加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民关于ME'd group的人加入Richard Kurland诉讼的一些问题反馈信息


昨天询问Tim关于ME'd group的人加入Richard Kurland诉讼的一些问题,有些信息供大家参考:我的问题:I have some questions want to ask about '' Those who were assessed after March 29th but not issued visas before June 29th also have the choice of joining Richard Kurland's group challenging that decision. Mr. Kurland has graciously agreed to include them in his group at not additional cost.' 1. Does the choice of 'include them in his group at not additional cost' just apply for the person who had joined your group?2. If we also want to join Mr. Kurland's group, should we direct to contact with him individually or you can represent us to contact him?Tim的回复:1. Mr. Kurland will not be charging you to join his group because you already paid me. How he handles those who approach him directly, I really do not know. You would have to ask him.2. Yes, you need to sign the form and send it to Mr. Kurland. Mr. Kurland and I will communicate with each other after a few days have passed, at which time I will forward to him the CAIPS notes I have for those whose CAIPS notes I have. I had already, if I recall correctly sent him my written arguments on behalf of the ME'd group.I believe that the 60-day issue is a part of his standard letter and does not apply here. Besides, you already have a case. It is just that lawyer is changing. You'll keep your same file number.I don't have an answer to the second question because I really do not know that Richard is arguing. I only know that (a) he's a very astute and clever lawyer and (b) I'm tired of getting emails daily demanding that I initiate separate litigation right now for the ME'd group. So, those who want their own group will have it under Richard's umbrella.在查看Richcard Kurland和Tim的transfer协议时发现如果决定加入Kurland的诉讼,那么和Tim的协议就中止了,在法庭的立案号仍然保留,按Tim的回复,也就是说换了个律师。是否选择transfer是个问题,取决于个人的意向。

回复: 关于ME'd group的人加入Richard Kurland诉讼的一些问题反馈信息up and thanks for working hard 24 hours昨天询问Tim关于ME'd group的人加入Richard Kurland诉讼的一些问题,有些信息供大家参考:我的问题:I have some questions want to ask about '' Those who were assessed after March 29th but not issued visas before June 29th also have the choice of joining Richard Kurland's group challenging that decision. Mr. Kurland has graciously agreed to include them in his group at not additional cost.' 1. Does the choice of 'include them in his group at not additional cost' just apply for the person who had joined your group?2. If we also want to join Mr. Kurland's group, should we direct to contact with him individually or you can represent us to contact him?Tim的回复:1. Mr. Kurland will not be charging you to join his group because you already paid me. How he handles those who approach him directly, I really do not know. You would have to ask him.2. Yes, you need to sign the form and send it to Mr. Kurland. Mr. Kurland and I will communicate with each other after a few days have passed, at which time I will forward to him the CAIPS notes I have for those whose CAIPS notes I have. I had already, if I recall correctly sent him my written arguments on behalf of the ME'd group.I believe that the 60-day issue is a part of his standard letter and does not apply here. Besides, you already have a case. It is just that lawyer is changing. You'll keep your same file number.I don't have an answer to the second question because I really do not know that Richard is arguing. I only know that (a) he's a very astute and clever lawyer and (b) I'm tired of getting emails daily demanding that I initiate separate litigation right now for the ME'd group. So, those who want their own group will have it under Richard's umbrella.在查看Richcard Kurland和Tim的transfer协议时发现如果决定加入Kurland的诉讼,那么和Tim的协议就中止了,在法庭的立案号仍然保留,按Tim的回复,也就是说换了个律师。是否选择transfer是个问题,取决于个人的意向。点击展开...

回复: 关于ME'd group的人加入Richard Kurland诉讼的一些问题反馈信息昨天询问Tim关于ME'd group的人加入Richard Kurland诉讼的一些问题,有些信息供大家参考:我的问题:I have some questions want to ask about '' Those who were assessed after March 29th but not issued visas before June 29th also have the choice of joining Richard Kurland's group challenging that decision. Mr. Kurland has graciously agreed to include them in his group at not additional cost.' 1. Does the choice of 'include them in his group at not additional cost' just apply for the person who had joined your group?2. If we also want to join Mr. Kurland's group, should we direct to contact with him individually or you can represent us to contact him? Tim的回复:1. Mr. Kurland will not be charging you to join his group because you already paid me. How he handles those who approach him directly, I really do not know. You would have to ask him. 2. Yes, you need to sign the form and send it to Mr. Kurland. Mr. Kurland and I will communicate with each other after a few days have passed, at which time I will forward to him the CAIPS notes I have for those whose CAIPS notes I have. I had already, if I recall correctly sent him my written arguments on behalf of the ME'd group. I believe that the 60-day issue is a part of his standard letter and does not apply here. Besides, you already have a case. It is just that lawyer is changing. You'll keep your same file number. I don't have an answer to the second question because I really do not know that Richard is arguing. I only know that (a) he's a very astute and clever lawyer and (b) I'm tired of getting emails daily demanding that I initiate separate litigation right now for the ME'd group. So, those who want their own group will have it under Richard's umbrella. 在查看Richcard Kurland和Tim的transfer协议时发现如果决定加入Kurland的诉讼,那么和Tim的协议就中止了,在法庭的立案号仍然保留,按Tim的回复,也就是说换了个律师。 是否选择transfer是个问题,取决于个人的意向。点击展开... 楼主,你有什么想法?

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