加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民我已经向国会所有议员发信了!
以我个人的名义,发信全文如下:The Honorable Member of Canadian Parliament:On behalf of the Federal Skill Worker Immigration Programme applicants from China, the writer sends this letter to beg your attention on the low efficiency of the Beijing Visa Office (BJVO). We are a group of hundreds of applicants belong to BJVO, most of whom took the medical examination (ME) in February and March 2012 and handed in our passports at the same time. But we have not received any decision even it’s been almost one year and our ME results will expire in a few days. At the end of the last year, we got promise from the Beijing Office that our cases will be finalized "at the very beginning of 2013", however, nothing has happened so far.It is unsure if BJVO ever consider our situation or just wants to down our application by delaying. The majority of us sent our applications in 2010 under the immigration law functioned on Feb,27, 2008. As you can see, we have waited in the queue for over 30 months which is far longer than what the Canadian government promised at the beginning of faster immigration process, or even longer than the processing time estimated on the CIC website (29 months). As a agent of the Canadian government abroad, the activities of BJVO are the symble of your coutry who was said to be friendly and considerate. On the contrary, BJVO hasn't proved the point but gives us the impression that Canada is a country lack of efficiency and humanity,because it not only has influenced our life plans (our passports have been detained in the office for almost one year!),but also shocked our confidence and identity to Canada. Isn’t it! Please forgive me to make the hypothesis that the problem of the long waiting queue is not the result of the large number of applicants ,but the inefficiency of immigrantion offices. Some analysts have pointed out that the cases passed in Beijing 2012 were far less than the quota (1750 individuals) and some other applicants even haven't received the ME letters. It is quite different from what the Immigration Minister Kenney said early in the last year that Canada wanted to build a faster immigration process. I heavily doubt that 30 months could be regarded as fast! It seriously harmed the credit and authority of Canadian government and the recent C-50 act. We will appreciate if you could put an eye on the long existence of arrogance and low efficiency of BJVO. As a representative elected by the tax payers, you have the privilege and responsibility to moniter the executives as well as the oversea embassies. As a promising politician with high reputation, your inspection to BJVO will largely improve the immigration system, adjust the current bugs and fasten our ties with the new world. Furthermore, at the end of this letter, we propose another option----If no decisions will have been made when the ME results of some applicants expire in the next 2 months, a lawsuit will be made on the Canadian government and the BJVO. Our requests will also be sent to the mass medias of Canada at the same time. We eagerly expect your response and the real activity of BJVO.Thank you for your reading! I will be always availible for further information if you contact me. Best regards! Billy Zhang 目前部分议员可能在休假。我不管他们考虑不考虑,困兽犹斗,等不起跟他一点点反思,一点点扯皮。我已经基本用完了每日发信限额,过会开始发信给各大媒体!到这会了,闹得越大越好!
回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!支持!
2013.07.05 new start 超赞 赏 A annpidoll 0$(VIP 0) 1072013-01-08#3 回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!支持楼主,那些SB真的要把人逼疯了。辞职的辞职,卖房的卖房,赔我们精神损失!
回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!写得真好!支持!
2010年5月11日 妥投;/2010年10月28日 RN;/2010年11月26日 补料妥投BJ;/2011年 2月16日 FN;/2011年12月16日 孩子补料妥投BJ;/2012年2月16日 IP;/2012年2月24日 ME;/2012年3月14日体检;/ 2012年4月24日MER/2013年1月19日DM/2013年1月24日大信封! 超赞 赏 A annpidoll 0$(VIP 0) 1072013-01-08#5 回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!楼主你好像没有在david那个list里面?
回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!我是副审
回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!支持! 写的不错,问题是发到哪里?
回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!媒体也已经发完,精力耗尽,休息了
回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!支持! 写的不错,问题是发到哪里?点击展开...已发到议员个人的邮箱里
回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!支持!!!!加油!!!!!!!!!
马上要体验加拿大东部的生活了 超赞 赏 S sophiechen2004 0$(VIP 0) 1692013-01-08#11 回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!
安省伦敦市,北部高档社区 独立屋,招homestay,只限男生,二楼 卧室朝南,妻子厨艺精湛,先生英文很好可以辅导学习,精心照顾您的孩子。夫妻和儿子三口之家,基督教家庭,高尚生活品质。QQ: 506413563 超赞 赏 sunjian202 0$(VIP 0) 2482013-01-08#12 回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!强烈支持!
回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!支持 加油! 来吧 拎起坛子 倒满酒 一仰而尽,摔碎它 ,新的征程 就在脚下 也唯有一路向前....
幸运的227末班车10.06.24悉尼妥投 .-.-.-.-. 2012.03.13 ME-.-.-.-.2013.02.登陆 -.-.-.-. 2014.04 转战Toronto -.-.-.-. 2015.01 First Professional Job - IT New Life!!! 超赞 赏 L lisamama 0$(VIP 0) 2852013-01-08#14 回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!强烈支持!!!
回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!支持,静候佳音
回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!已发到议员个人的邮箱里点击展开...你知道所有议员个人的邮箱? 无论如何要强烈支持!给这帮拿工作不当会事的BJVO爆爆光
回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!从国会网站上一个一个copy下来的
回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!太支持了!!
___________________________BJ 626 2011.6.21 妥投;2011.8 FN;2011.10.8 IP;2012.3.8ME;2012.3.18ME done;2012.4 MER;2013.1.18DM;2013.1.22VISA2013.3.10长登卡尔加里 超赞 赏 安嘟啦 0$(VIP 0) 3452013-01-08#19 回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!支持!加油!
回复: 我已经向国会所有议员发信了!虽然我是转HK的,打你感谢楼主的努力。
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