加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明
*** In Canada, only the provinces and territories can issue Certificates of Qualification in the skilled trades. To get this certificate, the provincial or territorial trades authority must assess your training, trade experience and skills to decide if you are eligible to write an exam to be certified. You will likely have to go to the province or territory to be assessed. You may also need an employer in Canada to give you experience and training. You should go to the website of the body that governs trades for the province/territory where you would like to live and work. The process is different depending on where you want to go.Each website has more details about whether you need a certificate of qualification to work there in a specific skilled trade, and what you have to do to get one.必须到加拿大考试;所以想钻空子或者想简简单单通过这个类别移民的加拿大的人不要做梦了,这条路不通!
回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明faint
test*** In Canada, only the provinces and territories can issue Certificates of Qualification in the skilled trades. To get this certificate, the provincial or territorial trades authority must assess your training, trade experience and skills to decide if you are eligible to write an exam to be certified. You will likely have to go to the province or territory to be assessed. You may also need an employer in Canada to give you experience and training. You should go to the website of the body that governs trades for the province/territory where you would like to live and work. The process is different depending on where you want to go.Each website has more details about whether you need a certificate of qualification to work there in a specific skilled trade, and what you have to do to get one.必须到加拿大考试;所以想钻空子或者想简简单单通过这个类别移民的加拿大的人不要做梦了,这条路不通!点击展开...请问您这是哪看的 还有就是怎么去考试?这个是关键 如何去考试?什么签证 怎么申请 ?考什么?考了给什么证书? 去加拿大考试吗?
技工移民群285824625 超赞 赏 S shijieduoduo 0$(VIP 0) 942013-02-19#4 回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明怎么考 去那考 怎么去 参考资料 考什么 不要来一句去考试 你说清楚去哪考 考的什么试 总低有个名字吧 连名字都没有 那考什么?
技工移民群285824625 超赞 赏 P pangda 0$(VIP 0) 962013-02-19#5 回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明这是移民局网站上的最新消息,估计是问得人不少,移民局才出了这么一个解释,考试的问题问各个省的评估部门,移民局不管这个;签证的问题自己解决,反正必须去加拿大考试。
回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明这是移民局网站上的最新消息,估计是问得人不少,移民局才出了这么一个解释,考试的问题问各个省的评估部门,移民局不管这个;签证的问题自己解决,反正必须去加拿大考试。点击展开...这个信息不是最新的啊
知我者谓我心忧不知我者谓我何求 超赞 赏 bhb 0$(VIP 0) 2432013-02-19#7 回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明这句话在2013年1月份公布技工移民时发布的,此后没有任何解释。具体见此http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/trades/apply-who.asp
知我者谓我心忧不知我者谓我何求 超赞 赏 P pangda 0$(VIP 0) 962013-02-19#8 回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明Date Modified:2013-02-06
回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明是2月6日修改的
回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明原来的没有解释,才加上的,必须到加拿大考试。
回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明明显不想要工人移民了?技术工人级别的有几个舍得花钱来加拿大考试的?哎。。。。。。长期来看一定会出问题的。。。。。好比上海不准农民工来。。。。。经济会好吗
回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明原来的没有解释,才加上的,必须到加拿大考试。点击展开...不是新加上的,刚出来时就写着呢,当时我看过。
知我者谓我心忧不知我者谓我何求 超赞 赏 K kittyki 0$(VIP 0) 4242013-02-20#13 回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明感觉是雇主担保移民的变种啊。先到加拿大打工,然后得到training和experience,然后拿到certificate,然后就可以申请移民了……
回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明不是新加上的,刚出来时就写着呢,当时我看过。点击展开...要是当时就写要去加拿大考试,我就不用给每个省的评估部门写信问了,是2月6日加上的。
回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明去加拿大考试很多中文网站2012年8月份左右就这么写的。
知我者谓我心忧不知我者谓我何求 超赞 赏 bhb 0$(VIP 0) 2432013-02-20#16 回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明http://www.chuguo.cn/news/209835.xhtml
知我者谓我心忧不知我者谓我何求去加拿大考试很多中文网站2012年8月份左右就这么写的。点击展开... 那些都不准,一切以加拿大移民局官网为准。2012.8月移民局网站只是说有这个计划。2013.2.6关于雇主和考试加上解释,有几个星号 have an offer of full-time employment for a total period of at least one year** or a certificate of qualification in that skilled trade issued by a provincial or territorial body.*** 2013.1.2的版本是没有的。
回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明*** In Canada, only the provinces and territories can issue Certificates of Qualification in the skilled trades. To get this certificate, the provincial or territorial trades authority must assess your training, trade experience and skills to decide if you are eligible to write an exam to be certified. You will likely have to go to the province or territory to be assessed. You may also need an employer in Canada to give you experience and training. You should go to the website of the body that governs trades for the province/territory where you would like to live and work. The process is different depending on where you want to go.Each website has more details about whether you need a certificate of qualification to work there in a specific skilled trade, and what you have to do to get one.必须到加拿大考试;所以想钻空子或者想简简单单通过这个类别移民的加拿大的人不要做梦了,这条路不通!点击展开...刚好我在读skilled trades,简单分享一下:在BC的话,请到ITA网站(http://www.itabc.ca/ )了解CofQ的考试条件。就拿我们行业来说,需要两年以上本省相关工作经验(每段都需要相关公司提前到ITA备案)才可以参加考试,当然也有challenge考试(http://www.itabc.ca/exams/challenging-level-exams),需要五年海外工作经验。考试基本是行业code+具体现场操作案例 ,全部选择题。据我所知,很多同胞转行电工都是走challenge,如何操作可想而知,反正记得很多长登贴都在说考电工证日以继夜,这个电工证应该就是CofQ。CofQ基本无法作假,在加拿大以外也基本没可能拿到,毕竟这玩意能让工资翻倍。
回复: 加拿大移民局关于技工移民有关细则的说明刚好我在读skilled trades,简单分享一下:在BC的话,请到ITA网站(http://www.itabc.ca/ )了解CofQ的考试条件。就拿我们行业来说,需要两年以上本省相关工作经验(每段都需要相关公司提前到ITA备案)才可以参加考试,当然也有challenge考试(http://www.itabc.ca/exams/challenging-level-exams),需要五年海外工作经验。考试基本是行业code+具体现场操作案例 ,全部选择题。据我所知,很多同胞转行电工都是走challenge,如何操作可想而知,反正记得很多长登贴都在说考电工证日以继夜,这个电工证应该就是CofQ。CofQ基本无法作假,在加拿大以外也基本没可能拿到,毕竟这玩意能让工资翻倍。点击展开...别的省您知道吗?
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