加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing on behalf of a group of ME’d HK FSW applicants (including both applicants who have taken medical examinations per your office’s request and those who have received instruction to take medical examination prior to June 29, 2012) who are now, based on your interpretation of Operational Bulletin 442, affected by Bill C-38.I would like to draw your attention to the Operational Bulletin 479-A and B, issued on November 29, 2012, specifically, the Minister's instruction quoted below:"In view of the exceptional circumstances, and pursuant to his authority under section 25.2 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism has established that there are public policy considerations warranting the granting of permanent residence and the granting of necessary exemptions (including the requirement to pay processing fees) to permit the issuance of a permanent residence visa to persons who, despite the termination of their applications, had their FSW visa applications processed to a final decision and were issued permanent resident visas."As previously indicated, this group of ME’d applicants have initiated a litigation proceeding against the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration at the Federal Court of Canada. Our legal counsel has, based on section 25 of the Act, sought recourse and pleaded to have your office to continue processing this group of ME's applicants, whose cases being terminated, not due to any cause on the applicants' part.Thanks for your attention. We look forward to hearing from your office.
回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B为什么不提一下OB400中CIC 所犯的错误呢?提一下理由不更充分吗?他可以一个月后改正,但是我们就几天可以拿到Visa可是还是就被终止了!
回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B为什么不提一下OB400中CIC 所犯的错误呢?提一下理由不更充分吗?他可以一个月后改正,但是我们就几天可以拿到Visa可是还是就被终止了!点击展开...Feel free to reach out if you have ideas, the purpose is for us to help ourselves.
回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B组长再次发力了,组长辛苦了!!!顶组长!!! Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing on behalf of a group of ME’d HK FSW applicants (including both applicants who have taken medical examinations per your office’s request and those who have received instruction to take medical examination prior to June 29, 2012) who are now, based on your interpretation of Operational Bulletin 442, affected by Bill C-38. I would like to draw your attention to the Operational Bulletin 479-A and B, issued on November 29, 2012, specifically, the Minister's instruction quoted below: "In view of the exceptional circumstances, and pursuant to his authority under section 25.2 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism has established that there are public policy considerations warranting the granting of permanent residence and the granting of necessary exemptions (including the requirement to pay processing fees) to permit the issuance of a permanent residence visa to persons who, despite the termination of their applications, had their FSW visa applications processed to a final decision and were issued permanent resident visas." As previously indicated, this group of ME’d applicants have initiated a litigation proceeding against the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration at the Federal Court of Canada. Our legal counsel has, based on section 25 of the Act, sought recourse and pleaded to have your office to continue processing this group of ME's applicants, whose cases being terminated, not due to any cause on the applicants' part. Thanks for your attention. We look forward to hearing from your office.点击展开...
2007 02 06 FN;2012 02 13 S2;2012 05 16 香港签收;2012 06 14 曼谷体检;2012 06 19 寄出汇票;2012 06 21 香港签收;2012 06 22 汇票解付/收据;2012 06 29 恶法通过,遂与其搏斗。。。 超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882012-12-01#5 回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B动作蛮快的呀
超赞 赏 我 我是流氓我怕谁 0$(VIP 0) 1672012-12-01#6 回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B强烈支持!
回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B动作蛮快的呀点击展开... 组长很令人钦佩,在组里从来木有牢骚怪话,到了时候就用很棒的英文信炮轰香港,刀片向鬼子们的头上飞去!!!
2007 02 06 FN;2012 02 13 S2;2012 05 16 香港签收;2012 06 14 曼谷体检;2012 06 19 寄出汇票;2012 06 21 香港签收;2012 06 22 汇票解付/收据;2012 06 29 恶法通过,遂与其搏斗。。。组长很令人钦佩,在组里从来木有牢骚怪话,到了时候就用很棒的英文信炮轰香港,刀片向鬼子们的头上飞去!!!点击展开... 赞同!
回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and BThis public policy is a temporary measure solely for the purpose of addressing cases to date in which visas have been issued in respect of terminated FSW applications. This public policy must not be construed as a facilitative measure for additional cases. Immigration Program Managers are reminded that they are to ensure that no terminated FSW applications continue to be processed.
回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B抗议总是好的, 不要让CIC认为大家其实都无所谓,,,, 有机会还是要通过各种途径施压, 媒体,邮件, 现场抗议... ...
回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B支持你们,发出声音。团结一致,争取胜利!
疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏This public policy is a temporary measure solely for the purpose of addressing cases to date in which visas have been issued in respect of terminated FSW applications. This public policy must not be construed as a facilitative measure for additional cases. Immigration Program Managers are reminded that they are to ensure that no terminated FSW applications continue to be processed.点击展开... OB这么写是常理, 但是这给了早些时候DOJ的律师一巴掌, 因为他们那个时候声称部长没有任何权利违背一刀切的法案. 这个OB对我们的案子是很有大帮助的.
回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B组长很令人钦佩,在组里从来木有牢骚怪话,到了时候就用很棒的英文信炮轰香港,刀片向鬼子们的头上飞去!!!点击展开... 是啊,你的眼光还是不错的,我喜欢TA这样不多管闲事,只专心做实事既有风度又有学问的版主!!!
超赞 赏 T tguozq 0$(VIP 0) 1,0932012-12-02#14 回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B从康尼到CIC律师都是谎话连篇,他们不说谎话觉得不舒服。CIC律师说康尼不能违反C38这个法律,现在他们的行动再次证明他们说谎。
回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B从康尼到CIC律师都是谎话连篇,他们不说谎话觉得不舒服。CIC律师说康尼不能违反C38这个法律,现在他们的行动再次证明他们说谎。点击展开... CIC律师说康尼不能违反C38处理胜诉的635人,这本身就是个谎言,因为这635人胜在C38生效之前,根本不在C38管辖的范围内。
回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B媒体需要有事件才肯报道,像这样单纯的评论他们不感兴趣。我试过多次了。 现在只有等庭审判决,别无他法。
媒体需要有事件才肯报道,像这样单纯的评论他们不感兴趣。我试过多次了。 现在只有等庭审判决,别无他法。点击展开...这就是老外的思维,说事一定要举例才符合他们的习惯。
回复: 香港ME组,向香港领馆最新致函 - Operational Bulletin 479-A and B是啊,你的眼光还是不错的,我喜欢TA这样不多管闲事,只专心做实事既有风度又有学问的版主!!!点击展开... 看人这件事我还是蛮有信心的哈哈哈!!!三十几年的生活经验就教会我这么项本事了,别的本事没有哈,就靠这个本事出来混呢。。。
2007 02 06 FN;2012 02 13 S2;2012 05 16 香港签收;2012 06 14 曼谷体检;2012 06 19 寄出汇票;2012 06 21 香港签收;2012 06 22 汇票解付/收据;2012 06 29 恶法通过,遂与其搏斗。。。Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to draw your attention to the Operational Bulletin 479-A and B, issued on November 29, 2012, specifically, the Minister's instruction quoted below: "In view of the exceptional circumstances, and pursuant to his authority under section 25.2 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism has established that there are public policy considerations warranting the granting of permanent residence and the granting of necessary exemptions (including the requirement to pay processing fees) to permit the issuance of a permanent residence visa to persons who, despite the termination of their applications, had their FSW visa applications processed to a final decision and were issued permanent resident visas." As previously indicated, this group of ME’d applicants have initiated a litigation proceeding against the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration at the Federal Court of Canada. Our legal counsel has, based on section 25 of the Act, sought recourse and pleaded to have your office to continue processing this group of ME's applicants, whose cases being terminated, not due to any cause on the applicants' part.点击展开... 邮件已发, 在中间部分原文引述了楼主的话, 特此感谢。 感谢楼主漂亮的文章。
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