加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民CIC:2013年5月4日起,世上已无AEO
http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/2013-03-08.aspNotice – Change to Offers of Arranged Employment in the Federal Skilled Worker ProgramMarch 8, 2013 — On December 19, 2012, the Government of Canada published regulations that will change the way Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) processes offers of arranged employment for the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP).Currently, employers seek an Arranged Employment Opinion (AEO) from HRSDC when they wish to hire a foreign national on a permanent, full-time basis and support their employee’s application for permanent residence through the FSWP.Starting on May 4, 2013, mostFootnote 1 offers of arranged employment will require a Labour Market Opinion (LMO) from HRSDC in support of an FSWP application, instead of an AEO.LMOs are currently used in the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, as employers often must apply for authorization from HRSDC before hiring temporary foreign workers.LMOs assess whether there are Canadians or permanent residents available to do the job. This will not change.Employers will be able to use a single application for an LMO, whether it is being used to support the issuance of a temporary work permit or a permanent resident visa.AEO letters provided by HRSDC to employers under existing regulations will no longer be accepted by CIC if the FSWP application is received on or after May 4, 2013.Transitional processing of Arranged Employment OffersTo ensure efficient service delivery in advance of the program changes on May 4, 2013, HRSDC and CIC have collaboratively set up transitional measures.Applications received by HRSDC before or on March 8, 2013Employers whose AEO application was received by HRSDC on or before March 8, 2013, and who have not yet received an opinion will be able to submit an LMO application should they choose.Employers with pending AEO applications who choose not to avail themselves of this opportunity will remain in the processing queue. However their application may not be processed in time for it to be used in support of an FSWP application (i.e. before May 4, 2013).HRSDC will soon mail employers with pending AEO applications the revised LMO application form so they have the opportunity to update their application. Those who choose to update will not lose their place in the processing queue.AEOs will only be valid until May 3, 2013. CIC must receive any FSWP application that is supported by an AEO on or before May 3, 2013 or it will not be accepted.Applications for AEOs submitted to HRSDC/Service Canada after March 8 and before May 4, 2013Current processing times are about 8 weeks, so any applications for an AEO received after March 8, 2013, are not likely to be processed by May 3, 2013.For this reason, if you submit a new AEO application after March 8, 2013, it will be returned to you with instructions on how to apply for an LMO.
[FONT=微软雅黑]魁省技术新政没戏,[/FONT][FONT=微软雅黑]萨省雇主遇一刀切,联邦五四被删职业,澳洲雅思没拿下4*7,萨省二百五暂无进展。联邦51新政申请:2014.5.01寄出,5.05签收,6.03汇票解付,6.19PER,7.02RbHK,8.20ME,10.25MER。[/FONT]联邦技术2014新政群:119639702[FONT=微软雅黑]我要出国(加/澳/新)群:148334084加拿大NS省LMD群:186789670QQ / 微信:105414343新浪微博:@业余格斗士[/FONT] 超赞 赏 fanfan216 0$(VIP 0) 1,5442013-03-13#2 回复: CIC:2013年5月4日起,世上已无AEO。。。
回复: CIC:2013年5月4日起,世上已无AEO10个AEO8个不靠谱,去除了也好,就是毁了一些真的AEO的,唉!
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