加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民查atip (CAIPS)的斗争经历
按照Tim的邮件,我在ME后想查查CAIPS看看他们什么时候发签证。支付5刀,11月10日左右发邮件。不过两个表的邮件地址一个是Tim的,一个是我的。 12月1日催促:Dear Sir or Madam, I noticed that CIC says that your office is expected to respond to my request in 30 calender days. I know you may send me the result materials the next week. But could you please check and give me now if it has been issued? I am so eager to receive your mail. Thank you very much. 12月12日收到回复,说我的邮件地址不行: Good Day,The email you are inquiring from does not match the email belonging to the requester. Please inquire from the email that pertains to this request.Regards,Client Service Representative | Représentant du service à la clientèle. 13日,我不敢用自己的名字了,又发送一次表格,说这个地址就是授权地址: Dear Sir or Madam,The attached are the original request forms sent on 10th Nov. The Section C in ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND PERSONAL INFORMATION REQUEST has authorized all correspondence to be sent to this Email address. This case has been involved in a litigation. The results are highly expected. I am looking forward to seeing the fresh results you may send soon.Thank you very much.RegardsRequester. 17日,他们转发了CIC的回复,要求我提交代理授权表。Dear Mr. ***We have reviewed your access to information or privacy request and found that it is incomplete. You must complete and/or submit the following document(s):* IMM 5476(Consent) – Incomplete or missing:Please note that a completed IMM 5475 does not authorize CIC or the CBSA to send correspondence to the designated individual.The IMM 5476: This form is used to appoint (or cancel the appointment of) a representative and to give CIC and the CBSA consent to disclose the applicant's personal information to that representative. The appointed representative can conduct business with CIC and the CBSA on the applicant's behalf.Fee Received: YES Receipt Number: ***Do not make a new paymentPlease return your entire application with the above information to the following address: Access to Information and Privacy Division Citizenship and Immigration CanadaFor further information on Citizenship and Immigration Canada’s programs, visit us at www.cic.gc.ca. 18日我回复他们,不给新表。结果爱给不给吧。Dear Sir or Madam,The attached are updated IMM5475 and CIC's access form, both using this Email address. No IMM5476 provided or will be provided.IMM5475 itself readsComplete this form if you authorize Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to release information from your case file to someone other than yourself. IMM5475 also make it clear thathe or she will not be a representative who can conduct business with CIC and CBSA on your behalf. If you wish to be represented, you must complete and submit form Use of a Representative (IMM 5476). The requester only wants Mr. Timothy Edward Leahy to help to get the CAIPS result, since the requester is not in Canada and could not directly ask for it. Many applicants, who also are Timothy's clients, have managed to do that in the same way and they asked for the physical materials. You may have heard about it. However, the requester does not mean to hire Mr. Timothy Edward Leahy as his immigration representative using imm5476.If you really cannot send the CAIPS to this email, we will not ask for it again and it does not matter much though 5 dollars has been paid for it. A visa office has said they will finalize this case early next year. The caips may means less, since 2013 is coming soon. But just in case, could you please just tell only when the Visa officer is planning to issue the visas showing in the CAIPS? That is what we mostly want to know. Thank you very much for your patient replying and direction. Happy new year!1月31日,意外的收到Tim转发的邮件,他们又给结果了。亮点是7月份cic告诉他们尽快给我发体检表,ASAP,因为是15人之一。其他也没什么了。邮件通信记录比较完整。 Dear Mr. Timothy E. Leahy: This is further to your request under the Access to Information Act for the Beijing electronic file concerning ***received by Citizenship and Immigration Canada on November 13, 2012.The processing of your request is now complete and I am pleased to enclose the documents requested. Certain information qualifies for exemption pursuant to section(s) 15(1) the detection, prevention or suppression of subversive or hostile activities of the Access to Information Act.Please be advised that you are entitled to bring a complaint regarding the processing of your request to the Information Commissioner within sixty days of the receipt of this notice. The complaint form can be retrieved at: http://www.oic-ci.gc.ca/eng/lc-cj-logde-complaint-deposer-plainte.aspx.For further information on the ATIP programs at CIC, visit our website at www.cic.gc.ca or contact our client service centre at [email protected], ATIP OfficerCitizenship and Immigration Canada
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FN:2007-8-30,妥投:2009-11中间一直没看2012-06-15接到电话,说官司赢了,有点晕....2012-08-31ME来了!五年!2012-10-02 DM了,坐等大信封!2012-10-23 大信封到!11月21日登陆多伦多! 超赞 赏 Electric Bear 0$(VIP 0) 2582013-02-03#3 回复: 查atip (CAIPS)的斗争经历还是年轻好啊,Pop真是精力旺盛。
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回复: 查atip (CAIPS)的斗争经历服了 今天又发邮件给我I regret to inform you that we are unable to process your request for the following reason(s): The signatures on the consent form need to be re-signed as they appear to be cut and pasted. See Below
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