加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!
To continue processing your application, a visa officer requires that you submit the following information and documents. Please submit your documents as a single package. In order for us to match your package with your file, please include a copy of this letter in the package.Please submit for principal applicant Keynes - Updated proof of funds for transfer to Canada (original bank statements). See http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigra...lled/funds.asp - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Schedule A. Please provide the details of personal history since the age of 18. Please ensure that you do not leave any gaps in time. See (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...s/imm5669E.pdf) - Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Generic (http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kit...0008ENU_2D.pdf) - Medical examination. All dependants must undergo medical examination even if they are not going to Canada. Please present this letter to the doctor as well as your original passport. Upon completion of the examination you will be provided with proof that you have taken the examination, you need to return this proof to the embassy with your original passport. If you are currently not residing in China and will not undergo the medical examination in China, please advise us immediately so we can provide you with different instructions. - Passport (must be valid for 6 months or more). * Please provide original - Updated notarized PRC police certificate - Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF). For details see http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca...ang=eng&view=d Note: All documents should be photocopies of the originals and should be accompanied by either an English or a French translation. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes.Please note that if you fail to provide the documents requested within 45 days of the date of this letter your application will be assessed based on the information available on file. This may result in your application being refused.Please keep this office apprised of any change of mailing address, telephone number or email address by submitting an updated IMM008 Generic application form accompanied by an updated IMM5476 Use of Representative form if you have a representativeIf your mailing address is in China, you should provide us with four (4) address labels with your complete name and address written clearly in Chinese characters.Please note that we respond only to correspondence in English or French.Thank you for your attention to this matter.This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature.
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!恭喜
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!Updated proof of funds for transfer to Canada.资金证明Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Schedule A.更新申请表 Schedule AUpdated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Generic.更新申请表 GenericMedical examination.体检证明Passport (must be valid for 6 months or more). * Please provide original 护照Updated notarized PRC police certificate.无邢证明Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF).登录费
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!恭喜点击展开...你收到ME了吗?
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!嗯。
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!45天之内提供所有文件!难道春节要给我们DM吗?!到加拿大过春节!!!
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!91的大赦了!!!历时5年零4个月,64个月啊!!!比历史上最长的72个月,还是可以的。估计拿到DM也要66-68个月了。不容易啊!·今夜无眠了·
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!Updated proof of funds for transfer to Canada.资金证明Updated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Schedule A.更新申请表 Schedule AUpdated application form IMM 0008 (06-2002) Generic.更新申请表 GenericMedical examination.体检证明Passport (must be valid for 6 months or more). * Please provide original 护照Updated notarized PRC police certificate.无邢证明Right of Permanent Residence Fee (RPRF).登录费点击展开...结合下面的说法,怎么感觉有点矛盾呢?:Note: All documents should be photocopies of the originals and should be accompanied by either an English or a French translation. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes.
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!45天之内提供所有文件!难道春节要给我们DM吗?!到加拿大过春节!!!点击展开...你有比较过,这个45天是特殊的么?以前91的,和227的,要求提供ME的时间不是45天么?要求提交的材料有什么不同么?
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!恭喜
超赞 赏 秦淮河 0$(VIP 0) 4472012-12-19#11 回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!恭喜!
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!恭喜kaiensi!
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!一直觉得kaiensi已经超然淡定了,没想到这么激动。恭喜。。。
...91的大赦了!!!历时5年零4个月,64个月啊!!!比历史上最长的72个月,还是可以的。估计拿到DM也要66-68个月了。不容易啊!·今夜无眠了·点击展开...91大赦了? 让那28万人情何以堪!
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!恭喜了!91的ME节日
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!结合下面的说法,怎么感觉有点矛盾呢?:Note: All documents should be photocopies of the originals and should be accompanied by either an English or a French translation. Notarized statements are not adequate substitutes.点击展开...按我的理解,Notarized statement是指本人提出声明,“我某某某没有刑事犯罪记录”,然后由公证处公证。这种声明书公证是不行的。而派出所原件拿到公证处做的直接公证,由公证处来证明无刑的真实性,就符合notarized PRC police certificate
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!恭喜
回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!按我的理解,Notarized statement是指本人提出声明,“我某某某没有刑事犯罪记录”,然后由公证处公证。这种声明书公证是不行的。 而派出所原件拿到公证处做的直接公证,由公证处来证明无刑的真实性,就符合notarized PRC police certificate点击展开...恭喜凯恩斯!北京的做法是到公证处领无刑公正盖章空表(类似介绍信,上下两联),然后拿到派出所填写,把填写回来的下联拿到公证处公证。普通一周,加急1天或3天。
FN:2007.03.16 | S2: 2008.10.31 | 补料:2009.02.23 |变12:2009.03.03 | 变6:2009.08.24 | 变2:2009.09.09 | 变12: 2010.2.19(?) | ME: 2012.12.14 | DM: 2013.02.13 | 大信封抵达:2013.02.21 | 短登: 2013.10.02YS: 7,7.5,7,6.5 超赞 赏 popiston 2$(VIP 0,#298) 8,5062012-12-20#19 回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!gxgx!
Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 L lipinglily 0$(VIP 0) 102012-12-20#20 回复: 2007年8月23日FN,无上诉目前已经ME了!!!我是2007年10月FN的,12月19日终于收到了ME,没有起诉
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