加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Chief Justice宣布:87.4“一刀切”违宪的判决最迟本月底公布


消息来自Bellissimo律师的网站: http://www.bellissimolawgroup.com/arguments-in-class-proceedings-begins-january-14th-930-a-m-est March 7, 2013 Today at the Ontario Bar Association seminar where I was honored to be a speaker – Chief Justice announced that a decision on the FSW backlog litigation will be rendered by the end of this month.Mario D. Bellissimo

​ 超赞 赏 反馈:luo-ai-wen L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-03-08#2 回复: Chief Justice宣布:这个月底之前会发布一刀切合法性的判决转帖两条FB上的评论: THE CASE is not only important but it is interesting as well...even for the Canadian Jurists. This shows a special interest. 这个案子不仅重要而且有趣。。。即使对加拿大法学家也如此 If we lose it means that the immigration minister is above the Canadian Law, and the supreme court of Canada may take his advice in other matters too. One day he may become the King of Canada. 如果我们败诉那就意味着加拿大移民部长的权利高于加拿大法律,最高法院也要听他的指挥。也许有一天他还能成为加拿大国王。

​消息来自Bellissimo律师的网站: http://www.bellissimolawgroup.com/arguments-in-class-proceedings-begins-january-14th-930-a-m-est March 7, 2013 Today at the Ontario Bar Association seminar where I was honored to be a speaker – Chief Justice announced that a decision on the FSW backlog litigation will be rendered by the end of this month. Mario D. Bellissimo点击展开...

回复: Chief Justice宣布:这个月底之前会发布一刀切合法性的判决看来还要再等几周了。点击展开... by the end of this month 不等于 at the end of this month 无限变有限,这还是不错的 这个案子花了这么长时间,说明加拿大联邦法庭对它的态度是非常一丝不苟的。我原来认为这次胜诉不会给起诉人带来实质性的审理,因为CIC会继续上诉。现在我的看法开始动摇了,那些律师要求CIC用25.2来赦免起诉人,不是没可能实现。 CIC退费也在悄悄进行中。退费的速度还是快点吧。。。

​ 超赞 赏 T tguozq 0$(VIP 0) 1,0932013-03-08#5 回复: Chief Justice宣布:这个月底之前会发布一刀切合法性的判决最有可能月中出判决,月底是犹太人重大节日,犹太人的任法官不干。

回复: Chief Justice宣布:这个月底之前会发布一刀切合法性的判决消息来自Bellissimo律师的网站: http://www.bellissimolawgroup.com/arguments-in-class-proceedings-begins-january-14th-930-a-m-est March 7, 2013 Today at the Ontario Bar Association seminar where I was honored to be a speaker – Chief Justice announced that a decision on the FSW backlog litigation will be rendered by the end of this month. Mario D. Bellissimo点击展开...我们败诉了啊,神奇的国家,花钱买个教训了。

fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected]我们败诉了啊,神奇的国家,花钱买个教训了。点击展开... 付大哥理解错误了。我的标题是说月底之前出判决 我在二楼转帖的是FB上的评论,意思是假如败诉了,就如何如何

​转帖两条FB上的评论: THE CASE is not only important but it is interesting as well...even for the Canadian Jurists. This shows a special interest. 这个案子不仅重要而且有趣。。。即使对加拿大法学家也如此 If we lose it means that the immigration minister is above the Canadian Law, and the supreme court of Canada may take his advice in other matters too. One day he may become the King of Canada. 如果我们败诉那就意味着加拿大移民部长的权利高于加拿大法律,最高法院也要听他的指挥。也许有一天他还能成为加拿大国王。点击展开...

回复: Chief Justice宣布:这个月底之前会发布一刀切合法性的判决咋一看标题,确实吓了一跳

回复: Chief Justice宣布:这个月底之前会发布一刀切合法性的判决May he become Queen if she really wants to rule ...点击展开...人的一生在于经历多少事情,沿途的风景很重要,最终的结果都是见上帝;如果我们败诉了,意味着我们比其他同学多多见识了风景,其实在加拿大重新开始,生活也是艰难的,加上无处不在的歧视(白人根深蒂固)从06年开始kenny就开始搞种族歧视-甄选移民,能看出加拿大完全不是其宣传的那样。

fn:07-3-7 HK QQ:28694783VO:LSL FN:[email protected];[email protected]咋一看标题,确实吓了一跳点击展开... 标题改了

​最有可能月中出判决,月底是犹太人重大节日,犹太人的任法官不干。点击展开... 任法官的判决书现在已经初步完稿了,在最后斟酌润色中。。。也许还要给chief justice 过目。。。

​ 超赞 赏 L Les Paradis 0$(VIP 0) 3,7882013-03-10#13 回复: Chief Justice宣布:87.4“一刀切”违宪的判决最迟本月底公布FB群组上最近有不少人收到退款支票(有自愿要退款的也有不自愿的),所以退款这个话题比较火热,下面是我发的相关帖子: CIC's refunding has been endorsed by Justice Barnes, as he refused to give us an injunction, and he promised our lawyers that refunding won't affect litigations, we can always repay the money to CIC if we win the case and get processed. The backloggers who don't want to go to Canada are willing to receive the refund. Many Chinese applicants have already asked for CIC's refund, I guess this is the same everywhere in the world. 有人问我:Felix jiang How you Endorse current status will charter law implement on us or this law challenge in federal court of apeal 我回帖: I think it doesn't matter CIC has begun to return the money, because Justice Barnes had promised all lawyers that we can repay the fee as I've explained above. The only thing that matters is the judgement which will come before the end of March. And I have to remind you, we are all independent individuals, we should never expect others to think the same way, there are many people who don't want to go to Canada any more, they have the freedom to take the refund as they wish, for those who are alreay litigants, if you received the refund, there's no need to panic, wait until we win the case and CIC is ordered to process our files, and pay the fee again.the Charter will apply to us as non-citizens definitely, our lawyers have given more than persuasive arguments, and CIC's arguments are simply stupid by any standards. The wait should be over soon.

​任法官的判决书现在已经初步完稿了,在最后斟酌润色中。。。也许还要给chief justice 过目。。。点击展开... 这个都知道,不错,。

回复: Chief Justice宣布:这个月底之前会发布一刀切合法性的判决最有可能月中出判决,月底是犹太人重大节日,犹太人的任法官不干。点击展开...哪几个法官是犹太人?

回复: Chief Justice宣布:87.4“一刀切”违宪的判决最迟本月底公布Chief Justice当着那么多律师的面说这个月底前会有判决发布,Bellissimo律师在他的网站也说的那么清楚chief justice这么说了。我想无论如何本周随时会发布判决,难道一个chief justice也能随便开玩笑?

​ 超赞 赏 红 红黄蓝 0$(VIP 0) 252013-03-25#17 回复: Chief Justice宣布:87.4“一刀切”违宪的判决最迟本月底公布相信大家的心情都是一样的,这周还剩下四个工作日...

回复: Chief Justice宣布:87.4“一刀切”违宪的判决最迟本月底公布5个,加上今天。

超赞 赏 C chaoszr 0$(VIP 0) 3502013-03-25#19 回复: Chief Justice宣布:87.4“一刀切”违宪的判决最迟本月底公布大家要做最坏的打算,除了我们91的同学自己,没有其他人对此感同身受。也许官司本身的意义就在于给后来的人一个思考与再审视的过程,参与诉讼的同学们的努力也在于前人栽树,使施暴政者能感受到阻力,勿再滥施于今后的申请人。倒计时开始,希望法官先生给大家一个痛快。

回复: Chief Justice宣布:87.4“一刀切”违宪的判决最迟本月底公布大家要做最坏的打算,除了我们91的同学自己,没有其他人对此感同身受。也许官司本身的意义就在于给后来的人一个思考与再审视的过程,参与诉讼的同学们的努力也在于前人栽树,使施暴政者能感受到阻力,勿再滥施于今后的申请人。倒计时开始,希望法官先生给大家一个痛快。点击展开...怎样一个痛快呢,是准备痛快地宣布一个遗臭万年的判决么?

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