加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民【交流】已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进



回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进我现在在richmond,刚做了一个星期,雇主还不错。我现在对这份工作的感觉是就把它当作普通的工作,按老板的要求去做就是了。幸好有老板娘带着我去做,也给我安排好工作时间和内容。

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进怎么没人来留言呢?我在其他一些帖子看到有不少姐妹在做住家,大家交流交流,可以分享些有利的消息啊!我看到《明报》上说一篇关于在加的菲佣的新闻,说她哭诉中介收费超过一年的工资,还说了其他一些事,今天太忙了,没时间继续看,明天看完在告诉大家。

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进我是准备去的,也来凑凑热闹!正在培训中,希望一切顺利,主要是签证关. 然后就踏踏实实做苦力吧!

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进面签有什么需要注意的呢?

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进你们都在哪些中介办理的呢?能告诉我吗?有么有好主意啊,我刚被拒了!~

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进请问楼主,我也想到加拿大做住家,昨天一家多伦多中介告诉我不用参加国内的护理师培训,只要具有相关经验和英文好就可以了,不知道是不是?

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进请问楼主,我也想到加拿大做住家,昨天一家多伦多中介告诉我不用参加国内的护理师培训,只要具有相关经验和英文好就可以了,不知道是不是?点击展开...========================The Live-In Caregiver Program: Who can applyYou must meet certain requirements to be eligible for the Live-In Caregiver Program in Canada.You will need:A job confirmation letter from a Canadian employerA written contract with your future employerSuccessful completion of the equivalent of Canadian secondary schoolAt least six months’ training, or at least one year of full-time experience (including six months with one employer) during the past three yearsGood knowledge of English or FrenchA work permit before you enter CanadaA job confirmation letter from a Canadian employerYour employer must apply to Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) to have their suggested job offer reviewed and receive a positive job confirmation letter from HRSDC before hiring you. HRSDC will review the job duties, working conditions, suggested pay and so on to be sure that the job offer meets provincial labour standards and that there are not enough Canadians or permanent residents available to work as live-in caregivers in Canada. You will need a copy of this confirmation letter when you apply for a work permit.A written contract with your future employerThe written contract will ensure there is a fair working arrangement between you and your employer. It explains clearly the responsibilities you both have in your work arrangement.You must live in Canada in the home of the person for whom you will provide care. In the contract, you and your employer agree on duties, hours of work, salary and benefits. The contract may also describe what legal responsibilities your employer has toward you. Citizenship and Immigration Canada will review the contract and make sure your employer’s job offer is genuine.You need the contract as part of your application. A sample contract appears below. Your contract does not have to look like this, but you will get some ideas on how it might look and what it should contain.Live-In Caregiver Program (Sample Contract)Successful completion of Canadian secondary school educationYou must have successfully completed the equivalent of Canadian high school education (secondary school). Because of the differences in school systems across Canada, it is not possible to give a precise number of years. In most provinces, it takes 12 years of schooling to obtain a Canadian high school diploma. The immigration officer assessing your application will let you know what is needed.At least six months’ training, or at least one year of full-time paid work experience in the past three yearsTo claim work experience, you need to have worked for one year, including at least six months of continuous employment for the same employer in a field or occupation similar to what you will do as a live-in caregiver. This experience must have been within the three years immediately before the day on which you make an application for a work permit as a caregiver.To claim training, it must be full-time training in a classroom setting. Areas of study could be early childhood education, geriatric care, pediatric nursing or first aid.Good knowledge of English or FrenchYou must be able to speak, read and understand either English or French so you can function on your own in your employer’s home. For example, you must be able to call emergency services if they are needed, and to understand labels on medication. You will be unsupervised for most of the day and may have to communicate with someone outside the home. You can also read and understand your rights and obligations if you can function in English or French.A work permit before you enter CanadaFollow the instructions under How to apply for a work permit in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page.Related LinksLearn about work permitsHow to apply for a work permit

爱出者爱返,福往者福来 大温求职俱乐部 133315683大温女人帮 18817432家住素里 82591745 超赞 赏 lywen116 0$(VIP 0) 1,1472008-10-11#9 回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进上面是CIC关于这个项目的相关内容,如果有一年以上相关工作经验是可以不用培训的,但是这个一年经验是要在最近3年以内的,而且有6个月不间断为同一雇主或者同一单位工作,下面是CIC关于这方面介绍的网页,你可以看看http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/work/caregiver/apply-who.asp#training这是网址

爱出者爱返,福往者福来 大温求职俱乐部 133315683大温女人帮 18817432家住素里 82591745 超赞 赏 S snowfield 0$(VIP 0) 472008-10-16#10 回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进谢谢

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进祝福大家

超赞 赏 微 微笑cao 0$(VIP 0) 92009-08-26#12 回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进你好,我刚到Richmond Hill一个多星期,你还在这工作吗?

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进我在coquitlam。有没有姐妹在这边

爱出者爱返,福往者福来 大温求职俱乐部 133315683大温女人帮 18817432家住素里 82591745 超赞 赏 奔 奔向加拿大 0$(VIP 0) 4412009-10-03#14 回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进.

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进想请教一下:现在国内上大专护理专业,三年后毕业能出去做住家保姆吗?用什么方式出去呢?麻烦各位了!

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进已经在做live-in caregiver的同胞,详细介绍下该怎么做,怎么开始的,谢谢大家啊!大家相互帮助吧!

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进就是啊,已经成功到加国做住家保姆的姐妹们请说说经验吧,我们在国内的也想去哦,是怎么办理的,给我们这些后来者说说嘛,不胜感激哦!!!

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进在加的姐妹能不能帮着找雇主呢?或者告诉哪家中介可信啊

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进已经到加国做了住家保姆的能否告知你们是哪家中介?不胜感谢

回复: 交流已经在加拿大做“住家看护/保姆/livin in caregiver/nanny”的进来--中介勿进现在想从住家保姆出来已经很难了 因为 加拿大 好像是从07还是08就已经开始减少签发保姆的签证 我出来的时候是10年8月份 10年5月份拿到的签证 在递签 的同时也提供的雅思成绩 签证到是很快就下来啦 好像没用上2个月 免签 我个人认为 现在加拿大对保姆的需求是相当的大 因为 从11年12月份 CIC改变了对OPEN WORK PERMIT在PR之前发给申请人的规定 现在是只要 材料没什么问题 很快就会得到OPEN 这样的话 大部分 已经递了申请的大批的保姆就已经拿到了OPEN WORK PERMIT(开放的工作许可 持开放的工作许可 就可以在加拿大做任何工作) 所以 好多保姆已经换了工作 大量的雇主找不到新的保姆

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