加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民India event
Expressing their anger against the Canadian government for delaying their visas, a crowd of 40-50 men and women greeted Canadian minister for citizenship, immigration and multiculturalism Jason Kenney with a protest here on Friday. They claimed that the Canadian government had cheated and mentally harassed them by keeping them waiting for visas and work permits for eight years and then all of a sudden deciding to send back their visa applications.The protesters, under the banner of the Canadian Backloggers Pre-2008 Association, demanded that instead of returning their applications, the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi should be asked to process their cases. Holding placards, they demanded legitimate entry into Canada and not the processing fee they had deposited with the Canadian consulate general.The protest was organised outside Jallianwala Bagh as the Canadian minister drove down to pay obeisance at the Golden Temple. Even as the minister's cavalcade headed back to the hotel, the protesters, led by association president Rakesh Kumar Garg, demanded an audience with the minister.Talking to the media, Garg said that just prior to 2008, the Canadian government had invited skilled workers and a larger number of Indians had applied for the jobs. The Canadian government appointed agents all over the world for collecting applications and processing fee, he said."Till date, not a single Indian who had applied under the skilled workers' category has got a Canadian visa. The applicants from India feel that they have been discriminated against by the Canadian immigration authorities because they have been made to wait longer than applicants from any other country. Now the Canadian authorities have all of a sudden decided to return the applications and files of the applicants," claimed Garg, calling the action "inhuman".Garg said that many of the members of the association had even filed applications in Canadian courts against the government's decision to reject their cases for visa. He said they want their cases to be processed so that they can get legitimate entry into Canada. "If this is not possible, the Canadian government should pay suitable compensation to each and every applicant for disturbing their mental peace," he said.Majithia also takes up casePunjab revenue, public relations and NRI affairs minister Bikram Singh Majithia also took up the backlog case with Kenney and pointed out that for the past eight years, a large number of applicants had gone through a lot of mental agony. He appealed to the minister to reconsider their cases and take a decision as per the immigration rules of his country.'Decision taken to streamline visa system'Kenney, when questioned about the backlog, said, "We have decided to send back all the applications as well as repay the processing and other fee to the applicants. We have now asked for fresh applications. This decision was taken to streamline the entire visa system as the huge backlog of applicants in India and other countries had created a total mess. We were left with no other option but to send back all pending applications. Now we hope everything will move in a smooth manner."'Beheading of Indian soldier outrageous'Kenney described as "unfortunate" the beheading of an Indian soldier by Pakistani security forces. Asked about the incident at a press conference here on Friday, the minister said, "If these reports are true, it is an unfortunate and an outrageous incident. Pakistan must go into the case in depth and find out the persons behind it. Jammu and Kashmir is a sensitive issue and such incidents should be avoided."
回复: India event有动作表达自己的诉求, 总是好的.
回复: India event建议转给打官司的律师,希望法官从国家长远利益角度坚持公义!
回复: India event阿康,你这头驴依旧是强硬。当德国政府还在给半个多世纪前希特勒政权的血债致歉赔款的时候,你却将责任推的干干净净。你觉得你得到了国民拥戴就无所畏惧了吗,当年的东条英机比你的支持率还高。东条最终不是被绞死了,所以,康尼先生,"好心不一定有好报"。还有一句,出来混早晚要还的,给你举两个例子,一个号称世界的家长,跑到别人家里用炮弹炸孩子,结果自己家的孩子被自己人机枪扫射,还有一个某大国的名戏子,整天拿中风病人开涮,结果自己差点假戏真做。不要号称有多少人挺你,就像你把28万人当数字一样,2800万人挺你也不过是个数字,你就一点没忏悔吗?
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