加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论。该数据将拿到法庭拆穿CIC谎言
http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/...pplications-to-canada-drop-in-asian-countries Immigration applications to Canada drop in Asian countries Immigration applications from key Asian countries have dropped by more than half since 2006, when the Conservative government began transforming its migrant selection. Critics say the disproportionate declines from China, India, the Philippines and Pakistan could be an indication of how Ottawa’s policy changes favour some immigrant countries over others, and would have an impact on the immigrant mix. “Without being part of a public consultation, we’ve drastically changed not only the way we do immigration, but the immigrants who come in,” said Ratna Omidvar, president of Maytree Foundation, which has a mandate to build strong civic communities. “Immigration selection is not simply about headhunting, but about nation-building. Immigration policy is too important to be made in a piecemeal manner.”Statistics obtained by the Star show a significant drop in the annual number of Chinese, Indians, Filipinos and Pakistanis applying for permanent residency between 2006 and 2011. Applicants from China fell 45 per cent from 55,647 to 30,507; India by almost 51 per cent from 61,559 to 30,283; the Philippines by 32 per cent from 37,132 to 25,378; and Pakistan by 65 per cent from 31,330 to 11,066. While the number of applications fell overall for the top 10 source countries from 227,689 to 140,712 during the period ― a reflection of policy changes to control immigration intake and backlog ― the declines of the top four countries were bigger than English- or French-speaking countries.According to Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the number of immigration applications from the United States has dropped by only 10 per cent from 8,352 in 2006 to 7,546 in 2011 while applicants from France fell by 7 per cent from 5,141 to 4,795. Since coming into power in 2006, Ottawa has made significant changes to the immigration system, tightening language requirement, restricting eligibility to limited occupations in demand, and capping the applications it processes each year. It plans to have applicants’ credentials pre-assessed prior to arrival and give Canadian employers more power in selecting immigrants through employments. However, Omidvar said many of the changes have been made in the form of the so-called “ministerial instructions” issued by Kenney with little public discussion. Although some changes are on the right track, she said, “What is missing is any type of public discourse and debate.” Canada’s diversity provides links to new markets and new products, Omidvar said, and changes to the mix of source countries could have an implication on trades with new economies in Russia, India, China and Brazil. Kenney said he did not anticipate fundamental changes in primary immigrant source countries, but he expected to see “an increase in the capacity of immigrants from those countries to succeed.” “I really don’t care where people come from as long as they are able to succeed in Canada. I think more employers have the same attitude,” Kenney has told the Star. “One issue here is language proficiency. All of the data says the primary reason why foreign trained professionals are not hired in Canada is language proficiency, which is an indicator of people’s soft social skills,” he added. “Even if they have a book smart about the job, but if they don’t understand the cultural context, that can be a barrier.”
回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论我在9天前的这个帖子http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=560684就预告了Toronto Star的这篇报道 Toronto Star告诉我周一发表,我以为是上周一,没想延迟了几天,可能是有别的考量吧
可能是因为原来的稿子很明显的偏袒亚洲人,为了做到中立,所以又进行了加工,搞的棱角磨平了。 不过华文媒体世界日报转载之后,又稍微显露了一点棱角: 联邦移民政策改革,亚洲申请人锐减一份由多伦多星报披露的报告显示,自2006年联邦保守党政府开始改革移民系统起,来自主要亚洲国家的移民申请人数锐减,甚至超过一半。批评人士表示,来自中国、印度、菲律宾和巴基斯坦的移民申请人出现不成比例地下降。批评者质疑联邦政府可能更喜欢接收其他国家移民,而这也将对以多元文化著称的加拿大移民社会产生影响。 移民组织智库美翠基金会(Maytree Foundation)主席欧米德娃(Ratna Omidvar)表示,在没有进行公共咨询的前提下便开始进行大刀阔斧的改革,变更的不仅仅是移民政策,还将包括哪些人才能移民加拿大。选择移民不是简简单单地像猎头公司那样招聘,这关系到一个国家的建设,移民政策太过于重要,因而不能毫无章法地随意制定。欧米德娃表示,联邦移民部推出的某些改革大方向或许是对的,但是忽视了公众的意见和参与。 联邦移民部的数据显示,自2006年至2011年期间,来自中国、印度、菲律宾和巴基斯坦的移民申请出现显著减少,其中中国的移民申请人数下降了45%,由2006年的5万5647人下降至2011年的3万507人;印度移民申请人数下降了近51%,由6万1559人下降至3万283人;菲律宾下降了32%,由3万7132人下降至2万5378人;巴基斯坦下降了65%,由3万1330人下降至1万1066人。 在此期间,十大移民来源国的移民申请人总数由22万7689人下降至14万712人,其中来自前四大移民来源国的移民申请人数,减少的幅度远大于其他英语或法语国家。例如,根据移民部统计数据,来自美国的移民申请人在2006年至2011年期间,仅下降了10%,即由2006年的8352人下降至2011年的7546人。
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Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第一!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-05-07#5 回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论我说的话基本都兑现了
回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论我坚持走我的路! 如果有人认为我一个人抢了风头,我也不在乎! 中国人喜欢搞表面和谐那一套,在我这里完全没有市场! 假谦虚,真伪善的那一套,给我滚开!
回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论顶楼主
靠家里,你可能会当上公主。靠男人,你可能当上王妃。但靠自己,才能当上女王。 超赞 赏 P paradiseunderthesunGuest 0$(VIP ) 2012-05-07#8 星报报道的雏形是这样的: The Minister's assertion that he is doing away with an eight-year backlog distorts the facts. First of all, if he had not engaged in a queue-jumping processing policy since 2008, people who have stood in the queue since 2004 would have had their files processed four years ago. However,......................................
回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论这个数据也被律师采纳,即将拿到法庭辩论。CIC的软肋是越挖越多了。
回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论鼓掌! 支持!
回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论。该数据将拿到法庭拆穿CI支持paradiseunderthesun 。
回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论星报报道的雏形是这样的:点击展开... 这个报道雏形给力多了,现在这个报道是个啥啊?减速处理的数据给了,但是没提本来会要多久,现在还要多久处理这些积案,更没触及到康尼胡扯的内容。一点都不给力。
FN(BJ) 16/01/2008变5 24/02/2010s2妥投 10/06/2010变12 18/06/2010星报报道的雏形是这样的:点击展开... 你要不要看看其他那个媒体对这个原始报道感兴趣?这个才给力啊。当然,再次 感谢你一贯的努力和坚持!
FN(BJ) 16/01/2008变5 24/02/2010s2妥投 10/06/2010变12 18/06/2010 超赞 赏 P peter007 0$(VIP 0) 7742012-05-07#14 回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论。该数据将拿到法庭拆穿CI是星期日的报纸吗?Toronto star
回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论。该数据将拿到法庭拆穿CIToronto star 是我们这边很有影响力的报纸,买一份看看,是星期日报道还是星期一报道的?
回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论。该数据将拿到法庭拆穿CI是这篇吗?
入籍,策划回流中。。 超赞 赏 xzh6339 0$(VIP 0) 5462012-05-07#17 回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论。该数据将拿到法庭拆穿CI向CiC的软肋扎去!
When submitted, pregnant, now he is 6.是这篇吗?点击展开...是今天的报纸吗?
回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论你要不要看看其他那个媒体对这个原始报道感兴趣?这个才给力啊。当然,再次 感谢你一贯的努力和坚持!点击展开... 雏形要被拿到法庭,所以先不公开了 公开了之后CIC会有准备。 其实我不应该在这里公开的, 因为据可靠消息,康尼的人也在这里潜水。
回复: 多伦多星报今天报道了我对CIC官方数据的研究,得出CIC排华的结论。该数据将拿到法庭拆穿CI这个数据还值得深挖,我要让加拿大华文媒体也参与进来,最后的目标是,给康尼难堪,让保守党歧视中国人的事实大白天下
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