加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民乞请我朝礼部跟康尼部长商量点事儿
往后面翻页点击查看最新信息!!! “有些鸟注定是关不住的,因为他们的羽毛太鲜亮了。” 跪求大家通过自己的邮箱给保守党政要们发信,诉说苦情,呼吁关注北京使馆的问题,包括打分的,没打分的,总之,关注我们北京使馆的事,快快办理为好,免得夜长梦多。我们很快就不再年轻,五年时光无法倒流。这样空耗下去,等我们白发苍苍的时候,拿什么跟家小们吹嘘“老子当年”呢? 该宣传真相的时候了,或者说,已经太晚了,因为这些议员们稀里糊涂被康尼部长为国家经济利益效力的煽情演说所打动,就在国会投了c-38一票! 以前信息:我向加拿大政界要人写信反映情况了。邹至蕙和麦克.林顿都诚恳作答并告知我,他们不能越权越过自己的辖区管事,更不能为我一人说话。新民主党负责听取这方面意见的是Jinny Sims. 我打算周末写信,有谁知道北京的加拿大使馆的91积案中打分又体检的有几人,打分没体检的几人,递交完材料等了两年没审的有几人?我反映问题不能只说我自己的事,只能呼吁政界人士关注北京的加拿大使馆对待这群人(30万一刀切切剩下的)事。 闲扯两句题外话: 我们大家都学过《孔雀东南飞》,刘兰芝和焦仲卿恩恩爱爱,可是焦仲卿的母亲却对儿媳横挑鼻子竖挑眼,要把儿媳休了。焦仲卿可怜巴巴低声下气地跪求母亲:“儿已薄禄相,幸复得此妇。结发同枕席,黄泉共为友。共事二三年,始尔未为久。女行无偏斜,何意致不厚。” 焦仲卿的母亲这样回答说:“何乃太区区!此妇无礼节,举动自专由。吾意久怀忿,汝岂得自由!东家有贤女,自名秦罗敷。可怜体无比,阿母为汝求。便可速遣之,遣去慎莫留!”仔细想想,焦母的确懂人情世故,那就是:既然我已经得罪儿媳了,又转念留她在家,儿媳还是对我有怨恨,不会跟我一心,倒不如赶走了事。可是,焦仲卿还是认识不到,他以为求告多次就有效,于是长跪告:“伏惟启阿母。今若遣此妇,终老不复取!”焦仲卿母亲不买账,听了儿子这话,就槌床便大怒:“小子无所畏,何敢助妇语!吾已失恩义,会不相从许!”人情世故如此,古今中外都不例外。我们北京91的,按照正常进度3年就结案了,拖这么久,再遭拖的,恐怕还是咱们。
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 C cogcn 0$(VIP 0) 202012-08-29#2 回复: 频问康尼终不答,空留众人啼声哀,小民我无奈何拦轿递状纸我们联名吧,算我一个。北京91, 2007年10月FN,所有条件均符合OB42
回复: 频问康尼终不答,空留众人啼声哀,小民我无奈何拦轿递状纸我们联名吧,算我一个。北京91, 2007年10月FN,所有条件均符合OB42点击展开...好。怎么联法?英文好的可以给个参考内容啊,我对自己写英文信还是觉得没把握,虽然我中文马马虎虎。
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 wpplovechun 0$(VIP 0) 6122012-08-30#4 回复: 频问康尼终不答,空留众人啼声哀,小民我无奈何拦轿递状纸我属于递交完材料等了两年没审的,算我一个
fn:2007.12.7北京――2009.1.15,考雅思了,分数没够,准备再考――2009.11.21 二次烤鸭 分数够了――2009.12.18 S2――2010.4.13妥投――2010.4.23 变12――2011.1.8听力有突破,能听清了――2011.4.15拖朋友查询caips――2011.6.2caips没打分好。怎么联法?英文好的可以给个参考内容啊,我对自己写英文信还是觉得没把握,虽然我中文马马虎虎。点击展开...你写吧,汉语也行,我可以翻译。我也是91,打分了,体检表也放进去了,2009年12月就打分了。不过这两天出差,可能不会很快查,不过只要上网,就过来看看
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 你写吧,汉语也行,我可以翻译。我也是91,打分了,体检表也放进去了,2009年12月就打分了。不过这两天出差,可能不会很快查,不过只要上网,就过来看看点击展开...帮忙改改表达和内容上是否有不对头的地方,以下是草稿:Dear (大人物姓名),We applied for immigration to Canada as skilled worker since 2007 through Canada Embassy of Beijing. We have submitted all our notarized documents to the embassy 2 or 3 years ago for the Visa Officers to review and process.However, after half a decade’s waiting, we got to know we became backlog which gums up to Canada’s immigration system as honorable Minister Jason Kenney pointed out in many public occasions. We have been waiting for half a decade while seeing other late comer applicants to get Visa and residency much earlier than us. Our eyes are full of tears and we want an explanation from honorable CIC Minister Jason Kenny.Among us, for the life planning of immigration to Canada, we have paid a lot. Some lost promotion opportunities at their present working place; some were even dismissed by their bosses because the bosses thought they could not concentrate on their current job anymore if they had had plan to immigrate to Canada; some had suffered extort and had to pay bribe to the boss when they asked the boss to stamp on the certificate of their working experience; some resigned from their job for they were so eager to improve their English and get excellent IELTS score to meet Canada’ selection criteria ;some sadly parted with their life partners who they loved very much actually; some missed the best house-buying opportunities for they want to keep their savings for the future Canada life. Unfortunately, the house price has gone up and tripled the price of 5 years ago. There are around 2000 of us who have been waiting for half a decade in Canada Embassy of Beijing. Since CIC declared the 2013 reform plan and expressed its decision of dealing with the backlog in the end of June, the first thing to do for us everyday is to read the news and look for what Minister Jason Kenny said on the news media . But 2 months have past, we have seen nobody’s file is processed except the several people who had sued to him and won the litigation . We would appreciate your help very much if you take some time to talk with Minister Jason Kenny about this issue.Best Regards Truly Yours (自己的姓名 )
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792012-09-02#8 回复: 频问康尼终不语,空留众人啼声哀,小民我无奈何拦轿递状纸[email protected] <[email protected]> Jinny Sims 是新民主党管听取意见的,她也表达过同情我们的观点,会把我们的信传达给加拿大民主党党魁,然后,就可以让当今圣上(今上)知道了。Backlog:[FONT=宋体]名词[/FONT] n. [FONT=宋体]未完成订单[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]未结订单[/FONT] ([FONT=宋体]所有已收到但尚未发货的客户订单[/FONT])Gum up :[FONT=宋体]搞糟[/FONT];[FONT=宋体]搞乱[/FONT]Don't gum up the work by telling Mother what we are going to do. [FONT=宋体][/FONT][FONT=宋体]别告诉母亲我们要干的事[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]那会把事情搞糟的。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体][/FONT]
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792012-09-02#9 "Hon. Jason Kenney, M.P." <[email protected]>(注意了,红字部分是移民部长康尼的几个不同的的邮箱), "Hon. Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P." <[email protected] >, "Hon. Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P." <[email protected]>,
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792012-09-03#10 回复: 频问康尼终不语,空留众人啼声哀,小民我无奈何拦轿递状纸--给保守党中文大致意思和英文定稿如下,此处似乎无法复制,若有需要可发信给我,我立即发邮件附送。[FONT=宋体]请愿信 (中文翻译英文信大意,顺便自娱自乐。 跪求发给保守党要人,地址家园网北京技术移民论坛上有,千万别把中文的也发了)[/FONT][FONT=宋体] 内容:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]兹有我辈,07年申请加国移民,迄今已有五年余,公证书类全交齐,只等签证官去审理。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]一晃5年过去了,忽闻移民部长有指示,我们已经成积案,搞糟加国移民体系。移民部长这样讲,我们人人心悲苦。眼看后来者早办好,全家飞越太平洋。这厢不知等到啥年月,泪眼汪汪。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]移民加国梦想由来久,全家种种计划多。为此牺牲一言难尽,苦不堪言:有失去提升机会者;有被现任老板解雇者,叱之曰既然心已走,此处不强留;有被雇主索取礼物者,概因工作证明文书大印由他出;有毅然决然辞去工作者,不分昼夜学英语,势要考出好成绩;有与相爱伴侣分手者,魂牵梦绕心戚戚;有为圆梦赴加储蓄者,痛失国内买房良机,如今房价涨3倍,徘徊空房长叹息。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]北京使馆我辈有两千余,5年之后听闻部长改革声,天天早起看新闻,如今两月又过去了,迟迟不见真动静。只有三两同窗辈,靠判官Mandamus得福音。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]万望大人多关注,恳请与部长大人传口信。这厢有礼了!再拜稽首![/FONT] [FONT=宋体]Dear (大人物名字),[/FONT][FONT=宋体] We have applied for immigration to Canada as skilled worker since 2007 through Canada Embassy of Beijing. We have submitted all our notarized documents to the Embassy 2 or 3 years ago for the Visa Officers to review and process.[/FONT][FONT=宋体] However, after more than half a decade’s waiting, we got to know we became “backlog” which gums up to Canadian immigration system as honorable Minister Jason Kenney pointed out in many public occasions. We have been waiting for more than half a decade while seeing other late-comer applicants to get Visa and residency to Canada much earlier than us. Our eyes are full of tears and we want an proper explanation from honorable CIC Minister Jason Kenny.[/FONT][FONT=宋体] Among us, for the life planning of immigration to Canada, we have paid a lot. Some lost promotion opportunities at their present working place; some were even dismissed by their bosses because their bosses thought they could not concentrate on their current job anymore; some had suffered extort from their bosses and had to pay bribery to the bosses when they asked the bosses to stamp on the certificates of their working experience; some resigned from their job for they were so eager to improve their English and obtain excellent IELTS scores to meet CIC selection criteria ;some sadly parted with their life partners who they loved very much actually; some missed the best house-buying opportunities for they have been always keeping their savings for the future Canada life. Unfortunately, now the house price has gone up and tripled the price of 5 years ago.[/FONT][FONT=宋体] There are around 2000 of us who have been waiting for half a decade in Canada Embassy of Beijing. Since CIC declared the 2013 reform plan and expressed its decision of dealing with the backlog in the end of June, the first thing to do for us everyday is to read the news and look for what Minister Jason Kenny said on the news media . But 2 months have past, we have seen nobody’s file is processed except the several people who had sued to him and won the litigation.[/FONT][FONT=宋体] We would appreciate your help very much if you take some time to talk with Minister Jason Kenny about this issue.[/FONT][FONT=宋体] Best Regards[/FONT][FONT=宋体] Truly Yours[/FONT][FONT=宋体] (name )[/FONT]
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 J jaredwang 0$(VIP 0) 4542012-09-03#11 回复: 频问康尼终不语,空留众人啼声哀,小民我无奈何拦轿递状纸--给保守党写的挺好的,真的代表了我们的心声。同时感觉人家真是爷,玩人真跟玩孙子一样。
回复: 频问康尼终不语,空留众人啼声哀,小民我无奈何拦轿递状纸--给保守党以下为定稿,感谢坛子里TX英语高手帮我修改,大家可根据自己情况再添加适当个人内容:[FONT=宋体]请愿信 [/FONT][FONT=宋体](中文翻译英文信之大意,为大家一目了然,也是自娱自乐。 跪求发给保守党要人,地址家园网上有,千万别把中文的也发了)[/FONT][FONT=宋体] 大致内容:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]兹有我辈,07年申请加国移民,迄今已有五年余,公证书类全交齐,只等签证官去审理。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]一晃5年过去了,忽闻移民部长有指示,我们已经成积案,搞糟加国移民体系。移民部长这样讲,我们人人心悲苦。眼看后来者早办好,全家飞越太平洋。这厢不知等到啥年月,泪眼汪汪。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]移民加国梦想由来久,全家种种计划多。为此牺牲一言难尽,苦不堪言。有失去提升机会者;有被现任老板解雇者,叱之曰既然心已走,此处不强留;有被雇主索取礼物者,概因工作证明文书大印由他出;有毅然决然辞去工作者,不分昼夜学英语,势要考出好成绩;有与相爱伴侣分手者,魂牵梦绕心戚戚。有为圆梦赴加储蓄者,痛失买房良机,如今房价涨3倍,徘徊空房长叹息。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]北京使馆我辈有两千余,5年之后听闻部长改革声,天天早起看新闻,如今两月又过去了,迟迟不见真动静。只有三两同窗辈,靠判官批示得福音。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]万望大人加关注,恳请与部长大人传口信。这厢有礼了!再拜稽首![/FONT][FONT=宋体]英文信定稿:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]Dear (大人物名字),[/FONT][FONT=宋体]We applied for immigration to Canada as skilled workers in 2007 through the Canadian Embassy of Beijing. We have submitted all our notarized documents to the embassy 2 or 3 years ago for the Visa Officers to review and process.[/FONT][FONT=宋体]However, after more than half a decade of waiting, we got to know ,as honorable Minister Jason Kenney pointed out in many public occasions, we have become backlog which gums up to Canada’s immigration system as honorable Minister Jason Kenney pointed out in many public occasions. We have been waiting for more than half a decade while seeing other late-comer applicants getting their Visa and residency much earlier than us. Our eyes are full of tears and we want an proper explanation from honorable CIC Minister Jason Kenny.[/FONT][FONT=宋体]Among us, for planning the life of immigration to Canada, we have paid a lot. Some lost promotion opportunities at their present working place; some were even dismissed by their bosses because their bosses thought they could not concentrate on their current job anymore if they has plans to immigrate to canada; some had suffered extort from their bosses and had to pay bribery to their bosses when they asked the boss to stamp on the certificate of their working experience; some resigned from their job for they were eager to improve their English and get excellent IELTS score to meet CIC’s selection criteria ;some sadly parted with their life partners who they loved very much actually; some missed the best house-buying opportunities because they wanted to keep their savings for the future life in Canada . Unfortunately, now the house price has gone up and tripled compared to the price of 5 years ago.[/FONT][FONT=宋体] There are around 2000 of us who have been waiting for more than half a decade in the Canadian Embassy of Beijing. Since CIC declared the 2013 reform plan and expressed its decision of dealing with the backlog in the end of June, the first thing we have been doing everyday is to read the news and look for what Minister Jason Kenny said on the news media . But more than 2 months have past, we have not seen anybody’s file being processed except the several people who had sued him and won the litigation.[/FONT][FONT=宋体] We would appreciate your help very much if you could take some time to talk with Minister Jason Kenny about this issue.[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT] [FONT=宋体]Best Regards[/FONT] [FONT=宋体] Truly Yours[/FONT][FONT=宋体] ( 发信人署名 )[/FONT][FONT=宋体] [/FONT]
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 写的挺好的,真的代表了我们的心声。同时感觉人家真是爷,玩人真跟玩孙子一样。点击展开...保守党现在是占多数,想立什么法都能通过。但保守党里面该有一些不知情的,也有一些会同情我们的,我们得表达出来啊,要是被打掉牙自己吞咽了,别人管那闲事干嘛?别说加拿大保守党,就是咱们的党,管咱们这事吗?外交部去抗议?玩儿去!所以,咱们自己先得把自己当人看,自己的事自己干,发信!
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792012-09-03#14 回复: C38可回溯,五年光阴咋回溯?政要地址全在此,大方表诉求!!懒人可以用懒办法,开头称呼不用写名字,直接“Dear Sir/Madame 就打发了。就是邮箱地址要复制正确。
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 保守党现在是占多数,想立什么法都能通过。但保守党里面该有一些不知情的,也有一些会同情我们的,我们得表达出来啊,要是被打掉牙自己吞咽了,别人管那闲事干嘛?别说加拿大保守党,就是咱们的党,管咱们这事吗?外交部去抗议?玩儿去!所以,咱们自己先得把自己当人看,自己的事自己干,发信!点击展开...恩。很喜欢你的热情与激情。她那边诉讼,你这边发信。我一保守派两边都深表支持,不过我一葛朗台伪君子只动口不动手。期待您们的好消息,盼望吃葡萄,摘桃子,天上掉馅饼。
回复: C38可回溯,五年光阴咋回溯?政要地址全在此,大方表诉求!!楼上的,我们是不同的性格。没有对不对。加拿大是法治国家,最后结果看法院判决。移民部执行判决。申请人等着不动也可能有好的结局。再说,路见不平管闲事的人多了,现在法院两个阵营的律师都吵翻了天,据说,都得用麦克风发言,大家抢麦克风。只有法官像还没睡醒。
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 J jaredwang 0$(VIP 0) 4542012-09-04#17 回复: C38可回溯,五年光阴咋回溯?政要地址全在此,大方表诉求!!恩。至少你尊重别人的选择。On the other hand,很欣赏你的勇气和作为,如果我的情况不那么特殊,我也会参战的。我现在主要的想法是,那么操蛋的地方,我都懒的去了。得我再自我否定下。
回复: C38可回溯,五年光阴咋回溯?政要地址全在此,大方表诉求!!恩。至少你尊重别人的选择。On the other hand,很欣赏你的勇气和作为,如果我的情况不那么特殊,我也会参战的。我现在主要的想法是,那么操蛋的地方,我都懒的去了。得我再自我否定下。点击展开...不要那么容易就感到失望。加拿大在这件事上是很不像话,但是公平是争来的,要争取,虽然很不利,赶上他们的一党专政。但他们还有法院一关啊。法院也看民意。
200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 拂 拂晓迷彩 0$(VIP 0) 1232012-09-04#19 回复: C38可回溯,五年光阴咋回溯?政要地址全在此,大方表诉求!!算我一个,09年5月S2,09年6月就给我打分了,10年11月体检表入档,但就是拖着不给我
回复: C38可回溯,五年光阴咋回溯?政要地址全在此,大方表诉求!!算我一个,09年5月S2,09年6月就给我打分了,10年11月体检表入档,但就是拖着不给我点击展开...民主和公平要争取!至少加拿大不会把上访反映意见啥的都送去劳教。。。活摘。。。
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