加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民省提名技术移民 - 新人准备PNP,请各位前辈指点迷津
最近在准备BC省的PNP,研究了CIC和BC PNP的网站,发现关于这个LMO,都没有明确的说明怎么操作,上service Canada上发现有几个LMO的申请表格(雇主填的),但是都不是针对PNP项目的,最接近的是一个EMP5517,但描述是用于hire temporary worker的:Labour Market Opinion Application Form - High Skilled Occupations (NOC 0, A and B)This form will be used by employers to apply for a Labour Market Opinion (LMO) to hire temporary foreign workers for high skilled occupations. The application and all other required documents must be submitted to Service Canada.请问大家,这个可以用来让雇主填以便申请BC的PNP吗?如果是,那么雇主填了这个表格寄给service CANADA之后配合他们做各种follow up吗?看了好几天,一直没头绪,先谢谢大家了!
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