加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!
坑你真会诡辩,我们吃了大亏还假惺惺诡辩是为我们受害者好:http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2013/03/26/pol-kenney-immigration-backlog.html怎么各类移民总共还有这么多积压:Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says the total wait list at the end of 2012 was down to 616,271 from more than a million the year before.而且坑你拒绝增加配额,给自己一刀切找理由:Meanwhile, Kenney dismissed suggestions that simply accepting more immigrants would reduce the backlog.He says doing so would still leave more than a million people in the queue by 2015."Increasing the immigration targets, increasing the number of people admitted, would not have been a solution to the large and growing backlogs and wait times," Kenney said."In fact, they would have continued to deteriorate without our government bringing in the action plan for faster immigration and controls on new applications."The average time it takes for applications to be processed has also fallen, Kenney said."Behind every one of those numbers lies a human life, someone who has the hope and expectation of coming to Canada," Kenney said.这厮竟然采用我们绝食抗议的标语。这就是他的人道主义,真恶心:"We were doing wrong by them and wrong for Canada by making people wait for eight or nine years, and it would be even more wrong to force them to wait for 15 or 18 years, which is where we were headed in many of our immigration programs."大家看到无耻的政客狡辩诡诈的功夫了吧!让申请人长时间等待是个错误,干脆一刀切就可以甩掉责任,不是更大的错误?限制申请量和增加配额不矛盾,可是他故意狡辩为增加配额的路行不通。这时候坑你站出来辩护,不知道他嗅到了违宪判决的什么结果,看样子双方都会上诉是肯定的了!
回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!坑你怎么还不下台?他已经当了好几年的移民部长!
超赞 赏 C chaoszr 0$(VIP 0) 3502013-03-26#3 回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!We were not able to identify you using the information you provided.这句话也很操蛋,贼喊捉贼。
回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!坑你真会诡辩,我们吃了大亏还假惺惺诡辩为我们受害者好:http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2013/03/26/pol-kenney-immigration-backlog.html怎么各类移民总共还有这么多积压:Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney says the total wait list at the end of 2012 was down to 616,271 from more than a million the year before.而且坑你拒绝增加配额,给自己一刀切找理由:Meanwhile, Kenney dismissed suggestions that simply accepting more immigrants would reduce the backlog. He says doing so would still leave more than a million people in the queue by 2015. "Increasing the immigration targets, increasing the number of people admitted, would not have been a solution to the large and growing backlogs and wait times," Kenney said. "In fact, they would have continued to deteriorate without our government bringing in the action plan for faster immigration and controls on new applications." The average time it takes for applications to be processed has also fallen, Kenney said. "Behind every one of those numbers lies a human life, someone who has the hope and expectation of coming to Canada," Kenney said.这个无耻的家伙竟然采用我们绝食抗议的标语。这就是他的人道主义,真恶心:"We were doing wrong by them and wrong for Canada by making people wait for eight or nine years, and it would be even more wrong to force them to wait for 15 or 18 years, which is where we were headed in many of our immigration programs."大家看到无耻的政客狡辩诡诈的功夫了吧!他知错让申请人长时间等待是个错误,干脆一刀切就可以甩掉责任?其是可以限制申请量同时增加配额,可是他故意狡辩单单增加配额也不行。这时候坑你站出来辩护,不知道他嗅到了违宪判决的什么结果,看样子双方都会上诉是肯定的了!点击展开... 你用这种忿忿不平的口气,小心把那一群护坑你的人惹过来了!
超赞 赏 L legend2001 0$(VIP 0) 782013-03-27#5 回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!我想不出什么人会护着他啊。
回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!冷宫的嫔妃就是开刀的
All because of love! 超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-03-27#7 回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!CIC官网最新的news release有一篇类似的报道: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/releases/2013/2013-03-26.asp 内容也是康尼表扬一刀切政策减少了40%的积压。 这样的报道在这个时刻高调出台,绝不是偶然。这就是CIC在公开表态----绝对不向败诉判决妥协。 去年9月禁制令开庭的前一天,CIC官网也是发布news release宣传一刀切政策非常成功,对加拿大非常有益。
超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-03-27#8 回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!CIC应该是感觉到败诉了,所以要出来吼吼。如果胜诉了,它应该是偷着乐而不会像这样草木皆兵的样子。
超赞 赏 斗 斗转星移 0$(VIP 0) 1672013-03-27#9 回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!历史上所有著名的独裁者在气数未尽或将尽之前,哪个不是不休不止且慷慨激昂地发布欺骗、狂妄、粉饰太平的反面宣传,直至成为阶下囚面对人民公审时,有些甚至直至被有罪并行刑,还丧心病狂地狡辩到底,何其相似也。回头看看二战后公审及处决战犯的片子很痛快,而哪个战犯不是极右的呢?
回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!历史上所有著名的独裁者在气数未尽或将尽之前,哪个不是不休不止且慷慨激昂地发布欺骗、狂妄、粉饰太平的反面宣传,直至成为阶下囚面对人民公审时,有些甚至直至被有罪并行刑,还丧心病狂地狡辩到底,何其相似也。回头看看二战后公审及处决战犯的片子很痛快,而哪个战犯不是极右的呢?点击展开...有力的批判。
91被切, 51幸运通过, 奋战在大温的新的老移民。 超赞 赏 P peter007 0$(VIP 0) 7742013-03-27#11 回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!楼上把帖子删了吧,先忍一忍。康尼是个45岁的老处男,所以也很不容易的,需要经常来点疯狂的举动来排解苦闷。 我们的论坛已受到白人种族主义者的注视,有个英文论坛里有不少人号召黑了这个论坛。而且CIC也在严密监控! Milky Monkey,你看能不能删掉楼上。
回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!楼上把帖子删了吧,先忍一忍。康尼是个45岁的老处男,所以也很不容易的,需要经常来点疯狂的举动来排解苦闷。 我们的论坛已受到白人种族主义者的注视,有个英文论坛里有不少人号召黑了这个论坛。而且CIC也在严密监控! Milky Monkey,你看能不能删掉楼上。点击展开...你是说哪个帖子?我只是原样引用坑你的话,不算过分吧!我也不赞同Red8bull的说法,希望Milky Monkey 删,这样不好,容易让人抓住把柄!
回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!peter007说的是楼上,楼上当然不是你啊。这么清楚的表达也竟然被你想歪了,我真是服了你!! 我给你的帖子送花了,你的帖子没问题!
白人种族主义者的注视,有个英文论坛点击展开... http://www.topix.com/forum/world/canada/TM93VOC1DLT56CSPJ
回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!我感觉肯尼这么说其实是一种自我宽解,告诉你,他的用心是好的,是不想让你们等待太久。
回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!坑你怎么还不下台?他已经当了好几年的移民部长!点击展开... 不但不下台,还有高升的迹象。现任财长Flaherty听说有退意,Jason Kenny变成保守党党魁接班人的热门人选。
回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!http://www.topix.com/forum/world/canada/TM93VOC1DLT56CSPJ点击展开...他们采用DDOS攻击这个网站,甚至有人号召从肉体上消灭发帖人。希望Peter联系小熊,及时报警:racistsowhatBurnaby, CanadaReply »|Report Abuse|Judge it!|#17Tuesday Mar 19 Shut the f*k up, you idiot.Those f*king Chinese would just get another website if you hack this one.The best way is to track those active on that website and exterminate them. I mean, physically, exterminate those traitors and spies, so that they can no longer harm Canada.Am I right? Sure I know this is the best way. Go Canada go
回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!关键时刻要到了,CIC有点坐不住了,临死前还要拼命挣扎。我们能做些什么?难道还是等,或是再去一次香港?
只要凡事籍着祷告、祈求和感谢,将所要的告诉神,神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里,保守你们的心怀意念! 超赞 赏 C chaoszr 0$(VIP 0) 3502013-03-27#19 回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!不拿我们动刀拿谁动刀,投移的送钱,团聚的加拿大有选票,都得罪不起。雇地球那头的律师跟国家机器打官司,一帮赖皮当被告,中介撒手不管,同胞们抄着手隔岸观火,91的同学真心是孤军奋战啊,想想心里拔凉拔凉的。
回复: 还是有那么多积压,坑你偏偏拿我们下刀!感觉中华民族真的不是个智慧的民族:自私、愚昧、野蛮、无诚信!
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