加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。
请关注:据2012年12月10日最新加拿大移民部网站信息:a new Federal Skilled Trades Program is being launched on January 2, 2013, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.如下版主添加 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-12-10.asp News Release — Building an Immigration System that Works for Canada New Federal Skilled Trades Stream to Begin Accepting Applications on January 2, 2013 Mississauga, December 10, 2012 — To address Canada’s growing demand for skilled tradespersons, a new Federal Skilled Trades Program is being launched on January 2, 2013, Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today. “The new Skilled Trades Stream will help address serious labour shortages in some regions of the country, and support economic growth,” Minister Kenney said. “For too long, Canada’s immigration system has not been open to these in-demand skilled workers. These changes are long overdue and will help us move to a fast and flexible immigration system that works for Canada’s economy.” The program criteria are built around four requirements that ensure applicants will have the right skills and experience needed to succeed here in Canada. In order to qualify, applicants will need to: have an offer of employment in Canada or a certificate of qualification from a province or territory to ensure that applicants are “job ready” upon arrival;meet a basic language requirement;have a minimum of two years of work experience as a skilled tradesperson, to ensure that the applicant has recent and relevant practice as a qualified journeyman; andhave the skills and experience that match those set out in the National Occupational Classification (NOC B) system, showing that they have performed the essential duties of the occupation. In order to manage intake, avoid backlogs and ensure fast processing times, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) will accept up to a maximum of 3,000 applications in the first year of the Federal Skilled Trades Program. Minister Kenney was joined at today’s announcement by Michael Atkinson, President of the Canadian Construction Association. “The introduction of a dedicated and streamlined program for skilled trades addresses many of the shortcomings from the current Federal Skilled Worker Program,” said Michael Atkinson. “The new program ensures greater consideration is given to the needs of industry when processing eligible immigration applications.” “Ensuring Canada’s immigration system works for small employers in need of skilled trades’ people has been a concern for some time,” said Dan Kelly, President and CEO of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. “With the shortage of qualified labour in many parts of Canada growing once again, the launch of the Skilled Trades immigration stream is very welcome news.” Eligible occupations will include electricians, welders, heavy-duty equipment mechanics, and pipefitters, among others. CIC is currently working with the provinces, territories and federal government partners on the list of skilled trades’ occupations that are experiencing acute labour shortages and which will qualify under the program. This list will be announced prior to the program opening on January 2, 2013. The Federal Skilled Trades Program will complement other avenues already in place for skilled tradespersons to immigrate to Canada, such as the Canadian Experience Class and Provincial Nominee Programs. “As promised in Economic Action Plan 2012, we are creating a new immigration stream to facilitate entry of skilled tradespersons,” added Minister Kenney. “The Federal Skilled Trades Program will help transform Canada’s immigration system into a fast and flexible system focused on jobs, growth and long-term prosperity.” Follow us on Twitter (new window to unfollow or login):Follow @CitImmCanada twitter.com/CitImmCanada Photo of Minister Kenney will be available later today at: www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/photos/high-res/index.asp. For further information (media only), please contact: Alexis Pavlich Minister’s Office Citizenship and Immigration Canada 613-954-1064 Media Relations Communications Branch Citizenship and Immigration Canada 613-952-1650 [email protected]
回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。能否具体点,可以考虑置顶
test 超赞 赏 雨 雨纷纷 0$(VIP 0) 1,5912012-12-10#3 回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。有几个技工可以先有offer?没有offer就不满足移民条件,画饼充饥的政策,至少对中国人是。
回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。加拿大重开技术移民 部长康尼今天(周一)宣布,从2013年1月2日起正式实施新的技工移民(skilled trades class),限额3千。技工类移民申请4项要求:工作Offer,语言CLB 5级,行业经验2年。。新政将技术移民分3类:技术移民、技工移民及经验类。
回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。据悉,移民部目前正与各省、特区密切联系,根据各省具体情况制定不同技工移民行业名单,预期包括电工、焊工、重型机械技工、管道安装工或修理工,大厨,面包师和屠夫等。行业名单将于1月初新办法实施时颁布。
回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。蓝翔技校 中国以后最火院校!
回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。这好像不是咱们通常说的那个联邦技术移民吧。这更像是劳务输出。这几个技工的种类,家园上有几个人满足?
你都如何回忆我 带着笑或是很沉默 这些年来 有没有人让你不寂寞 - 不再年轻的毛利小五郎~ 超赞 赏 D dosga 0$(VIP 0) 922012-12-10#8 回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。有官网链接吗?
2012.12.12签约加拿大中介,QQ:7471909蓝翔技校 中国以后最火院校!点击展开...
22/Jan/2013, Visa! 自由无障碍,我跑故路在!http://bbs.runbible.cn/?fromuid=101015 超赞 赏 J Joe Yu 0$(VIP 0) 1,1872012-12-11#10 回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2012/2012-12-10.asp
回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。工作offer 能拿下吗?
回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。技工移民,跟我们大多数人符合的技术移民不是一个意思。而且技工要提前在国内拿到offer?看来中介又有好生意做了
09-11-05 雅思熟 7.5 / 09-12-02 妥投 / 12-3-14 5句话IP / 13-2-21 ME / 13-6-4 DM / 14-1-10 长登Markham 超赞 赏 S shred 0$(VIP 0) 642012-12-11#13 回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。我爸最符合,当年冶金部的劳模,车工一枚
回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。这种东西英语母语或官方语言的国家群众更好申请一些,与瓷器国关系不大了…………
回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。“预期包括电工、焊工、重型机械技工、管道安装工或修理工,大厨,面包师和屠夫等”做这类工作的语言通常不行,无奈
回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。我爸最符合,当年冶金部的劳模,车工一枚点击展开...技工不是亮点,要offer才是亮点
回复: 新的技工类移民类别2013年1月2日开始实施。技工不是亮点,要offer才是亮点点击展开...have an offer of employment in Canada or a certificate of qualification from a province or territory to ensure that applicants are “job ready” upon arrival;不一定非有offer
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