加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。
看见大家写了很多,有警告篇,有商量篇,有高姿态篇,我写了一份平直篇。就是告知VO俺们不知道该咋办。如下,有人能修改指正更好,没有收到回复的话,我继续发。 Dear visa officer, Hope this mail finds you well… As FSW applicants under Law 227, most of us accomplished the medical examination (ME) in February and March 2012 and handed in our passports at the same time. With almost entire one year waiting, our life now turned to be restless with anxiety as vested expiration of ME was approaching. (Even, without passports, we maintained a minimum level of oversea traveling to cater to any unnecessary time waste or opportunity missing.) Last year end, with many of mails exchange, we were very much inspired and continuously affirmed by your honored team, that our Visa application process would be completed by “very beginning of January in 2013” or “early of next year (2013)”. I believed those commitments of speed-up & proactive interaction helped us get more understanding and very positive image of Visa Officers’ dedication, which made us a great relief on “unnecessary worries”. While, up to today (with a fair definition of “very beginning of January”), we still strived after the status of visa application processing and with more confusion, many of inquiry mails now were only replied with unified and formatted contents from an auto-process system your side. In a mail that one of FSW applicants got from you team, it was wrote that “In cases where applicants are UNABLE to land in Canada by expiration of their medical examination dates,…”. Taking this advantage and on behalf of many of other applicants, we would surely AFFIRM that we, from applicants side, were “ready and ABLE” to land in Canada before expiration of our medical examination dates, also avoiding any physical and economic suffering. Accomplishment of in-time landing was purely depending on date of visa granted. We believed right now, it should be pretty much easier and straightforward to give us more advise on whether our visa application would be approved and closed before Feb or Mar (before majority of medical examination expiration date) since visa quota and process capacity forecast should be very obvious now. Your advice will be of extremely great help on applicants’ life plan, including all potential impacts on financial, career, education and families. (e.g., Some of us has been considering about official communication with current employers for job handover or immediate action on family assets management as the medical examination expiring…) Still with enough patience, I fully trust that my visa application would be finalized in manner of fairness & with an adequate timeframe before my medical result expired. Given a reasonable consideration of logistic convenience, in early Dec. of last year, I already booked tickets for my family in Air Canada on XXX. xx, only leaving 20 days ahead of expiration of medical examination. (Please kindly find attached tickets as evidence.) It would be much tough and miserable for me to accept the fact, if it were, that I have to cancel the fight along with my daughter’s dream merely due to the delay of visa processing. I wish it would never ever ever happen to me or to us. Your advice is HIGHLY appreciated since it surely would be valued as very importation direction for our better expectation management.
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。我记得当年给美国使馆写申诉信,得来的结果就是,我的签证被无端弄到所有申请人的最后一名,而且结果还是拒签。希望楼主好运吧,不要把国外想的太好。不要以为个别的案例,就以为你这样写信有效。那是春梦而已。现实点。加国审理慢,很多是由于被调什么的,如果国人都能真实的材料移民,哪有这么多麻烦,自省吧,都先。
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。我记得当年给美国使馆写申诉信,得来的结果就是,我的签证被无端弄到所有申请人的最后一名,而且结果还是拒签。希望楼主好运吧,不要把国外想的太好。不要以为个别的案例,就以为你这样写信有效。那是春梦而已。现实点。加国审理慢,很多是由于被调什么的,如果国人都能真实的材料移民,哪有这么多麻烦,自省吧,都先。点击展开... 这位同学估计当年是搞了不少国人惯于的伎俩? 时常被拒如此谙熟门道。还要每每劝人自省? 以己心度人腹,能企及的高度就是自身的真实水准了。 不过,还是谢谢提醒。
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。我记得当年给美国使馆写申诉信,得来的结果就是,我的签证被无端弄到所有申请人的最后一名,而且结果还是拒签。希望楼主好运吧,不要把国外想的太好。不要以为个别的案例,就以为你这样写信有效。那是春梦而已。现实点。加国审理慢,很多是由于被调什么的,如果国人都能真实的材料移民,哪有这么多麻烦,自省吧,都先。点击展开...别人怎目做无所谓,但我们是要做自己的,支持楼主
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。我记得当年给美国使馆写申诉信,得来的结果就是,我的签证被无端弄到所有申请人的最后一名,而且结果还是拒签。希望楼主好运吧,不要把国外想的太好。不要以为个别的案例,就以为你这样写信有效。那是春梦而已。现实点。加国审理慢,很多是由于被调什么的,如果国人都能真实的材料移民,哪有这么多麻烦,自省吧,都先。点击展开...经验如果真心用来分享,那我们谢谢你。但是摆出一副教训人的姿态,谁也不领这个请。你在加拿大,也不高人一等,但是甘做顺民,只能自低人一等。我也讲一个美签的间接经验。我的朋友,先后在芬兰和中国申请美签,均遭拒。他说,在芬兰被拒他不生气,因为对方给他耐心解释拒签原因,至少让他心里明白。但是在北京他却非常恼火,他即使不抗议,不投诉,老老实实排队,结果还是被拒,一点理由都没有,而且他之前的全部被拒。究其原因,这是外国使馆在国内一贯的傲慢态度以及沾染了中国官僚主义作风,更兼国人一贯以顺民自表,才有这种结局。
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。楼主的信写得真不错 希望有好消息~
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。支持
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。楼主的英文写作水平很高,堪比David! 论坛真是藏龙卧虎啊!
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。发北京使馆真心觉得不会有用,不好听的说,死猪不怕开水烫。 发上级或胖子,然后forward 给北京使馆,这样有震慑力。
慢慢享受生命中的时光。 超赞 赏 A Apex 0$(VIP 0) 3992013-01-09#10 回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。估计没用。我去年底写过一封,还催过一封,结果连回信都没有。从来没见过这种王八蛋西方国家。
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。估计没用。我去年底写过一封,还催过一封,结果连回信都没有。从来没见过这种王八蛋西方国家。点击展开...那干嘛还着急去呢
BJ 227 2010/04/07妥投; 2010/06/18RN; 2010/07/15补料BJ; 2010/07/28FN; 2011/2/26山寨IP?; 2011/08/30ME; vo:rod2011/09/10体检; 2011/09/13寄出登录费及护照; 2012/01/22DM(大年三十); 2012/01/31大信封到!我记得当年给美国使馆写申诉信,得来的结果就是,我的签证被无端弄到所有申请人的最后一名,而且结果还是拒签。希望楼主好运吧,不要把国外想的太好。不要以为个别的案例,就以为你这样写信有效。那是春梦而已。现实点。加国审理慢,很多是由于被调什么的,如果国人都能真实的材料移民,哪有这么多麻烦,自省吧,都先。点击展开...鄙视打击人的,不带这样啊,支持楼主
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。对于楼主的做法 友情支持一下。对于楼主的英文 膜拜一下。 对于xijiangyue2013 强烈鄙视一下。
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。我最后一封给北京的信 居然delivery failure。原因居然是:Error: Rejected 拔凉拔凉的呀
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。我觉得大家应该联合起来更有效。
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。淡定
2012.12.12签约加拿大中介,QQ:7471909 超赞 赏 S sunnywish 0$(VIP 0) 672013-01-10#17 回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。这封信写得很好,支持一下!
回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。哈哈 我传真、邮件无数次,就是没有回复,只有最后一封邮件得到了自动回复。我都心如止水了。 支持楼主!
马上要体验加拿大东部的生活了 超赞 赏 T ttrr 0$(VIP 0) 1092013-01-10#19 回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。建议lZ第一段开门见山说清诉求,这样比较符合英文写作的习惯。
71 BJ 111026妥 -> 120105扣款 -> 120117PER -> 120216ME -> 120319MER -> 130105DM -> 130118Visa&LP 超赞 赏 T taxpayer 0$(VIP 0) 1,0982013-01-10#20 回复: 凌晨也向BJVO发了封信,贴上来做个见证,希望能得到VO回复。废话太多,直接说中心思想。谁有那么多时间看完你那长篇大论
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·生活百科 间隔计与智能计