加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢
信的内容是整理了大家的意见,由myboy起草,海边同学真情修改,现在需要更多的人提出意见Dear your Highness, Mr. Kenney:[FONT=宋体][/FONT]This is a jointed letter Endorsed by the applicants in the following table to inqury the VISA from BJ VISA office.[FONT=宋体][/FONT]We are approaching to the expire date of Medical examintion, so we DO need the time to arrange the leaving staff, and end all the fairs in China. [FONT=宋体][/FONT]The conditions for us are as worse as followed:[FONT=宋体][/FONT]1. expire date is on the coming calendar, we really do NOT have enough ability to take the Medical Exame twice, which load more extra job on both of us,applicants and your office.[FONT=宋体][/FONT]2. Most of us have prepared the immgriation for almost three years, some of the applicatis have been on the immigration road to CANADA more than 5 years till now,which is totally unbelievble![FONT=宋体][/FONT]3. we really inspire the VISA for so deep deep profound that some of us have bought the the plane tickets to CANADA, however without the VISA, they have cancelled it monthes ago, and some of us are still holding the tickets to CANADA. Some applicants even quit the job and sell the real estate, for we believe your officer would deal with our case by the immigration rule which your office have issued. [FONT=宋体][/FONT]4. please leave some time guarentee for us to deal with the business before we get the VISA,because most of us are not confident enough to finalize everything without VISA.[FONT=宋体][/FONT]5. most of the appicants delivered the document about 2010.5-2010.6, and they got the Medical Examination about 2012.2-2012.4, the expire date is next to the cliff, so time is really not enough for us. We believe the VO in BJ are very hard working and high efficiency, and they are sure to finalize the case on time,but the truth is that the Chinese Spring festervel is approaching, the express firm will be on the vocation which will really make the late delivery. Both of us do not want the condition to be in mass.[FONT=宋体][/FONT]6. some applicants have written to you, and you promise to give the VISA in the first week of Jan, and you did it. So we have confidence that the VISA will be reaching everybody, but we immigrate to CANADA with the whole family, it is not as easy as travelling with only one credit card and one ticket, we will take all the possesion and offsprings to strive there, so time is urgent for both of us. [FONT=宋体][/FONT]7. We are waiting for the VISA sincerely since we delivered the applicantions. And we have finished all the documents based on your rules,and we anticipate the beautiful end of immigration and start a new fashion life, for this grand country is of the open,by the mult-culture and for the world nation! [FONT=宋体][/FONT]This letter is endosed by all the applicats with their really signatures. We do not mention to bother Your Highness,and we know you represent the whole nation, and immigration is just a small part of your job, but immigration is a huge step for any lives of us, and also immportant to the nation.please consider about it and issue the VISA on the right time.[FONT=宋体][/FONT]According to the Bible, we can expect to live about three score years and ten. However we have wasted almost 3 years to expect the gate to CANADA.[FONT=宋体][/FONT]The followed table is expire dates of some appicants, most of us have not more than 2monthes left to prepare flighting to CANADA. Compared to the original intention of 227 list, the average holding time is more than 29 monthes. Under this condition, we request the BJ office to issue the VISA as fast as possible.[FONT=宋体][/FONT]With holly respect to you and your family. Thank you very much.[FONT=宋体][/FONT]2013-1-8[FONT=宋体][/FONT]Signature:[FONT=宋体][/FONT]
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢在哪里?看不到。
2010年5月11日 妥投;/2010年10月28日 RN;/2010年11月26日 补料妥投BJ;/2011年 2月16日 FN;/2011年12月16日 孩子补料妥投BJ;/2012年2月16日 IP;/2012年2月24日 ME;/2012年3月14日体检;/ 2012年4月24日MER/2013年1月19日DM/2013年1月24日大信封! 超赞 赏 love158815 14$(VIP 0,#76) 8892013-01-08#3 回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢在哪里?
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢是啊,信在哪里呢?
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢不是highness,而是Honorable, Jason Kenney,PC, MPhighness是殿下,honorable是阁下
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢这封信语气太弱了,会得到please be patient 的回复
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢不是highness,而是Honorable, Jason Kenney,PC, MPhighness是殿下,honorable是阁下点击展开...好的发的时候修改语气方面需要大家讨论才能定,谢谢你的建议,我会组织大家讨论一下的
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢[FONT=宋体]还需要进一步修改,意见如下:[/FONT]1[FONT=宋体]。第一段应该直截了当地点明你们写信的目的,到底是询问,还是催促?[/FONT] 2[FONT=宋体]。第二段的第一句话彼此之间没有因果关系,且有错别字,需要修改。应说明体检其快到了,如果还不给签证,我们将会很被动;[/FONT] 3[FONT=宋体]。有效期是[/FONT] expiry date , not expire date. expire [FONT=宋体]是动词。[/FONT] 4[FONT=宋体]。这是一封敦促对方迅速采取行动的信,不是责备,甚至连投诉信都算不上,只需要列出与你们催促签证相关的原因即可,语气无需太哀怨。因此,在我看来,第[/FONT]2[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT]7[FONT=宋体]条是没有必要的;另外,第四条不构成理由,而是敦促对方行动的祈使,应从这一部分删除;[/FONT] 5[FONT=宋体]。第三条用词需要修改,[/FONT]inspire the visa for so deep deep profound ? [FONT=宋体]这句话[/FONT]doesn’t make any sense. [FONT=宋体]此外,这一条不是很站得住脚[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]因为人家使馆已经说明不要提前订票,责任自负,因此不可以用这一条来催促使馆,但是可以在文章的最后一点请求使馆给与某些[/FONT]TX [FONT=宋体]一定的方便,并表示感谢;[/FONT] 6[FONT=宋体].第五条与第一条有相似之处,应修改;重点说明由于春节,邮件可能会推迟,从而影响签证收取,甚至误登陆,给双方造成不便和损失;[/FONT] 7[FONT=宋体].之后的一段显得虚伪的客套,没有必要,而且措辞错误较多,删去好了;[/FONT] 8[FONT=宋体].[/FONT]BIBLE [FONT=宋体]这段与文章的主旨没有必然联系,删去最好;[/FONT] Anyway, you are just one step to the gate. So do not grudge, be grateful. 9. The following table ( [FONT=宋体]不是[/FONT]followed) lists the FN number and their ME expiry date , for your reference. You may notice that the overwhelming majority have no more than two months to arrange our trans-pacific moving to Canada, which will definitely cause much inconvenience, even troubles for us to deal with some important personal matters which need longer time, such as resignation, property handling, and etc.. 10. [FONT=宋体]写信的日期应该放在前面;[/FONT] 11 [FONT=宋体]应该加表示社交礼仪的句子,比如:[/FONT]Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your earliest reply is highly appreciated. 12 [FONT=宋体]。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]总体说来,这封信需要根据它的写作目的,从措辞、语气、书信的格式,内容的排列进行更多的修改。我认为这封信的基调主要是敦促,由于[/FONT]VO [FONT=宋体]的工作基本按照他的计划进行,如[/FONT]early next month[FONT=宋体],[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]你不可以因为他不是在[/FONT]1[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]日之前给你回复就认为他欺骗了你,毕竟[/FONT]early [FONT=宋体]是一个比较含糊的概念。因此,无需将这封信理解成投诉信。从理性的角度讲,我们需要做的是列出很重要的理由:春节耽误时间,可能邮件无法收到,给双方造成损失;如果一旦ME过期,我们进行2次体检,对双方都是影响;此外,我们需要更长的时间进行搬家准备,并请对方理解。基于以上3点,请催促要求[/FONT]speed up [FONT=宋体]签证的发放速度。且有的同学订好了机票,如果能早一点发放,给与这部分人方便,大家将感激不尽。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]英文信要直接,尤其是在开头说出你的诉求,然后列出3点,展现诉求与这3点的因果关系,最后礼貌地结尾,有理有利有节。不要出现拼写错误,小的数字不要用数字代替,要用文字表述。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]暂时就能想到这么多,祝大家顺利![/FONT]
Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field, frozen with snow. 超赞 赏 love158815 14$(VIP 0,#76) 8892013-01-08#9 回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢卖房、辞职,我觉得不要提。因为me信上明确说,通知体检,不等于给签发签证。我觉得多讲一些等待时间的不合理,写信总是收到自动回复,讲一些让他们心服口服的过失之处。
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢多谢myboy,挺coherent的。“by the mult-culture and for the world nation”应该是multi. 还有个人以为“Compared to the original intention of 227 list”,Kenny不一定知道227是什么意思,要么改为"policy isseud in Feb 27th, 2008".语气怎样更assertive些,高手再给个建议吧。
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢米小虫高人!
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢对对!multi-culture.
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢8楼的总结很好。
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢感谢myboy,感谢米小虫,大牛啊
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢myboy, 谢谢你!我结合了你和capello 的信,也写了一封,贴下来,给大家看看,能否用? Dear Honorable Mr. Minister Kenney MP,We are XXXX([FONT=宋体]数字[/FONT]) Federal Skill Worker Immigration Programme applicants whose applications are under processing in your Beijing visa office and whose medical examination will go expiry within one or two months ( even a few days for some applicants). We are writing to you today for your kind notice and prompt action on the unbelievably slow processing speed of the office, because its low efficiency is putting our lives into huge chaos, ruining our dreams about the country of Canada, and has seriously harmed the credit and authority of Canadian government. The majority of us sent applications in 2010 under the 227 law. As you can see, we have waited in the queue for over 30 months which is much longer than what you promised at the beginning of faster immigration process, or what you publicized on your CIC website (29 months). At the end of the last year, we got promise from the Beijing Office by email that our cases will be finalized "at the very beginning of 2013". However, nothing has happened so far. Why it takes so long time in your Beijing office to finalize the cases after medial examination? And how long on earth we have to wait? We cannot believe that this low efficiency comes from Canada, a dream country cherishing humanity and efficiency. Dear Mr. Kenny, we are not just some applicants. We are also husbands, wives, sons, daughters and employees…. Before departure, we need time to deal with our estates, jobs, kids schooling, farewell to acquaintances. Your Beijing office is squeezing us out of the time to do the above. Some of us have already sold out their only apartment, resigned from companies, and some even bought air tickets. They will be homeless and jobless very soon. But where are the visas? We highly doubt if the promise of the Beijing Office made above will be fulfilled without your supervision. As a responsible politician with high reputation, could you help us out? Your timely help will surely adjust the current bugs and fasten our ties with the new world. We eagerly expect your response and the real action of the Beijing Office.Best regards![FONT=宋体]以下排列每个人的名字及签名扫描件[/FONT][FONT=宋体]如张三[/FONT][FONT=宋体]建议一个名字[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]加一个签名扫描,不管信会变得多长,都要如实列出。[/FONT]Below are our key data[FONT=宋体],按照体检过期时间顺序排列,便于使馆按急迫度处理。[/FONT]NameFile No.Medical Exam Expiry DateProcessing time till today(months)[FONT=宋体]张三[/FONT]B…..2[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]9[FONT=宋体]日[/FONT]36
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢后面附了一个列表,贴过来格式就变了。今天刚拔了智齿,忍痛改了信,大家多看看,赶紧统一思想,发出去啊。
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢[FONT=宋体]还需要进一步修改,意见如下:[/FONT]1[FONT=宋体]。第一段应该直截了当地点明你们写信的目的,到底是询问,还是催促?[/FONT] 2[FONT=宋体]。第二段的第一句话彼此之间没有因果关系,且有错别字,需要修改。应说明体检其快到了,如果还不给签证,我们将会很被动;[/FONT] 3[FONT=宋体]。有效期是[/FONT] expiry date , not expire date. expire [FONT=宋体]是动词。[/FONT] 4[FONT=宋体]。这是一封敦促对方迅速采取行动的信,不是责备,甚至连投诉信都算不上,只需要列出与你们催促签证相关的原因即可,语气无需太哀怨。因此,在我看来,第[/FONT]2[FONT=宋体]、[/FONT]7[FONT=宋体]条是没有必要的;另外,第四条不构成理由,而是敦促对方行动的祈使,应从这一部分删除;[/FONT] 5[FONT=宋体]。第三条用词需要修改,[/FONT]inspire the visa for so deep deep profound ? [FONT=宋体]这句话[/FONT]doesn’t make any sense. [FONT=宋体]此外,这一条不是很站得住脚[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]因为人家使馆已经说明不要提前订票,责任自负,因此不可以用这一条来催促使馆,但是可以在文章的最后一点请求使馆给与某些[/FONT]TX [FONT=宋体]一定的方便,并表示感谢;[/FONT] 6[FONT=宋体].第五条与第一条有相似之处,应修改;重点说明由于春节,邮件可能会推迟,从而影响签证收取,甚至误登陆,给双方造成不便和损失;[/FONT] 7[FONT=宋体].之后的一段显得虚伪的客套,没有必要,而且措辞错误较多,删去好了;[/FONT] 8[FONT=宋体].[/FONT]BIBLE [FONT=宋体]这段与文章的主旨没有必然联系,删去最好;[/FONT] Anyway, you are just one step to the gate. So do not grudge, be grateful. 9. The following table ( [FONT=宋体]不是[/FONT]followed) lists the FN number and their ME expiry date , for your reference. You may notice that the overwhelming majority have no more than two months to arrange our trans-pacific moving to Canada, which will definitely cause much inconvenience, even troubles for us to deal with some important personal matters which need longer time, such as resignation, property handling, and etc.. 10. [FONT=宋体]写信的日期应该放在前面;[/FONT] 11 [FONT=宋体]应该加表示社交礼仪的句子,比如:[/FONT]Thank you for your attention to this matter. Your earliest reply is highly appreciated. 12 [FONT=宋体]。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]总体说来,这封信需要根据它的写作目的,从措辞、语气、书信的格式,内容的排列进行更多的修改。我认为这封信的基调主要是敦促,由于[/FONT]VO [FONT=宋体]的工作基本按照他的计划进行,如[/FONT]early next month[FONT=宋体],[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]你不可以因为他不是在[/FONT]1[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]日之前给你回复就认为他欺骗了你,毕竟[/FONT]early [FONT=宋体]是一个比较含糊的概念。因此,无需将这封信理解成投诉信。从理性的角度讲,我们需要做的是列出很重要的理由:春节耽误时间,可能邮件无法收到,给双方造成损失;如果一旦ME过期,我们进行2次体检,对双方都是影响;此外,我们需要更长的时间进行搬家准备,并请对方理解。基于以上3点,请催促要求[/FONT]speed up [FONT=宋体]签证的发放速度。且有的同学订好了机票,如果能早一点发放,给与这部分人方便,大家将感激不尽。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]英文信要直接,尤其是在开头说出你的诉求,然后列出3点,展现诉求与这3点的因果关系,最后礼貌地结尾,有理有利有节。不要出现拼写错误,小的数字不要用数字代替,要用文字表述。[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]暂时就能想到这么多,祝大家顺利![/FONT]点击展开...同意上述意见。建议全文稍微短一点,提出3到4点就可以了。毕竟不是论文
明天会更好! 超赞 赏 天 天堂之角 0$(VIP 0) 3542013-01-08#18 回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢支持! 请LZ再检查一下拼写
回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢首先非常感谢myboy费心写信,也谢谢楼上各位的献言献策。因为家里娃娃小,不给我时间认真看你们写的信,所以很抱歉,不能提出什么建设性的意见。 谢谢你们,辛苦你们了!
千江有水不见月 万里阴霾难为天 超赞 赏 L lm001 0$(VIP 0) 3312013-01-08#20 回复: 联名信已写好,请大家过目前提出贵的意见,感谢接受现实,哪里跌倒,哪里爬起,做个男人
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