加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?



回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?要工作一年

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?要工作一年点击展开... 为什么要工作一年呢?不是Cec啊。

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?[FONT=&quot]如果不在意申请费,能提交就赶紧申请吧过两天还不知道出什么新政策一年之后还可以CEC[/FONT]

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?没有任何问题,工作后马上可以办,现在非常快,全程8个月。

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?为什么要工作一年呢?不是Cec啊。点击展开...我记得AEO和LMO都是针对off board的,AEO是办移民的,LMO是办工签的,完全两回事。LMO不能直接用来办移民,只能走CEC。如果我搞错了,请达人指正。

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?我记得AEO和LMO都是针对off board的,AEO是办移民的,LMO是办工签的,完全两回事。LMO不能直接用来办移民,只能走CEC。如果我搞错了,请达人指正。点击展开... 官网是这样写的。 For your application to be eligible for processing, you must:have a valid offer of arranged employment,对于arranged empolyment,如果在加工作,起描述如下:If you have an offer of permanent employment from a Canadian employer, it can improve the chances of your federal skilled worker (FSW) application being approved. A valid offer of employment has to be for full-time and not seasonal work.Depending on your circumstances, the requirements for a valid offer of employment are different.If you are currently working in Canada:your current employer must have made an offer to give you a permanent job if you are accepted as a FSW; andyour temporary work permit must be valid both when you apply for a permanent resident visa and when the visa is issued.In addition:your work permit must have been issued by CIC based on a positive labour market opinion (LMO) from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC); oryou must be in a category that is exempt from an Arranged Employment Opinion, for example, you are currently working in Canada in a job that is exempt from the LMO requirement under an international agreement (for instance, North America Free Trade Agreement) or a significant benefit category (for instance, intra-company transferee).You cannot arrange for an HRSDC confirmation of a job offer. Your employer must do this.LMO和AEO之间是用的"or"

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?官网是这样写的。 For your application to be eligible for processing, you must:have a valid offer of arranged employment,对于arranged empolyment,如果在加工作,起描述如下:If you have an offer of permanent employment from a Canadian employer, it can improve the chances of your federal skilled worker (FSW) application being approved. A valid offer of employment has to be for full-time and not seasonal work.Depending on your circumstances, the requirements for a valid offer of employment are different.If you are currently working in Canada:your current employer must have made an offer to give you a permanent job if you are accepted as a FSW; andyour temporary work permit must be valid both when you apply for a permanent resident visa and when the visa is issued.In addition:your work permit must have been issued by CIC based on a positive labour market opinion (LMO) from Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC); oryou must be in a category that is exempt from an Arranged Employment Opinion, for example, you are currently working in Canada in a job that is exempt from the LMO requirement under an international agreement (for instance, North America Free Trade Agreement) or a significant benefit category (for instance, intra-company transferee).You cannot arrange for an HRSDC confirmation of a job offer. Your employer must do this.LMO和AEO之间是用的"or"点击展开...嗯,看来是我记错了,跟另一个东西混了

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?LMO不能直接办移民的,这个要再做一个AEO的,这个AEO叫arranged employment offer, 不是arranged employment opinion.光LMO的话没用, arrangement offer不是你用来办LMO的offer.

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?LMO不能直接办移民的,这个要再做一个AEO的,这个AEO叫arranged employment offer, 不是arranged employment opinion. 光LMO的话没用, arrangement offer不是你用来办LMO的offer.点击展开... 但是从官方网站上描述,字面上理解是可以的啊。有没有律师可以咨询啊。

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?以后(马上) AEO会统一到LMO上

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?另外,联邦技术移民与省提名可以同时申请吗?有冲突不?

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?可以,无冲突,会收两份申请费,但最后的landing fee只收一份

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?LMO不能直接办移民的,这个要再做一个AEO的,这个AEO叫arranged employment offer, 不是arranged employment opinion.光LMO的话没用, arrangement offer不是你用来办LMO的offer.点击展开...是那个雇主承诺的permanent offer吧?

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?我研究了一下人力资源部的网站,感觉LMO也可以移民,原文如下。 The following steps may apply to you if you are interested in:Offering a permanent, full-time, non-seasonal position in your company to a Skilled Worker; andSupporting the worker's permanent immigration to Canada.NOTE: Please be aware that the process below only supports the person's application for permanent residence, but does not allow the person to work in Canada. There is a different process if you plan to employ the person and, at the same time, support their permanent immigration to Canada.Hiring StepsMake a permanent offer in a skilled occupation to the Skilled Worker and submit an application for an Arranged Employment Opinion - Updated (EMP5275)Employers using a third party representative must complete the "Annex to the Appointment of Representative" form and send it with the AEO application.Send the application form to:Service CanadaTemporary Foreign Worker - Centre of Specialization1 Agar Place, PO Box 7000Saint John, NB E2L 4V4Fax: 866-585-7524 (toll free)上面的是对Aeo的描述,明确指出Aeo只能移民,不能工作(应该是指移民前,我的理解)。上文的different process链接就是LMO,从字面看应该是LMO即可以申请work permit,再拿到work permit 后又可以申请PR。 下面是LMO的描述 Hiring Skilled Workers and Supporting Their Permanent Immigration NOTE:Provincial variations to the Labour Market Opinion (LMO) application processIf the job is located in the province of:British Columbia and Ontario - Employers hiring temporary foreign workers for digital media occupations must abide by the Variations to Minimum Advertising Requirements.Quebec - Employers hiring temporary foreign workers must review the New Facilitated Labour Market Opinion Assessment Process in Quebec.Employers can make a permanent job offer to a Skilled Worker as an effective way to fill a full-time position and bring needed skills in Canada.Please note that the Skilled Worker can apply directly to CIC for permanent residency (Step 4) and can gain additional points for having a permanent job offer from you if he/she already holds a work permit thatThe following steps may apply to you if you are interested in:Hiring a Skilled Worker for a permanent position in your company; andEnsuring that the worker is allowed to work in Canada before receiving his/her permanent resident visa; andSupporting the worker's permanent immigration to Canada.Hiring StepsSubmit an HRSDC Application for a labour market opinion (LMO) to the Service Canada Centre responsible for your area, and indicate that you are offering a permanent position to the Skilled Worker.Learn more about the HRSDC assessment criteria and what is expected from employers.Employers using a third party representative must complete the "Annex to the Appointment of Representative" form and send it with the LMO application.Once HRSDC has approved your job offer, send a copy of the HRSDC LMO confirmation letter to the Skilled Worker.Tell the Skilled Worker to apply for a work permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).Next, CIC decides whether the Skilled Worker will get a Work Permit allowing them to work in Canada.Once your Skilled Worker holds a work permit, he/she should apply to the appropriate CIC visa office for a Skilled Worker permanent resident visa. **Tell the worker to include your written permanent job offer and a copy of the CIC work permit with the Skilled Worker application, along with other documentation required by CIC. The application is point-rated and these documents improve the Skilled Worker's score and the opportunity to receive a permanent resident visa.Next, CIC reviews the Skilled Worker permanent residency application and decides whether to:Grant points under the "Arranged Employment" in Canada and review all other Skilled Worker criteria;Give the Skilled Worker a permanent resident visa.

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?LMO在你拿到工签后就无效了,不能拿来移民,但根据政策,只要是在加拿大境内持有合法工签或工签豁免的,都可以通过AEO类别直接移民,现在FSW只有AEO和PHD开放。你只有在工签到达加拿大工作后,马上可以启动AEO移民,这个AEO不需要HRSDC认可,因为你是LMO来的,事实上的程序和境外AEO的程序一致。但这AEO(offer)是需要雇主支持的,具体有一些很特殊的写法和要求。现在境内AEO的FSW非常快, 2.5个月下FN,2个月下ME,2-3个月visa。

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?LMO在你拿到工签后就无效了,不能拿来移民,但根据政策,只要是在加拿大境内持有合法工签或工签豁免的,都可以通过AEO类别直接移民,现在FSW只有AEO和PHD开放。 你只有在工签到达加拿大工作后,马上可以启动AEO移民,这个AEO不需要HRSDC认可,因为你是LMO来的,事实上的程序和境外AEO的程序一致。但这AEO(offer)是需要雇主支持的,具体有一些很特殊的写法和要求。 现在境内AEO的FSW非常快, 2.5个月下FN,2个月下ME,2-3个月visa。点击展开... 请问你是中介吗?有些事情想咨询你

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?楼主去看一下008表格吧,现在只有AEO和PHD两个选项,但现在开始办AEO显然是来不及了。不如拿着LMO等5月4号重开后递交,大家都在等。

回复: 我可以按照老政策办AEO技术移民吗?听说AEO已经停办了,LMO办理也很麻烦,需要当地的雇主在官方的人才招聘网站上发布招聘信息3个月,并且确定我在当地找不到合适的人,必须招这个外国人来我公司的,企业要提供三年的财务报表等等信息,才可能被批下来!

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