加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案
回复: 加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案现在不可能有违宪败诉的立法,因为违宪还没有败诉。预算案不可能针对虚无缥缈的空中楼阁去立法。 其他类别的移民积案,特别是父母团聚和投资移民的,要关心一下有没有针对他们的动作。
回复: 加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案联邦财政部长费拉逖14日表示,将在本月21日公布2013年联邦财政预算案。鉴于近来经济成长十分缓慢,这将是又一份致力于撙节支出、极少新福利的预算案。我们关心关于移民有没有新措施:会不会推出2013版s87.4?或者针对违宪败诉的立法?希望大家这几天加以关注!点击展开... 你把立法的权利想得太荒谬了。如果保守党能通过立法来解决任何问题,为什么不一开始制定87.4的时候就规定,任何人都没有权利起诉87.4本身的合法性?他还可以规定CIC永远正确,永远不得败诉是不是? 如果立法是万能的武器,那保守党还可以立法加拿大的所有法庭都要听保守党安排,保守党说谁赢,谁就能赢。还可以立法把女王也赶下去是不? 如果违宪的法庭判决能通过立法的形式宣布无效,那是不是还可以通过一部法律宣布人权宪章第15部分无效,可以合法搞种族歧视?
...如果违宪的法庭判决能通过立法的形式宣布无效...点击展开... 是可以的。不要忘了“宪章”第33条(1)。
回复: 加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案是可以的。不要忘了“宪章”第33条(1)。点击展开... 那是个什么条款请简单说来听听,感觉好新鲜喔
是可以的。不要忘了“宪章”第33条(1)。点击展开... wiki了一下,这就是我们很早以前讨论过的但书条款notwithstanding clause http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_Thirty-three_of_the_Canadian_Charter_of_Rights_and_Freedoms 通过这么长时间的细致观察,我认为99%以上的可能性但书条款不会被拿出来。但我现在不想发帖讨论,先等判决吧。有很多东西,提前说多了有害无益。
超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-03-22#8 回复: 加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案我仔细看了一下wiki的登上去的条款原文,更加感到我的判断是准确的: 33. (1) Parliament or the legislature of a province may expressly declare in an Act of Parliament or of the legislature, as the case may be, that the Act or a provision thereof shall operate notwithstanding a provision included in section 2 or sections 7 to 15. 87.4条款根本没有规定它本身不受宪法15部分的约束。 The federal Parliament, a provincial legislature, or a territorial legislature may declare that one of its laws or part of a law applies temporarily ("notwithstanding") countermanding sections of the Charter, thereby nullifying any judicial review by overriding the Charter protections for a limited period of time. 87.4条款没有规定不准告它,所以挑战87.4违宪的judicial review成功完成了。前段时间ZHU案里也有提到,国会没有在87.4条款里堵死起诉人起诉的路子,原文我就不来贴了。 当然上述分析还不是CIC不会用但书条款的主要原因。 主要原因如前所述,现在不发帖说。
wiki了一下,这就是我们很早以前讨论过的但书条款notwithstanding clause http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_Thirty-three_of_the_Canadian_Charter_of_Rights_and_Freedoms 通过这么长时间的细致观察,我认为99%以上的可能性但书条款不会被拿出来。但我现在不想发帖讨论,先等判决吧。有很多东西,提前说多了有害无益。点击展开...我也认为当前阶段不可能用 s. 33(1) 对付移民申请人(除非政府在加拿大最高法院输掉 87.4 诉讼), 但政府将来会不会拿它出来对付300万居住在海外的加拿大公民就不知道...
回复: 加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案...87.4条款没有规定不准告它,所以挑战87.4违宪的judicial review成功完成了。前段时间ZHU案里也有提到,国会没有在87.4条款里堵死起诉人起诉的路子,原文我就不来贴了。 当然上述分析还不是CIC不会用但书条款的主要原因。 主要原因如前所述,现在不发帖说。点击展开...But the real issue is that the government, after the court's ruling over the constitutionality of s 87.4, can legislate with effect nullifying the court's ruling (and to insert the notwithstanding clause into the legislation).
回复: 加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案已发邮件和Bellissimo律师讨论。这是我第一次和他接触呢,看什么时候能收到回复。 我有一套细节丰富的逻辑推理证明CIC不会用这个条款,但尚未告诉任何律师。我要看律师首先怎么反应。
超赞 赏 雾霾和计划生育都害人 0$(VIP 0) 2,6442013-03-22#12 回复: 加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案但书条款也得经过司法审查其必要性,不得滥用!
回复: 加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案......
回复: 加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案援引但书条款是国会的权利,不会受到司法审查 只要保守党愿意,他就能在预算案里要求修改87.4条款,用明确的语言表述87.4不受人权宪章15部分约束。只要保守党这么做了,加拿大任何一级的法院都没有P放。 现在的问题是,保守党根本不会这么做。。。 我还是不说,呵呵呵,,,虽然很想说。。。
超赞 赏 雾霾和计划生育都害人 0$(VIP 0) 2,6442013-03-22#16 回复: 加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案请大家去这个网址http://www.budget.gc.ca/2013/home-accueil-eng.html 了解移民方面的可能新动向!在Budget in Brief里面搜索immigration没有这方面的消息,不知道会不会隐藏在细节里。
回复: 加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案我已经了解过了,今年的预算案没有什么针对移民backlog的东西! 另外,有投资移民要涨价到200万的新闻。
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notwithstanding_clause点击展开...还有Oakes test:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_One_of_the_Canadian_Charter_of_Rights_and_Freedoms
回复: 加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案还有Oakes test:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Section_One_of_the_Canadian_Charter_of_Rights_and_Freedoms点击展开...Oakes test 已经是加拿大法学院第一年老掉牙的东西...呵呵
回复: 加拿大今晚推出2013年预算案2013年预算案一部分关于移民的:Job Opportunities for NewcomersThe Government has made significant progress implementing long overdue reforms to Canada’s immigration system with a focus on attracting talented newcomers with the skills and experience that our economy requires. For example, in January 2013 the Government opened a new skilled trades immigration stream. The Government also made improvements to the Canadian Experience Class, which was created in 2008, providing international student graduates and skilled temporary foreign workers with a pathway to permanent residency.The Government will continue to implement reforms to Canada’s immigration system to make it faster, more flexible and focused on Canada’s labour market needs. In the coming year, the Government will re-open the Federal Skilled Worker Program with an updated points system that gives more weight to factors that are directly related to economic success—such as language proficiency and youth. In addition, the Government will launch the new Start-Up Visa, which is the first of its kind in the world. The new Start-Up Visa will attract innovative immigrant entrepreneurs to launch their companies in Canada to help create new jobs and spur economic growth.Through these reforms, the Government is strengthening Canada’s immigration system, moving to a proactive system that helps to foster economic growth and ensure long-term prosperity for all Canadians.Economic Action Plan 2013 announces the Government’s intention to further enhance Canada’s immigration system with a focus on fuelling economic growth and job creation. Economic Action Plan 2013 confirms the Government’s intention to create a new and innovative “Expression of Interest” immigration management system. It will allow for Canadian employers, provinces and territories to select skilled immigrants from a pool of applicants that best meet Canada’s economic needs.Investing in Canada’s Immigration SystemSince 2006, the Government has made significant investments in Canada’s immigration system:Budgets 2006 and 2007 together invested over $1.5 billion over five years to: enhance settlement and integration programs for newcomers such as language instruction and employment-related support; improve processing times under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program to better respond to regional skills and labour shortages; create the Canadian Experience Class to create a new avenue to permanent residence; and establish a Foreign Credentials Referral Office to help prospective immigrants identify and connect with the appropriate Canadian assessment bodies.An additional $109 million over five years was provided through Budget 2008 for a new Action Plan for Faster Immigration, which was introduced to improve the responsiveness of the immigration system, decrease processing times, and better align it with the needs of the labour market, primarily through changes to the Federal Skilled Worker Program.To support the work of governments in the development of a pan-Canadian framework for foreign credential assessment and recognition and ensure that immigrants are better integrated into the Canadian labour force, Budget 2009 provided $50 million over two years. The Pan-Canadian Framework for the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Qualifications was announced in November 2009.Budget 2011 announced that the Government would test ways to help foreign-trained workers to cover the costs of tuition and other training costs related to the foreign credential recognition process. The Foreign Credential Recognition Loans Pilot was officially launched in February 2012.Economic Action Plan 2012 announced that the Government would build an economy-focused immigration system designed to meet Canada’s labour market needs, including: better aligning the Temporary Foreign Worker Program with labour market demands; highlighting progress on foreign credential recognition; exploring the development of a pool of skilled workers ready to begin employment in Canada; and improving the efficiency of the Federal Skilled Worker Program by returning applications and refunding up to $130 million in fees to a large portion of federal skilled worker applicants awaiting an immigration decision.Pan-Canadian Framework for the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign QualificationsEconomic Action Plan 2013 announces the Government’s commitment to improving foreign credential recognition for additional target occupations under the Pan-Canadian Framework for the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Qualifications.The Government recognizes that quick and seamless access to jobs in Canada is essential for the integration of newcomers. Significant progress has been achieved in helping newcomers access the Canadian job market quickly. Introduced in 2009, the Pan-Canadian Framework for the Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Qualifications allows for a simple and consistent system of foreign credential assessment and recognition. Under the framework, foreign-trained workers in 14 occupations are quickly notified if their credentials are recognized in Canada and, if not, what education is required to become accredited.Building on this progress, over the next two years, the Government will work with provinces and territories and stakeholders to support improvements to foreign credential recognition processes and address the demand for skilled workers in Canada in additional occupations.The Government is taking action to quickly integrate internationally trained individuals in jobs commensurate with their skills and knowledge. Continued leadership in this area also supports employers by supplying them with qualified workers in occupations facing labour shortages.Reforming the Temporary Foreign Worker ProgramThe Government will take action to reform Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program to ensure that Canadians are given the first chance at available jobs.The Government is focused on connecting Canadians with available jobs and ensuring that Canada’s domestic labour force is prioritized for job opportunities. Canada continues to experience major labour and skill shortages in many regions, and Canadians who are seeking jobs should always be first in line for these opportunities.In order to help unemployed Canadians get back to work and ensure that Canadians are given the first chance at available jobs, the Government is taking action to reform Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program. With details to be announced in the coming months, the Government will:Work with employers to ensure that temporary foreign workers are relied upon only when Canadians genuinely cannot fill those jobs.Increase the recruitment efforts that employers must make to hire Canadians before they will be eligible to apply for temporary foreign workers, including increasing the length and reach of advertising.Assist employers who legitimately rely on temporary foreign workers, due to a lack of qualified Canadian applicants, find ways to ensure that they have a plan to transition to a Canadian workforce over time.Amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations to restrict the identification of non-official languages as job requirements when hiring through the Temporary Foreign Worker process.The Government will also propose to introduce user fees for employers applying for temporary foreign workers through the labour market opinion process so that these costs are no longer absorbed by taxpayers.Business Immigration ProgramEconomic Action Plan 2013 announces the Government’s intention to test new approaches to attracting immigrant investors to Canada.In Economic Action Plan 2012, the Government committed to attracting investment for Canadian companies as well as successful entrepreneurs through the Business Immigration Program. The Government is fulfilling this commitment through the recent announcement of a new Start-Up Visa pilot program for immigrant entrepreneurs that will begin on April 1, 2013. In addition, the Government undertook stakeholder and public consultations on improving the Immigrant Investor Program. As a next step, the Government will look at creating an Immigrant Investor pilot program to test a new approach to attracting immigrant investors.Temporary Resident ProgramEconomic Action Plan 2013 proposes $42 million over two years to meet growing demand under the Temporary Resident Program.Each year, Canada typically welcomes over 1 million tourists, temporary foreign workers and foreign students. These individuals play an important role in fostering Canadian economic development through tourism, trade, commerce, and educational and research activities. Canadian businesses, universities and the tourism industry are actively engaged in attracting employees, students and visitors to Canada—efforts that have resulted in a growing number of applications under Canada’s Temporary Resident Program. To meet growing demand, Economic Action Plan 2013 proposes funding of $42 million over two years, beginning in 2013–14, to support enhanced processing capacity within the Temporary Resident Program. Economic Action Plan 2013 proposes to enable the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism to set fees in a timely and efficient manner.Citizenship ProgramEconomic Action Plan 2013 proposes $44 million over two years to support improved capacity and client service in the Citizenship Program.For many newcomers, becoming a Canadian citizen is a significant step, creating a stronger bond to the economic and social fabric of Canada. To help ensure more timely access to the benefits that citizenship confers, Economic Action Plan 2013 proposes funding of $44 million over two years, beginning in 2013–14, for the Citizenship Program to improve the processing of applications. Economic Action Plan 2013 proposes to enable the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism to set fees in a timely and efficient manner.International Education StrategyEconomic Action Plan 2013 proposes $23 million over two years for Canada’s International Education Strategy to strengthen Canada’s position as a country of choice to study and conduct world-class research.The Government recognizes that international education is a key driver of Canada’s economy and future prosperity. A study commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade noted that in 2010, international students in Canada spent in excess of $7.7 billion on tuition, accommodation and discretionary spending. International students and researchers bring needed skills and experience to the Canadian workforce, and can drive innovation and economic growth. A world-class international education sector, with appropriate pathways for students and researchers to transition to permanent residency, is essential to attracting top-level talent.Budget 2011 announced the creation of an Advisory Panel on Canada’s International Education Strategy, and Dr. Amit Chakma, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Western Ontario, was later named as its chair. The Panel conducted extensive consultations and presented its report to the Government on August 14, 2012.In response, Economic Action Plan 2013 announces Canada’s International Education Strategy, which includes several elements to strengthen Canada’s position as a country of choice to study and conduct world-class research. Key elements of the strategy will:Provide $10 million over two years for international marketing activities, including targeted market plans for priority markets, better promotion of a cohesive Canadian education brand, and a sophisticated web marketing strategy. The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade will work with key post-secondary stakeholders and their member institutions to coordinate these activities.Provide $13 million over two years to the Mitacs Globalink Program to attract highly promising students from around the world to Canadian universities and to allow Canadian students to take advantage of training opportunities abroad.As described above, Economic Action Plan 2013 proposes to invest $42 million over two years to support enhanced processing capacity within the Temporary Resident Program to meet growing demand, which will help ensure timely and efficient processing.As well, the Government recently announced measures to maintain the integrity of the international student program by ensuring students are registered in properly designated educational institutions. It also recently announced measures to add flexibility for qualified international students to transition to permanent residency status. These changes will ensure that Canada’s education system retains and builds on its global reputation for excellence. The changes will also allow successful graduates to integrate into and enhance our skilled workforce, and thereby continue their contribution to Canadian innovation and economic development.Further details of the plan will be provided in the coming months, and the Government will continue to review and respond to the Panel’s other recommendations as its fiscal position improves.
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