加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民大家看看这个是ME信吗
如果是的话 能写信申请延期吗 刚刚看到这个 要45天内提交 都一个多月前的信了。孩子的护照的过期了,还得补办。北京护照能加急办理吗还有体检多久能出结果,北京哪里体检速度快啊。体检还要求拿护照。还有那个要升级的表IMM 0008 (06-2002) Schedule 1 怎么到处都找不到。邮件的附件倒是有个表 不过写的是 IMM 5669(07-2011)E 这个是要也填写的吗无刑还需要办个新的吗多谢众位了它后面那个连接打不开 登录费一家三口要多少钱啊 小孩八岁Please submit for principal applicant XXXXXXX - Updated contact info - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Schedule 1 - Medical examination. All dependants must undergo medical examination even if they are not going to Canada. Please present this letter to the doctor as well as your original passport. Upon completion of the examination you will be provided with proof that you have taken the examination, you need to return this proof to the embassy with your original passport. If you are currently not residing in China and will not undergo the medical examination in China, please advise us immediately so we can provide you with different instructions. - Passport (must be valid for 6 months or more). * Please provide original - Updated notarized PRC police certificate - Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF). For details see http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/visas/beijing-pekin/fees-frais.aspx?lang=eng#fees
回复: 大家看看这个是ME信吗是Me信。个人认为赶紧办理,能办多少是多少。我上周给小孩换护照好像7个工作日,能不能加急没问。五刑要办新的,不过现在派出所正规了挺快的一两天就能搞定,公证应该也有加急。其他问题都不大的,个人认为10天左右能搞定。
回复: 大家看看这个是ME信吗太粗心啊!登陆费 3090/大人,小孩不用赶紧约时间体检,在45天内把体检、登录费、表格等可以搞定的先搞定。同时附上护照和无刑在办理的解释信。然后赶紧准备尽早寄出吧。
新的征程:13-09-24,一家三口的枫叶卡寄到朋友那了,13-08-11,两个 G2 都收到了,13-07-16,小镇考G2,13-07-15,银行户口激活,领信用卡,考G1,13-07-14 登陆 Toronto。 超赞 赏 zunhuhu 0$(VIP 0) 4,9102012-12-27#4 回复: 大家看看这个是ME信吗楼主有点不上心哦,补料超时是比较严重的事情,赶紧一边联系使馆一边各处办起来吧,换护照/无罪公证/体检/填表可以同时进行,有些多花点钱能加急,尤其注意尽快去预约体检,就算是工作日体检不少体检中心都要安排到一周后。
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