加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Emam contingent, IMM-7502-11 又开始增加新的上诉人了。
回复: Emam contingent, IMM-7502-11 又开始增加新的上诉人了。TIM这么长时间才加这两人,看看Bellissimo加了多少: 2013-03-20 Letter from Bellissimo Law Group dated 19-MAR-2013 requesting that the listed applicants (16 applications) be joined to Lead Case and placed before J. Barnes under case management received on 20-MAR-2013 3月20号一次加了16人 2013-04-05 Letter from Bellissimo Law Group dated 05-APR-2013 requesting that the listed Applicants (2) be joinged to Lead Case and placed before J. Barnes under case management received on 05-APR-2013 4月5号再加一批人 http://cas-ncr-nter03.cas-satj.gc.ca/IndexingQueries/infp_RE_info_e.php?court_no=IMM-5635-12 那些眼红律师赚钱的SB们又要气炸肺了。 28万人里中国人只占1.3万,移民律师要财源广进还得靠多收中国以外地区的。那些汉奸败类穷光蛋只有干瞪眼的份,也只有在中国人这个小团体里搞窝里斗的本事。
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