加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民HK 有人收到退款支票了



fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected] 超赞 赏 B beifeng1995 0$(VIP 0) 1,2382013-02-26#2 回复: HK 有人收到退款支票了[FONT=Verdana,'宋体',Helvetica,sans-serif]Good day, CIC has now released the refund procedure. See the following links:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2012/ob442C.asphttp://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/notice-returns.asp Fortunately the form (second link) does not require you (a) to request the refund, (b) to concede that you accept the closing of your file or (c) to sign the form (unless you want the cheque paid to someone other than the principal applicant). Instead, it is only asking for information from you. My advice, therefore, is that you complete and hit the "send" button.It generally takes CIC two months to issue a cheque. So, I would not expect to see the cheque arrive promptly. It is only when you cash the cheque that you need to be cautious. Examine the cheque before cashing it. If it contains anything whereby you agree to the cancellation of your file, cross it off and initial the cross-off. Above your signature write:cashed under protestI still want [file number] processed[signature]In the event that our litigation -- or the s. 87.4 ligation -- is successful or CIC reverses course owing to our litigation (or the litigation in general), CIC will have to prove that you cashed the cheque. The only way to do so is to provide a copy of the endorsement on the back of the cheque, which will show that you cashed the cheque under protest.If Justice Barnes ever gets around to writing his reasons for denying the injunction, if he is reasonably honest, he will include in his reasons his claim that, should the litigation succeed, those who have cashed the cheques may resurrect their file by repaying the amount. Likewise, a court order to that effect may be included when the litigation has finally runs its course.The alternative would be holding the cheque until the litigation has run its course, by which time the cheque may well be stale-dated, requiring you to request a replacement, which action would take months and months and months. So, you might as well cash it, rather, than (a) allowing CIC to continue earning interest on your money or (b) having to go through the hassle of having it replaced if our litigation fails. Just be sure not to sign anything saying that you have agreed to the closing of your file.This event is not the end but only one step along the way. Sometime -- hopefully before he retires from the bench -- Justice Barnes will rule on our motion. If so, you will not have to decide what to do with the cheque - but, it would surely be poetic justice if, after you have your visas, the cheque arrives in the mail!Regards,Tim[/FONT]

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 今我来思 0$(VIP 0) 7792013-02-26#3 回复: HK 有人收到退款支票了楼上这位对论坛网友有同胞手足之情。我也想过贴出Tim这封提醒兑现支票时应注意的信,但只是想,就没有行动。

200708FN, 2012.09起诉 2012.12 ME,2013年4月16日 DM !2013年6月登陆多伦多,现住Scarborough,打工、求职、看房、交友等等新移民必修课折腾中 欢迎来QQ群247669663 飞越疯人院 拉呱拉呱 超赞 赏 B beifeng1995 0$(VIP 0) 1,2382013-02-26#4 回复: HK 有人收到退款支票了holding the cheque until the litigation has run its course, by which time the cheque may well be stale-dated, requiring you to request a replacement, which action would take months and months and months. 在签字的时候写上,cashed under protestI still want [file number] processed[signature]

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 B beifeng1995 0$(VIP 0) 1,2382013-02-26#5 回复: HK 有人收到退款支票了已经给她邮件这是TIM的建议,同学们酌情

06年底简表递HK07年5月16日FN VO LCY11年再考YS,自评67分S2 快来吧 超赞 赏 fglzyfPIZZA 0$(VIP 0) 1,7922013-02-26#6 回复: HK 有人收到退款支票了北风不错

All because of love!她在问,收到退款支票怎么办?点击展开... http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=628612 上面这位主动邮件香港要求退费的同学被告知要等6个月,你这位朋友怎么收到不请自来的退款支票? 香港领馆又开始了新一轮的混乱。

​holding the cheque until the litigation has run its course, by which time the cheque may well be stale-dated, requiring you to request a replacement, which action would take months and months and months. 在签字的时候写上,cashed under protestI still want [file number] processed[signature] 点击展开... 俺也收到支票了。不过是我是主动要求退款的。这招也好使吗?

超赞 赏 O Oldman 0$(VIP 0) 5302013-02-28#9 回复: HK 有人收到退款支票了新一轮的混乱,,,过两天又写信来说是可以继续审, 请补交审理费. CIC去年花了大部分时间在写各种信, "补料信", "停止补料信", "继续审理信", "一刀切信", "退款信".... 用这些时间可以审理N多个案子了.... 在写信的同时, CIC大喊:"人手不够啊...申请太多了..."我代表香港邮政, 中国邮政,各国邮政, 衷心感谢CIC维持了我们的就业人数. 不过世界气候大会应该会提出抗议, CIC2012年的信件消耗了N棵大树, 地球变暖了0.001度, 加拿大的夏天长了0.001天了...

回复: HK 有人收到退款支票了http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=628612 上面这位主动邮件香港要求退费的同学被告知要等6个月,你这位朋友怎么收到不请自来的退款支票? 香港领馆又开始了新一轮的混乱。点击展开...Amily 就是HK同学,你见过的,上次请愿,还请你们吃饭了吧。

fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected] 超赞 赏 Y yong_david 0$(VIP 0) 2982013-03-04#11 回复: HK 有人收到退款支票了要求退款的邮箱是什么?谢谢

回复: HK 有人收到退款支票了considerate!确实想的周到

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