法院获得答案。本周,加拿大法院将对此举行听证会并宣布这些申请人的努力是否将成为徒劳。 i a s k . c a据星报报导,现年33岁的中国公民王冬来自大连,是一个国际酒店经理。2006年王冬递交了移民加拿大的申请。然而,就在去年11月,王冬与其他900名申请人,对加拿大政府大量积压申请人案件且未能及时审理而提出集体诉讼。今年2月份,王冬收到一封联邦移民部的来信。这封信件内容显示,王冬夫妇的申请资料正在审核并要求他们准备相应资料,譬如提供英语考试成绩并进行体检。收到这个信息後,王东兴奋难当。他表示,经过长时间的努力,等待了这麽久终於迎来一个好消息,因此无比兴奋。然而,世事难料,联邦移民部长康尼今年3月份宣布28万技术移民积案作废,C-38法案於今年6月29日生效。 加拿大 家 园 网这一消息对於王冬来说,无疑一个炸弹,随後王冬夫妇在今年4月份从联邦移民部获得一封「停止递交」资料的信件。这封信件表示∶「请忽略近日要求递交补充资料的信件。移民部办公室将不再审理你的资料并将在稍後联系你,处理申请费用的问题。」而就在C-38法案生效的上个月,审理这900多起移民案件的联邦法院表示,联邦政府须加快审理积压案件。不过,联邦移民部在6月29日表示,所有在2008年2月份之前递交的申请案件都将被废除,不过可以按照移民部长康尼所颁布的新规定重新提出申请。王冬表示,对这一消息感到无比失望。 加 拿 大 家园网这900名诉讼人的委托律师莱赫(Tim Leahy)表示,法院应要求移民部在人道基础上审理这些申请人的案件。法官伯尼斯( Robert Barnes)预计在本周法庭传达莱赫律师的这一要求。来自北京的诉讼人庞先生(Justin Pang)也表示,希望法院作出公正合理的判决。六年前,庞先生递交了移民加拿大的申请,他表示,已经尽了所有努力,经过长时间的等待和煎熬却换来联邦政府一封拒绝信是不能接受的。庞先生毕业於北京清华大学,并在北京一所世界500强公司担任IT经理。
回复: Toronto Star多伦多星报:Would-be immigrants poised to hear about application backlogasking the court to direct Immigration to assess their cases under humanitarian and compassionate grounds.这个有意思,加拿大的法律真神奇,太幽默了。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 L labach 0$(VIP 0) 612012-07-31#9 回复: Toronto Star多伦多星报:Would-be immigrants poised to hear about application backlog这900名诉讼人的委托律师莱赫(Tim Leahy)表示,法院应要求移民部在人道基础上审理这些申请人的案件。法官伯尼斯( Robert Barnes)预计在本周法庭传达莱赫律师的这一要求。
回复: Toronto Star多伦多星报:Would-be immigrants poised to hear about application backlogTim Leahy, lawyer for the 900 litigants, is taking one last shot, asking the court to direct Immigration to assess their cases under humanitarian and compassionate grounds. Justice Robert Barnes is expected to deliver his decision this week.
回复: Toronto Star多伦多星报:Would-be immigrants poised to hear about application backlog技术移民申请变难民申请
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]London Ontario[FONT=楷体]中国人对现实里很多不公平有一种难以理解的接受能力,然后成为社会的规则,最后成为文化的一部分。[/FONT][FONT=楷体]三个要饭的故事[/FONT][FONT=宋体][FONT=楷体]看一个社会的好坏有一个很简单的办法:富人是否大量移民。[/FONT][/FONT] 超赞 赏 T tguozq 0$(VIP 0) 1,0932012-07-31#12 回复: Toronto Star多伦多星报:Would-be immigrants poised to hear about application backlog91申请人都被当难民来看了。
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